Monday, November 28, 2011

As Much As One Life Can Hold

Every time I woke up last night I was startled to hear rain outside. It's been so long that my brain actually had to do a bit of scrambling to identify the sound.
Rain? Really? Yes.
Soft rain. Patter rain. But still...real rain.
It is still raining this morning. I just looked at the radar and we may have seen the most of it and now it's going to get cold but that's fine. If the weather didn't change all the damn time, what would we have to talk about?
What DO they talk about in Hawaii?

Well. It's Monday. The Thanksgiving Holiday is behind us except for the turkey carcass and the soup I shall make for us which is in the future. We cleaned out some leftovers last night but of course, there is never really an end to them. I just take them and make more leftovers out of them in a different form. An alchemy of sorts.

The new washing machine is supposed to be here in two hours. I hope with all my heart it comes on time because I have to take my mother to the knee doctor and then pick up Owen and I will have him until late when his parents get off work. He and I shall learn how to use the new machine together. We shall wash all of the things which the old machine finally gave up on yesterday. I tried, it tried. But it's just so tired, that old machine. There are drippy towels in the shower of the bathroom off the kitchen and Owen and I shall start with those.

Rain. Water coming from the sky. Yesterday we sat outside and ate our pancakes and it was blue and soft and warm. Thanksgiving is over and for the first time in my life I am not concerned with the upcoming Christmas madness. I have finally said, "Enough." I am not doing one damn thing. If I am on your Christmas list, please mark me off. I am calmly thrilled. Black Friday meant nothing to me, not that it ever does. All of a sudden, it just seems so simple- not unlike the taking up of the poop rug. it.
Or don't do it, as in the case with Christmas.
Refuse to participate.
Baby Jesus was born when he was born. That's all I have to say about that. Here's what I think- I think that every day of my life is a fucking miracle and that every baby born is a fucking miracle and that since I love Christmas lights I keep them up all year 'round, or at least a string here and there. I love trees and so I live beside and beneath a whole bunch of them.
It is Christmas every day here. As much as I can hold, anyway. Every egg I get from the nest is a present. Every kiss I get is a present and every "I love you," and every cardinal at the feeder is a present wrapped in red. This rain is the best gift I could get today. The rest of it? All that stuff they talk about on TV?
Not this year, baby. Not this year.

Well. The wind blew the door shut into the hen house and when I went to open it in case one of my lovelies needs to lay an egg I saw the gate into the garden had blown open and all of the chickens are in there. I tried to herd them out and then tried to lure them out with stale bread. It worked, except for one, Miss Dahlia, who seems to prefer the tasty bugs and tender weed shoots of the garden.
What to do?
Oh you know what I did. I left them in there. They'll all come out sooner or later. They seem to be most interested in what lies under the mulch than in my greens, anyway.

And Lis just called and I HAD FORGOTTEN! that she and Lon are in Monticello visiting Lon's sister and that they would be coming over this morning.
Ah, the brain of the elderly.
But see? It's always new. Always a surprise.

It's like Christmas every day.
Without the mall and the crowds and the guilt.
Well, I'm working on the guilt part. I am finding it surprisingly easy.

Happy Monday, y'all.
Love...Ms. Moon


  1. In Alaska they keep them up until the last sled dog team comes home from the Iditarod (sometime in Mid-March).

    A new washing machine!!!!!!!! Rain!!! So much excitement in one day (and no, I'm not being facetious). There's very little that I love more than running a load of laundry.

  2. Yay for Lon and Liz visits! Yay for no guilt AND NO CHRISTMAS!!!!

    Hug that Liz for me.

  3. You are preaching my speech! I think, at this point in history, Christmas exists to make people spend money they don't have. With the credit card interest the way it is, that's a nice big gift to the credit card companies. God, I'm going to be grinching around to anyone who'll listen. Ugh.
    But yes, every minute a present. Every second. Every breath. Every exhale a thank you.

  4. I'm so happy your new washing machine will finally arrive today. Ahh, the small comforts that we wonder how we ever lived without.

    We keep our lights up all year on our patio and deck. It's so much more cheerful that way.

    Have a wonderful day with Owen and hoping your mom will be having a good day.

