Sunday, January 19, 2025

No Title

Last night when I was making my Kung Pao Tofu, I went to grab a piece of ginger root I knew I had and to my great disappointment, found that it had dried out and was shriveled and also had a little green fuzz on it so I put that in the compost and thought, "Well hell. Now what?"
And then I remembered the pot I have on the back porch steps where I've had ginger growing for at least a year. I started it with a piece of grocery store ginger root which came up and I watered it now and then. I even had a few blooms come up this summer. It's all dead looking now but I thought that maybe I could dig around in the dirt and see if I had anything and by golly- look at that! I was so pleased. There's more too. This year I'm going to make a little bed in the kitchen garden and plant more. I can use some of the bricks I've found in the area I've been weeding by the front fence and gate to delineate  it. 

Speaking of that space, you know I've been wondering what to put in there. When we moved here, there were what looked like some very, very cool, lush plants that grew abundantly. 
The abundant part was correct. 
After a few years I realized that these plants were horrible and would take over the world and when you pull them they emit a dust-like substance that gags you and makes you cough. I think we have almost eliminated them but as you know, many other invasive plants have rushed to fill in space left by them. Lately I have been thinking that perhaps I should plant Saw Palmettos there. They are native and hardy.

This seems almost perfect for my needs but there is one drawback- the stalks of the fronds are the very reason they are called "saw" palmettos. They are sharp-toothed and can rip tender flesh. However, they are very good wildlife plants, offering birds their berries and if I don't plan on getting in there and trimming them, the stalks can be as saw-toothed as they want to be. 
I have been around these palms my entire life. They are so familiar to me that I barely see them. They grow in forests and woods and are salt-tolerant so grow well at the coast. When I was a kid, we'd cut the stalks and run our trusty pocketknives down the sides, shaving off the teeth, whittling a point at the end and use them to toast marshmallows on. 
We were tough. 
I once saw a whole bunch of blue jays, flocking around some saw palmettos, flying crazily and sometimes falling from the fronds. The palmetto berries had fermented on the plant and those birds were having a fine old time, getting drunk on palmetto berry wine. 

Well, it's something to think about. The saw-toothed edges are not nearly as large or dangerous as those on the Canary Island Date palms that I used to have. I cursed those things a billion times until the power of my hatred caused them to die and Glen dug them up and we burned them.

Well, besides thinking about palmettos, here's my big accomplishment for the day. 

I finally finished that jigsaw puzzle. The accident I had, spilling vegetable broth on it when I was doing my pre-colonoscopy fasting, turned out not to be as destructive as I thought it might be. Turns out that the pieces have two layers, a plain cardboard backing layer and the top layer that has the picture piece on it. That layer is thick enough to use to set into the puzzle and in the end, I was only missing two pieces. A thousand piece puzzle may be more of a challenge than I really need. Or not. I enjoyed it a lot, even though it took me at least six months to do. 

Mr. Moon will be home tomorrow if all goes as planned. I'll be glad to get him home, not only because I miss him but also because of this weird polar weather we're supposed to be getting. Snow? Possibly. Sleet? Could be. Frozen rain? Most likely. Ice storm?
Hold on a minute.
Ice storm? What even is that? Area schools are definitely closing on Wednesday. As I said last night, this is just about going to shut us down around here. Jessie has to work on Wednesday and she joked that if the roads are icy, she could probably find some crampons somewhere in their house and hike to work. It's not that far. We'll have to remember to run the water, especially the garden sprinklers and garage spigots so the pipes don't freeze. I have no idea if my beautiful greens can survive five or six nights of freezing in a row. I surely would hate to lose them. 

So tonight will be my last night alone in the house, alone in the bed. I haven't been entirely alone in the bed. Maurice has been regularly sleeping curled up next to my legs. When I got up last night to pee, she followed me into the bathroom and then followed me back out again. We both got in bed and went back to sleep. 
I have to say, I found that very touching. 

