Friday, January 24, 2025

This, That, And Magnolia June

Day three after Snowpocalypse and there is still snow on the ground. A lot less of it for sure, but there are areas of the yard that are covered, albeit, more thinly and with less crunch when you walk across them. 
It has gotten a little warmer today but will slide back down into the twenties tonight. 
We've noticed that it has felt warmer here than it usually does when it gets cold. I assume it's because there is less humidity and very little wind. "It's a dry cold," people say. Or, alternately, "It's a dry heat." Neither is as intense as wet cold and wet heat and I think that's true. 

It's Magnolia Day and Night here at Mer and Bop's house. She called me last night and asked if we could meet her family at the Hilltop for lunch and then if she could come home with us and spend the night. 
Well, of course. 
And so that's what happened. Lily and her three came, also Rachel. May's working, Lauren is working, Hank had a doctor's appointment, the Jessie family is camping. Yes. In this cold. And so there we were, only seven of us today. The Hilltop was not very busy. I don't know if you remember but the tables at the Hilltop are outside under a covering and the sun was not shining and it did feel very cold by the time we were done eating our tasty foods. We did not linger, is what I am saying. 
Of course hugging went on for at least ten minutes because that's how we do it and then Maggie got in the car with us, her little overnight bag in the back. 
So far we've played two games of Go Fish, she has played with my dolls and the stuffed animals, and now she is playing with one of her favorite things. 

Tiny little furniture and a sewing machine, along with a little bitty bear. She makes up scenarios and happily acts them out. You know I love this with all of my heart. 
And of course- those darling little things came from Linda Sue, world's best sparker of imaginations and sweet, sweet woman. 
We've also made pizza crust dough. It's pizza that she wants tonight. 
"What kind?" I asked her.
"Cheese," she said, as if there could be no other pizza fit to eat in the world. 
It is Friday and I have washed the sheets. Unfortunately Glen will not be in the bed to enjoy them as Magnolia always wants to sleep with me. "I'm just not used to that guest room," she said. 
"That's because you never sleep in it," I told her. 
Oh well, as I so often say, the bed in the guest room is the best bed on the planet and Mr. Moon never complains about having to sleep in it. 

So do you remember when I had a fit because the post office had religious literature covering up the one and only flat surface in it? You can read the story here. 
I got in touch with USPS via email and rather unbelievably, they quickly took care of the problem and notified me of that. And for several months, there have been no Bibles or Sunday School literature in evidence. A few weeks ago though, Glen came home from getting mail and said, "The Bibles are back."
"Did you get rid of them?" I asked. 
"No," he said. "That's your job."
And when I went in two weeks ago, there was, yes, a Bible, and some other Christian propaganda and I just didn't have it in me to start another ruckus. The rule concerning this is posted on the wall of the post office, not two feet from where the literature was, under glass. The rule that the post mistress I brought it up with the last time said about, "I never heard that." 
What to do? Get back in touch with the USPS? I suppose that would be the way to go. However today we stopped in to get mail before we went to the Hilltop and there was the Bible and a few cards from a "pregnancy center" which is, as you probably know, a place that convinces vulnerable women and girls who are pregnant but don't wish to be, that abortion is a sin and that the "baby" inside of them is precious in god's eyes and has every right to live. 
So, I scooped up the Bible and the cards, brought them home, and put them in the trash. 
This may be petty but tough shit. It is also a form of resistance and if I see more Christian literature I will definitely be speaking up and if it's not taken care of, I will be calling on the powers that be again. 

I will leave you with an article that was in the New Yorker Daily about Garth Hudson and the Band. Garth was the organ player, sometimes horn player, sometimes whatever they needed player and he was magnificent. He recently died at the age of 87, the last of the Band to go. The news saddened me. The world will never see the likes of either him or his bandmates ever again, in my opinion. The article can be found HERE. 

I know that my life and many, many others would have been far less rich and textured than it has been because of the music these men made. I am so grateful I was alive when they were. 
Go with grace, Garth. We'll miss you.

That's it for tonight. 

