I got a call around 10:00 from this girl's mama. She was letting me know that Maggie had complained of sharp abdominal pains and that her dad had taken her to an Urgent Care clinic but they recommended taking her to an ER because they didn't have the necessary diagnostic equipment so Jason was taking her to the free-standing ER associated with one of the hospitals. The same one that took such good care of me when I had my abdominal troubles- both the kidney stone and the appendicitis. And when I say they took such good care of me, I mean that they gave me the good drugs and oh yeah, they did diagnose both of my problems.
But, Magnolia needed no good drugs. By the time she'd gotten to the ER, she was feeling pretty good as you can see in the picture above and they did some x-rays of her tummy area and found nothing except perhaps some constipation. They didn't want to do a CT scan due to probably unnecessary radiation exposure.
Anyway, when Lily called, she was still at work. She did not sound overly concerned. She was about to take off work though, to go and be with her girl. I told her I'd be on standby and then I texted Jason and asked if he thought I should come in and he asked Maggie who said that yes, she would like me to be there so of course old Mer drove to town to help amuse the child while they figured out what the best thing to do would be and then they discharged her. So it was a fine hour or so of hanging out with Lily and Jason and Magnolia June and after we got out of the place, we were all hungry and guess where Maggie wanted to go? Oh, you know- Chow Time. So we did.
And that was basically what I did today. By the time we'd finished lunch and I'd gone by Publix, it was after three thirty which seemed impossible and yet, that's what time it was.
Glen went fishing today on the Wacissa River which is his joy and delight. He just got home but has already left again to go pick up a deer head mount that had arrived at Moon Plaza.
If you don't know what a deer head mount is, don't worry about it. If you do- well, then you do. I know very little about it and am not even sure where the deer came from. You know me- I just stay out of that whole situation as much as I can except for cooking the meat he brings home.
And here it is Friday night and I have the martini glasses in the freezer with no husband to make me one and so I guess I'll just have to make my own. Must I do everything myself?
I forgot to mention yesterday when I showed the picture of the repaired table that Glen didn't just repair the bad leg on it, but actually made a new one using some of the dried cherry wood from a tree that had been cut down in our yard. He is very proud of this although he is not boasting about it because he's not that kind of guy. I'll boast for him though.
The camellias are opening again but you can see the freeze damage on them. Here's one that had TWO bees making love to it.
I'll figure out something. I always do.
God, that sounds lame. Not to mention trite. But I do mean it.
I meant to say yesterday - what a fine job Glen appeared to have done on the old table but now to discover that he used some of your old cherry tree to fashion a new leg - well that is very laudable. Forget Batman and all the other so-called American superheroes, Glen should wear a cape and a T-shirt with "SuperMoon" emblazoned across the chest.
ReplyDeleteI'll suggest that.
DeleteI went back and looked at the repaired table. I cannot tell the cherry leg from the oak leg. That's some fine work!
ReplyDeleteJoanne- do you think that Sears and Roebuck sold those tables at one time? There are so many that look virtually the same. Or maybe it was just a very popular style.
DeleteWhat Joanne said! We made beef stew this evening, lot of work, but worth it. BTW, your comment is not lame, far from it, we have to take care of the tribe.
ReplyDeleteWe do. We do have to take care of our tribe.
DeleteI love beef stew.
Poor Maggie, constipation can cause sharp pain when the mass begins to move. At least it wasn't something more serious, like her appendix.
ReplyDeleteThe camellias look beautiful, the striped one with the bees particularly so. I know what a deer head mount is and have to say I really dislike mounted heads of any animal hanging on walls.
The x-ray didn't show anything blocked up especially so it couldn't have been terrible.
DeleteThose striped camellias are called Candy Cane. You can see why.
I''m not fond of dead animals on walls either but my love for this guy is such that if this is what he truly wants, he can do it. It's his house too and it's only in one room.
That table repair is excellent. Yes, he should be proud.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Maggie is evidently okay
I AM proud. And happy to get my table back. It's been really wobbly for awhile.
DeleteI think Magnolia shall live.
Having recently had a paediatrician appointment for teenage girl low blood pressure, I feel for your grand-daughter (and her parents and you) - you figure it might be fine but it doesn't hurt to check in case you are the worst parent in the world.
ReplyDeleteThat's it exactly! How many times have I had that same thought? Thinking that really, my child was fine but what if they weren't and I hadn't taken them to the doctor and something horrible happened? My kids do the same thing with their children.
DeleteIs your teen-aged girl okay?
Teenage girl low blood pressure - nothing that getting off her device, out of her room and doing something won't cure.