I sat down at the piano today and once again, I enjoyed it so much that I chastised myself for only doing this when Glen's away. Am I that worried about how embarrassed I'd be for even my husband to hear how badly I play?
Probably. Okay, yeah. Most definitely. 
Well, sigh. 

I think I'm stalling here, not wanting to discuss the fact that this is the last day of Joe Biden's presidency. 
Joe- you done good. Thank you with all of my heart for governing in such a way that I did not feel that every morning I needed to reach for my phone to see what new terrible thing had happened overnight. I've felt like we're in good hands. And we have been. 
Tomorrow that changes. 
I have no idea, no predictions about what is about to happen except that I am quite sure that none of us can imagine the depths to which this country is going to sink. Every day will be like a game of limbo- how low can we go? I remember a friend of mine who, in the clutches of horrible addiction said to me, "Mary, everyone says you have to reach bottom before you can ask for help. What no one tells you is that there is no bottom."

The leaders we are about to get are no less addicted to power and money than my friend was addicted to crack. There is no bottom for them. They will do whatever it takes to get that hit of more money, more power, more adulation.

I believe that anger and tears will be in order tomorrow. And then we figure out how to go from there. 

Meanwhile, let's all hold each others' hands. Tightly. We hold each other up. We hold each other close. 
We hold each other. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Tomorrow is Maritn Luther King day and flags , in some places, are still half mast for Jimmy Carter- Joe is going back to Delaware to play with his pooches, - In
    DC hell is freezing over . You will get up in the morning with the orange cat and Mr. Moon and a good cuppa. The grand kids will grow another inch, ginger will grow in your garden, Dorothy Ann will continue to bring peace and love to your heart. We are not going to buckle.

  2. Tomorrow I observe MLK and design gloves for the knitting ministry. And watch some good YouTube and FreeVee. That's it. Chicken sandwiches.

  3. I love that jigsaw! I keep a puzzle going at all times. It's one of my sanity-keepers.

    1. Working on a jigsaw puzzle is about as close to meditation as I get.

  4. I try to hold on to the knowledge that there are tens of millions who think the way we do, and that in the end decency will prevail. At the same time, I’m both saddened and frightened to see what this nation has done to itself, and to think about what might happen in the next few years. Let us hope that enough voters will come to their senses in time to effect the 2026 elections.

    what might happen in the next four years. Let us hope that enough voters come to their senses by the 2026 elections. Margaret

    1. Oops. Not sure what happened there. M

    2. Then how in the world did DJT win the popular vote? If people really, absolutely felt the way we did, why did they not get out and vote? I'll just never understand this. Ever.

    3. He won the popular vote, but hardly by a landslide. If enough of the people who didn’t bother to vote had actually educated themselves and gotten to the polls the outcome may have been different. I think (hope) there are soon going to be a significant number of voters realizing he’s not going to do a thing for anyone beyond his favorite bazillionaire sycophants and dictators as he thinks anyone else is a loser. Am I worried? Yes. Am I afraid? You bet. Am I a Pollyanna? No way. But I do think we’ll see some pushback in 2025. Margaret

    4. I really, really hope you are right.

  5. I understand the inauguration is indoors this year to avoid the crowd size comparisons. Weinie.

    1. He no more cares about other people's comfort than I care about his.

  6. Hang in there Ms Moon, this is gonna suck, but you still have your family, both the blood relatives and all of us out here in the blogosphere. I'm not going anywhere and with any luck that buffoon will make such a mess of things by the midterms we'll get the House & Senate back. Or maybe all those Big Macs will finally catch up with him, one can only hope. Courage!

    1. I have wondered for years how he has managed to stay alive this long. Also- thank you.

  7. I've got nothing. I don't know what will happen but hopefully it's not as bad as so many expect. There has to be some good people left in DC.

    1. Of course there are good people in DC but at this moment, they are not the ones with any power.

  8. I very much hope biden pardons Faucci. He gave his career to fight contagious diseases. He’s a good guy who really helped the world.