Happy Friday, y'all. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Kudos and Bravo to you for dealing with that 'stuff' at the post office. I'll leave it at that.
    I know Magnolia June had a wonderful time. Those miniature toys looked so fun and made me want some, too. I inherited my mom's doll collection. I wish there was a way I could share those pics with you. It's an amazing collection. My dad was into trains, and I'd loved to have kept those, too, but just not enough room for that here.
    It's 12 degrees here right now and saw some idiot out with shorts on and several people jogging with light jackets. Huh? The world's gone made...just look towards Washington for the proof on that one! Hope your temps warm up soon.
    Paranormal John

    1. It has been warmer today and it's felt so nice. I've noticed people in shorts here, too, but it is a lot warmer than 12 degrees. I swear- if the temperature here dips below sixty, you'll see some people in boots and sweaters and jackets and some dressed as if they were going to the beach.
      What is it about miniatures that is just so magical?

  2. How lucky you are to have a Magnolia in your life! I hope your area warms up again soon - snow in Florida just doesn’t seem right! Xo, Rigmor

    1. Day four and there is still some snow about on the ground and on roof tops. Crazy.

  3. Why is postal management allowing Christian literature inside their doors? Defying Federal rules is a big no, no. You are 100% right to object. I would do the same.
    Magnolia June is lucky to have loving, supportive grandparents like you all. She loves the miniature furniture. Arranging the miniatures to tell a story looks like lots of good imaginative fun. You'll have to add to the miniature collection for Magnolia June.
    The FL snow is reducing and that is some improvement.

    1. I keep thinking that before long we'll probably either get rid of the post office or else as someone else said here- it will be required to have a Bible in every one of them. Trump is doing his best to fuck Americans from each and every direction.
      Maggie has a terrific imagination even though she spends quite some time on screens. Doesn't seem like it's stifled her in any way and I'm glad for that.
      Yes, the snow is slowly but surely all melting.

  4. Good move on that religious literature and that "pregnancy center" crap. Those things are geared toward taking advantage of vulnerable young women, and that's just flat wrong!

    1. It is wrong. Now if they wanted to help the mothers financially and emotionally for the first eighteen years of the child's life, that would be a different matter but oh, no! That is not their job. Just saving that precious embryo is what it's all about.

  5. Good for you. Keep the trash bags coming. Enjoy Miss Maggie.

    1. I hate to throw a book away. Any book. But dammit- the post office is not the place for them and besides, this was one of those "modern" bibles so it probably had little to do with the original Greek anyway. Or whatever the bible was written in.

  6. I loved, loved the Band (and Dylan)! Still do. Oh yeah, get that lit away from the PO, before the maniac in DC issues an order to put bibles in every federal building.
    Maggie is a sweetheart.

    1. The Band was, in my opinion, possibly the greatest band to come out of N. America. Incredible musicians. And Dylan- well of course.
      You're probably right about the Bibles in Federal Buildings.

  7. I loved The Band, although I didn't know their name when I was young, but I loved their songs. They were Canadian so they got a lot of air time on local radio.
    I would have loved playing with that miniature doll stuff. Lucky Maggie.
    I heard today that trump and his minions had hundreds of people deported. I wonder when Kristallnacht will happen, and where.

    1. They were Canadian. Except for Levon Helm who was born in Arkansas, down near the Mississippi delta. I believe that his roots in music definitely influenced his Canadian bandmates in a very good way and they, him.
      I, too, have been thinking about Kristallnacht.

  8. We have actual billboards advertising that PP stuff on main thoroughfares in our community. The weekly newspaper frequently has photos of that group handing out their stuff. I can appreciate that they do a lot to help needy parents, but lets draw a line!
    Ronnie Hawkins and the boys were fixtures in the community where I grew up. I'm sad that they are all gone, but their legacy lives on.

    1. Oh god. There are hundreds, if not thousands of billboards in Florida saying things like, "Every abortion stops a beating heart." With horrible graphics.
      The Band's legacy does live on. Forever, I hope.

  9. Thank you for attending to the PO situation. Again.
    And I love the tiny dressmaker figure! Perfect for fitting on.

    1. I'll be emailing them again if I see anymore of that illegal literature in there.

  10. Oh man, i should be sending more tinies to Maggie. She would absolutely love Stella's house!! Stella has a mouse house ! So tiny, so cute! Sweet that Maggie is not yet so grown up that the tiny things go wanting. Love that child!!
    The bible dilemma is annoying, well done - for you to take them and bin them !

    1. I know, Linda Sue! I thought about that last night, how although she is, on the one hand, a nine-year old girl who loves to dress up and wear make-up, she can also just slip right back into playing with her favorite toys.
      As to the Bible- I guess it's rather telling that the damn thing had been in the PO for at least two weeks and no one had taken it.