DeleteIt doesn't sound trite, in these days, Mary. Not at all. They are wise words. We need to be reminded regularly, lest we fall into the trap of negativity and hopelessness.
ReplyDeleteI know. It's true.
DeleteNot trite. Glad Maggie is okay.
ReplyDeleteIt's so easy to say some things and then wonder- what did I really mean there?
DeleteI'm glad Maggie is okay too.
Glad Maggie is ok. Did she get to miss school and hang out with her people? That was a treat. And that table repair is a handsome thing. I can’t tell the new leg at all. It’s seamless. You’re a lucky woman Mary Moon. And he’s a lucky man too. I think there is nothing more meaningful we can do in these times than take care of each other. It’s not trite at all.
ReplyDeleteYes. Maggie got to be Queen Diva with her mommy, daddy, and MerMer all afternoon. This may have been the ultimate goal of our darling girl.
DeleteIsn't that a great repair? Sometimes I really do feel like Glen can do ANYTHING! Fix a table, build a table, fix a car, sell a car, write a contract...
Good that Miss Maggie had nothing seriously wrong with her.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about the cooking thing....I love cooking from scratch, but sometimes deciding what we will have for the next few days, and food shopping accordingly seems a bit of a trial!
It can become overwhelming at times. And why don't they come up with some new vegetables? I really should start reading some cookbooks or something
DeleteI’m not surprised Mr. Moon made a new cherry wood leg for the table. What a guy! Glad Magnolia’s OK. Nothing trite about your statement.
ReplyDeleteAs Lily said about Maggie- "I don't want her faking illness to get out of going to school but I'd rather than than for her to have appendicitis."
I wonder if I ever lost a leg somewhere if Glen could make ME a new one?
A lovely cherry one, I expect.
DeleteWell, I'm glad Maggie is OK. If she's hungry and wants to go to Chow Time, that's a good sign! Is a "deer head mount" a frame for mounting a deer head, or a head already mounted? (Sorry, I had to ask!)
ReplyDeleteHead already mounted.
DeleteMaggie's new most favorite restaurant is Olive Garden but that was too far across town. The girl has such epicurean tastes.
the mundane chores of life and work are what I cling too when the politics overwhelm...... as far as trails, if you have a exercise tracker on your phone (like Fitbit) there's a way to make a map of your trip as you go that hooks you into satellite maps so if you get lost you can see your path / retrace your exact steps as well as see the entire map of an area. I use it all the time when we hike new places. xxalainaxx
ReplyDeleteYep. I swear- cleaning toilets and sweeping floors and making soup are about as good as anything for keeping me grounded.
DeleteI do have an exercise tracker- Map My Walk- and I've never used the map function but by the name one would assume it has that. I'll check it out.
I'm glad Maggie is ok and happy to go to Chow Time. All is well.
ReplyDeleteGlen is a very fine furniture maker. The table looks perfect.
Deer head mount? This sounds like decor for a hunting/fishing lodge.
Yes. All is well.
DeleteDeer head mounts are indeed decor for a hunting or fishing lodge. Also, a Glen Den.
It does not seem lame or trite, if everyone took care or eachother there would be not problems. So take care.......
ReplyDeleteCheers Peter
And isn't that the truth? Thank you, Peter.
DeleteGlad that Maggie is okay. I am now more impressed with the table repair! Hope you are having a good weekend, Mary.
ReplyDeleteI am having a pretty darn good weekend so far. Thanks, Ellen.
DeleteI'm glad there was nothing seriously wrong with Maggie. I had some serious sharp abdominal pains once in my early 20s that I went to the ER for. Turned out to be constipation but man, did it hurt so I get it. And I am not a bit surprised that Glen made a new table leg. Of course he did. And yeah I know what a deer head mount is but what I don't understand is why hunters want to see that dead deer staring at them.
ReplyDeleteThe x-ray of Maggie's abdomen didn't show a massive blockage but possibly enough time had elapsed since her last poop that she was having some pain due to that.
DeleteI don't understand why anyone would want a dead deer staring at them either but as I always say about things like this, I understand that it's important to him.
Love u x
ReplyDeleteAw, John. That is sweet. Thank you.
DeleteI saw a funny meme once that said, "Looking for dom(minatrix) to tell us what to make every night for supper". Truth.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Maggie is ok and yes, a CT scan has a LOT of radiation in it. Constipation and gas can be so painful. Glad everything is moving again:)
I'd love a dom to force me to make what they wanted me to make for supper.
ReplyDeleteDang. I had TWO CT scans and they didn't warn me once about the amount of radiation I was receiving. I was so high on morphine that they could have told me they were shooting me up with rat poison and I would have thanked them.