Monday, November 28, 2011

All Is Well

Owen is holding a baby doll wrapped in a blanket.
We can wash the blanket, should it get dirty.


  1. Ahhhh, a new washer and a precious boy and a baby. Who seriously could ask for anything more. I am happy you are happy.

  2. You know I love Owen but all I can say is that is one DAMN FINE looking washer.

  3. Yay, that washer looks like a space ship. Niiiice. And I love the fact that Owen is holding a baby wrapped in a blanket. Love that boy.

  4. So sweet. And very swanky washing machine!

  5. Would that be a new washing machine? American style of course... And look at Owen, a natural in holding a baby. I foresee one in his near future!

  6. well, i realized later the post was about the washing machine but all i could see were owen's dreamy eyes, no doubt what yours look like when you look at your new machine!

  7. Nice machine. Reach Owen to wash clothes and he will be loved by many women--old Syd proverb.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.