  9. Store bought ginger that grew? I'll have to try that, though I recently declared I'd given up on growing anything edible because of the possums and rats. I studied that jigsaw with a magnifying glass to find the missing two pieces, they just aren't noticeable otherwise. I love the picture.
    I wonder if Mr Moon tells Maurice he's in charge and to keep an eye on you while he is gone? That could explain why he follows you around and watches.

    1. If you have a sunny window you might be able to grow it inside in a pot.
      Glen does always tell Maurice to take care of me. She does, in her own way.

  10. We had a freak snow storm in the winter of 1984/1985 when I was living in Geneva. Got about two feet of snow overnight. I was able to walk to work but quite a few people skied! One poor guy spent hours digging his car out (it was parked on the side of the road) and when he got it done he found out it wasn't his car!! I'm sure someone else was very grateful though!

    1. Oh my god. That is a hilarious story. Not for the guy who dug out the wrong car though, I'm sure.

  11. I gave up on fresh ginger root when I discovered grated ginger in a jar! So much easier.
    I just love that jigsaw.....I wish I could find one like that in a charity shop. Rarely pay for new ones. At the moment I am doing a 1000 piece one that my son gave me for Xmas. It is made from a photo of the family being silly that was taken after our Golden Wedding meal last October. I have done all the people, but the rest is beige gravel and dark green trees. It may never be finished!

    1. I often buy jigsaw puzzles on eBay. Not as cheap as charity or thrift shops but less than new.
      Making jigsaw puzzles is an art, isn't it? Just taking a regular photo and making one out of it may not really work so well.

  12. Bless your ginger. I have been trying to grow ginger - in the greenhouse, in a pot - for ever and no luck just leaves that eventually collapse.

    1. Really? I have no idea why this worked although I know that other varieties of ginger lily do grow well here. So- why not, I guess?

  13. You know, that is one of my 'things'...I want to plant ginger. The fact that you didn't think your pot of ginger really did anything only to find out that it did exactly what it was supposed to do is a very hopeful sign to me. I can't wait to give it a try. I made pickled ginger a couple months ago, and it was very nice.

    What happens next? Who can say? I shook a magic 8-ball and the answer came up 'The outlook is not good'. But I have my seeds for my vegetable garden, and yesterday, I got a box of 50 bulbs for flowers. I don't know what will happen in the long term, but...for right now, I know that next summer, I will have vegetables and next spring, I will have flowers. I know that much.

    1. Yes. I honestly believe that for many of us, preparing to plant both food and flowers is the most hopeful, helpful thing we can do.

  14. You grew your own ginger! Amazing!

    What were the lush, invasive plants that emit the dust-like substance? Are those your chenille plants?

    1. I was pretty amazed myself. I thought that even if I had grown some, it would have rotted by now.
      Those plants were something like Chinese paper plants. A name like that.

  15. I love the way you finished this blogpost. It's so tender, so humane - with such an awareness of the power of pauses.
    "Meanwhile, let's all hold each others' hands. Tightly. We hold each other up. We hold each other close.
    We hold each other."
    Sending you and yours good wishes as America enters another period of darkness under the tyrranical rule of The Golden Emperor of Emptiness.

    1. Thank you. And I doubt I've heard a better name for DJT than The Golden Emperor of Emptiness.

  16. I'm not watching the news today. We'll get through this, but who knows how bad things will get in the meantime. I take comfort in knowing how many of us there are, and if we can just stand strong for each other, we will eventually come to the end of this dark period. The midterms are next year. DT and his minions have already proven how inept they are and the infighting is going to be a major stumbling block. Also, we're not going anywhere. Courage!

    1. I think that most of us, and "us" meaning white folks whose parents were born here, will survive okay. But there are so many others who really just are NOT going to be okay. Immigrants, the queer community, people who follow "strange" religions, those who have been perceived enemies of Trump. There are more. Of course as women, our rights have been stripped away piece by piece and they will continue to be. That's a given in this particular time in history.

