Saturday, August 19, 2023


 I think they had a good time. 

Edited to add: There were about twenty people fishing on that boat. And yes, they were all line-caught. 


  1. Be still my heart! In landlocked desert southern Idaho, I sit here positively GREEN with envy. Jessie and Mr. Moon had a most successful adventure!

    Chris from Boise

    PS Glad Lauren is no longer on the floor. Sending warm thoughts for a quick recovery.

  2. I think you are right. Glad Lauren is up off the floor!

  3. Did you hear my jaw hit the table? So Much Fish!! Looks like they had a great time :)

  4. Wait, that was the amount of fish they caught???? I'm speechless!

  5. Do they reel in all of those fish with a fishing pole or are they caught in a large net or something? That looks like a huge amount of fish and my arms would be so tired from hauling all of that in! But Jessie is smiling so it must have been lots of fun!

  6. Fish R Us! My gosh. who cleans all those fish? Glad for Lauren.

  7. whoa! that's a lot of fish! did they just throw a net in and drag? hard to believe they caught all that on lines but I guess 12 hours so yeah.

  8. I know what you'll be having for dinner! What a score!
    Susan M


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