  11. I read a small piece about Garth Hudson in our newspaper, but had no idea who he was.
    I love how Maggie is able to invent stories to play with the tiny furniture. At her age all I did was read books all winter or run around on the beach all summer.

    1. I think of Garth Hudson as a magical figure who lived and breathed and created and played music. He looked rather other-worldly, didn't he?
      I read a lot of books when I was Maggie's age too. And played in the woods.

  12. I'm glad that you took action in the post office, and I definitely would be reporting it again. I would keep reporting it as long as it happens. Bishop Budde who asked tRUMP to treat people with mercy? tRUMP is demanding an apology. She will not do so. She's getting MAGA death threats. The same people who insist that America is a Christian nation, and has gone directly to shit since we took prayer out of the classroom, etc, etc. ad nauseum are the same people that are so angry at a bishop for requesting mercy. It has never been clearer that is not at all about is about forcing people to think as they think. Nothing less than that. I really am trying to be positive, but today was a struggle for me.

    1. Yes. Religion to these people is nothing but another prop to use in their desired take-over of the hearts and minds of this nation. They care nothing at all about what Christ said. AT ALL.
      They would crucify him all over again if he did show up and started preaching the same way he preached (supposedly) in the first place.

  13. I am so glad that you're doing what you can -- as we all will, hopefully. I have a feeling that we're going to be saying, "No that's not true. Here's what's true...." over and over for years. DT was in Los Angeles today checking out the fires. How he argued and blamed the city's leaders was disgusting.

    1. You are exactly right. Those ARE the words we're going to be saying but I'm not sure why we'll bother. The people who believe these things aren't going to be convinced by ANYTHING or anyone. Still, speak the truth and fear no man.
      Trump doesn't care if the entire country burns up or gets swallowed in floods as long as Mar-A-Lago survives. And god, is he ignorant.

  14. I wonder who's leaving all that Christian stuff? As I recall you thought it might be the postmistress but she's moved on, hasn't she? Probably someone from the community. Good for you for keeping the Post Office tidy. :)

    I did read about Garth Hudson. Hard to believe that whole group is gone now.

    I love that Linda Sue has given a boost to a child's playtime on the other side of the country!

    1. I don't think it WAS Keisha. I'm pretty sure she followed the rules as she is young and a bright and shiny new postal employee. It may well have been a customer leaving that crap but the employees knew it was there and didn't do anything about it.
      The Band will never really die, will they?
      What you said about Linda Sue? Yes. And I love that too.

  15. Nothing petty about what you did at the post office. I would have done the same thing. I’d give up my bed for Magnolia June, too. I love her comment about not being used to the guest room. What a diva!

    1. Oh Lord, Mitchell- you nailed it. Magnolia is a real true, don't-ever-doubt-it diva. And she knows EVERYTHING! Just ask her.

  16. I am surprised that you were able to get to The Hilltop with those huge snowdrifts blocking your way. Did Glen have to put snow chains on your vehicle? How sad that the last member of The Band has gone. As you know, they played an important role in Bob Dylan's musical career.

    1. Haha! You're right about the snow drifts! But we braved the drive without snow chains on the tires.
      Yes, the Band was a big part of Dylan's musical life, and I'm sure he was of theirs, too.

  17. You should scoop up that shit at the post office and shitcan it too. Who will stop you?

    Mer Camp with Maggie.

    1. Oh, the rest of that crap is long gone. That disappeared after the USPS told me they'd taken care of the problem.
      Yep. Mer Camp with Maggie for sure.

  18. I'm glad you removed those things from the P.O. Yay, Mary!
    Thanks for mentioning Garth Hudson as it led me to looking up the music from The Band to remind me of their songs. I was happy to see so many of my old favorites and I can still sing some of those lyrics so it brightened my day. Glad you had a fun time with Magnolia!

    1. Their music is so timeless, isn't it? It could have come from so many different eras. I'm glad I got to remind you of it.

  19. Well done with the bible and stuff.
    Isn't it great to see snow disappear? I think it's the best feature.

  20. As Sabine said, well done with your quiet act of resistance. We do not need any more proselytizing in this climate, or any climate, frankly. If you want to convince a person to take a righteous path, then all you can really do is live with goodness and kindness AND critical thinking, and let your example be the teacher.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.