Sunday, February 24, 2013

Boppy has been the boys' babysitter today here at the house and he has been wonderful. From the bed I have heard the falling over of block towers and loud exclamations of delight coming from the Glen Den where blocks and puzzles live along with toys for both big boys and small.

A storm came in with one perfect blast of thunder and then came the rain and the air was sharp with ozone so strong that it made me think of when I was very young and was just beginning to make that association between the sharp smell and the rain and the thunder. A scientific observation proved out over many Florida storms over the years and still to this day.

My hip feels better and I have spent most of the day lying on the bed where I am right now with a sleeping Gibson. The rain patters and I am so grateful for this quiet moment. Owen is running around the house and laughing. Mr. Moon is talking to Lily on the phone about bringing us something for our supper when she comes to get the boys. Gibson breathes so softly. In and out and his chest rises and falls. His eyelashes are butterfly wings on his cheek. He is beauty.

We survive. For right now we most certainly do.


  1. Oh wow. That picture reached out and grabbed my heart. And it brought tears to my eyes for its beauty.

    Glad your hip is moving in the right direction. Glad you've had a sweet day.

  2. That is a beautiful picture. So glad your hip is feeling better.

  3. Get any hail? I sure did. How are Gibson's teeth? How is your hip? I love y'all!

  4. That is a beautiful picture of you as well as the baby.

  5. You are so pretty Ms. Moon. This is truly a radiant picture of you -- hip pain or not. And side by side with beautiful Gibson, it really does take ones breath away. I hope you don't jump right back into walking but take it easy on that hip a little while. S. Jo

  6. Awwww!

    I love that lightning smell. I miss Florida storms.

  7. Lovely photo. You both are beautiful.

  8. Glad you are resting that 'flicted hip. Sending healing mojo across the seas. Take it easy on yourself. x0 N2

  9. So sweet. I sure do hope you're feeling better today.

  10. That is the most achingly beautiful photo of you both. So lovely. Thank you for sharing!

    It sounds like a good day x

  11. GORGEOUS photo ~ I'd frame that one!

  12. Syd- Ah, the iPhone and it's camera. I love it.

    Jill- Thank you. So much.

    Beth Coyote- He and his brother both just take my breath away. I told Owen yesterday, "You are so beautiful." He just nods his head and says, "Yeah." Guess he's heard that one before?

    Ms. Fleur- Things do heal, right?

    Mr. Downtown- We did not get the hail here but I heard that it was truly a storm to behold. Lily said that it sounded at Publix like all the cans were jumping off the shelves. Gibson's still feeling the effects of his teething. Bless his little heart. We love you!

    Allison- Dim light and blurry. Works every time.

    S. Jo- I barely hobbled out to the chicken coop today. Believe me, I'm not walking anywhere too fast anytime soon.

    Steve- They are truly wonderful, aren't they? The storms we get here.

    Angella- Who isn't beautiful, lying next to a sleeping baby and adoring him?

    N2- I'll take all the healing mojo I can get!

    Elizabeth- I am. Thanks, dear.

    Jo- I do love it, that picture.

  13. Lulumarie- I'm afraid it's one of those pictures that probably doesn't translate well to real paper.

  14. My god ms moon, what a beautiful photograph!!!!

  15. There is nothing more perfect than a sleeping baby.

  16. I'm in love with that photo. I thought I'd stopped by to tell you that in the comments but just realized that I didn't.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.