  17. Now THAT is saying something -- when Maurice gets out of a warm bed to accompany you on a wee-hours wee! Sweet.

    1. I think it was incredibly sweet. Or perhaps she was just curious as to why in the world I would get up in the cold and the dark and leave the comfy bed.

  18. Hope you stay safe and warm, Mary. Linda Sue had kind words. Like Mr. Rogers said, "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping."
    I think that there are many that think as we do and we will help each other.

    1. I hope so, Ellen. I just wonder- who among us is going to be the person who hides and protects those whom Trump's jackboots are going to seize? Because I really believe he will do those things. Do we have the courage? Do we have the determination to do the right thing? I don't know that I have that much courage.

  19. It is now supposed to get down to 12 degrees Tuesday night. I don't think it has ever gotten that cold here in my lifetime. Last year's low was 17. And a 90% chance of precipitation, snow or sleet. Not only the weather has hit a new low, this people in this country are in for a world of hurt. My only hope is that they turn on each other with the same hate fueled vengeance they plan to turn on us.

    1. We're only supposed to get in the twenties, but five nights of that.
      We all know that the people Trump has chosen to be his chosen few are not going to be able to get along together. It's going to be like the Roman Empire all over again. "Et tu, Brute?"

  20. Remember that Felon like to stir shit up to make everyone talk about him. Canada/ Greenland/ Panama was a distraction to keep us from talking the real issues of having a convicted felon in office. Adding Canada to US would add 52 mostly democratic seats to the House, and at least 2 Democratic senators. Yapping about Panama started because they announced an investigation of Trump for tax evasion.

    His motive is to announce something big and awful and let everyone--news and politicians especially--scream in anguish and get all worked up about it. Then it fades into the next big criminal act which starts a new cycle.

    Trump likes to play his people against one another, like putting Musk and Ramaswamy on the same task. That way he didn't have to pick one, and sure enough, Ramaswamy pulled out last night. Trump ENJOYS the conflict and the clashing of wills.

    May we all ask the universe for a peaceful passing for the Orange Felon, sooner rather than later.

    1. I think the man is serious about wanting to take Canada and the Panama Canal. I really do. He is eat UP with the belief in his own privilege and power. Gulf of America? Sure, why not!
      I do very much agree with you on how he enjoys putting two cocks into the ring to see who flutters out.
      You want to know the truth? I don't care if the passing is peaceful. Not one bit.

  21. You grew ginger! I did not think it was possible. Next Summer I will buy and plant some ginger root in a pot.
    The low growing palms look great, and I also like the woodchips beneath defining the bed. Are they low maintenance?
    Brash, shocking and boisterous. That is how DT rolls. He works to keep everybody off balance. It's an intended strategy.
    We just have to get through the next 4 years.

    1. Yeah. Palmettos are totally low maintenance. They grow wild all over the place.
      I think Trump is more of a bully than anything. An elderly, demented bully who now has the nuclear codes.

  22. Been there, at the alcoholic bottom. This is worse. What a shame that so many innocents will suffer before we get close to better. I fear so for my children and grandchildren. Jenny

    1. Me too, Jenny. I fear for the marginalized, I fear for our babies too. And I believe that is valid.

  23. I feel deeply unsettled yet I’m having the strangest experience as if unable to truly process that any of this is real. Musk threw up a Nazi salute this afternoon, and then a second one for good measure, and I’m quite sure the press will act as if it didn’t happen or he was just caught mid gesture, or something. What happens next is anyone’s guess.

    1. I seem to be obsessed with the word "jackboots".
      Rosemarie- I love you. And I'm having deep trouble processing this too.

  24. Nice! Note that ginger loves shadow and has very shallow roots - I grow them inside in a tub ;) Like you I began with a root from the groceries that sprouted while waiting to be made into dinner.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.