  5. I liked this. Simplicity is good, is what I heard. And I agree with that.

  6. I forgot to say yesterday that I love your new header. For some reason, "Carnival Girl" or whoever she was made me uneasy. What can I say.

    We don't give much materially in the way of anything at Christmas--my family. Mostly, I just see it as another day that everything has closed down and don't like it. Even in California, everything would close up. After 3pm that is. :)

  7. We too had to get a new washer and decided to get a matching set of washer / dryer. It was the first new washing machine I ever owned in our 34 years of marriage. I have had a new dryer be we always took another ones cast off that was still running. Let me just say I LOVE my matching pair. Hey, I do my fair share of laundry and if the husband needs decent tools to work then I do too. Hope that it arrives on time and you and Owen can fill it up!

  8. You have the best Christmas of anyone.

    Denny hates Christmas...I'm sending him a link to your post because I know he'll love yours.

  9. I like Christmas, not for anything Christ-related, especially these days (I miss the nice Christians). But I like the intentional hearth-making, the time when we can just be family focused on family and home, which should be everyday, but we forget and Christmas brings it back full force.

    I don't think your family would ever have that problem and so luckily no need to mix back in any sort of plasticky religion gubbersmutch. Merry Christmas!

  10. Oh dang, I just love me some Sister Moon. You are the only person I know who's bah humbug sounds like music. See? I knew there was a reason I stopped by here instead of doing my much needed work. Ha.

    You know I'm of Christian faith, but as one of my favorite people says "ah lah." I love your honesty and sitting on your porch with my bare feet sipping lemonade, eating key lime pie, and exchanging our stories. Besides, what fun is there if every person has the exact same views on everything? None at all if you ask me. None at all.

    Hey! Glad you got a new washing machine. Glad Owen and Baby-bun-in-oven get you as their Mer-Mer and Mr. Moon as their Bop for Christmas all year long.

  11. What DO they talk about in Hawaii?

    As I'm in Hawaii right now, I can tell you that the weather is not all the same. It's different on different parts of the same island and differs from morning to night.
    High above the blazing beaches, it is near freezing on top of Haleakela.

    It's been rainy, windy, sunny, hot, cool and everything in between all in one day. The wind howls at night, there are rainbows in the rain and the surf is either right for surfing or not.

    Whether or not the topic of conversation is the weather here as much as where you are, I don't know.
    Probably the equivalent question is about the surf.

  12. Did L&L tell you I saw them last night?

    Also, I love the new header.

  13. we are also anti-celebrants- we don't decorate. we do get presents to exchange with the inlaws but we try to keep it modest and practical since they still celebrate a full-tilt christmas. last year i got in trouble for that santa/jesus ornament combo that i posted pictures on the evil bookface of...tony i believe called it the duel of the imaginary dudes. i just didnt get how they could mutually coexist since jesus was around long before santa donned his boots and jacket but hey maybe it's too much to ask for logical christianity....


  14. silverfinofhope- Clean laundry. Oh my. It is just so comforting.

    Ms. Fleur- We hugged a lot!

    Denise- The goodness of it is almost too much to bear. Why try to add anything else?

    Mel's Way- It was a good day although I don't think my mother ever has one of those any more. At least her knees feel better now.

    nicol- I think the older I get, the more simplicity I strive for.

    Rubye Jack- Christmas is just depressing. For most of us, I think, and then we feel guilty for some stupid reason about being depressed. Not me this year. Nope.

    Ellen- Exactly! Men have their tools and we have ours. And we deserve the good ones too.

    Kathleen- Really? Denny hates Christmas? Awesome!

    Magnum- Plasticky religion gubbersmutch? God. I wish I'd said that.

    gradydoctor- You're precious. Some day I am going to make you a real key lime pie. I don't know how or where or when but dang it- it needs to be done!

    Shoshana- Damn! I had a feeling they talked about cool stuff in Hawaii.

    DTG- Yes! They told me. Glad you like the header. I took the picture myself and then played with it a little. I like it too.

    Mrs. A- As far as I can tell, logic has nothing to do with religion. Which is why they talk about "faith" all the time. I love the "duel of the imaginary dudes." Tell Mr. M I said so.

  15. We are not doing much this year. A few lights and a tree. I am tired of the commercialism. In fact, I despise it. If it weren't for the parents and the animals, we would head to Maine.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.