Saturday, August 26, 2023

Boys In The House

Look who's here! It's spend-the-night night for these two boys. In that picture, August was creating a game to play with marbles and was cutting up an egg carton for that purpose. He is such a little engineer. So is Levon, actually. While August was creating the marble game, Levon was setting up dominos in pleasing patterns to knock over. They let me read to them and I was just so damn happy. I love that fact that August and Levon getting better at understanding the jokes in books. We laugh and laugh and laugh. There is just nothing better. 

They tell me that school is going great. Levon loves his kindergarten teacher who was August's kindergarten teacher. August has three teachers this year- that's how they're doing it at his school. One for math, one for English, one for...I don't know. What do you study in second grade? He says he'd rather have his old kindergarten teacher. 

They do like their new puppy who has a name- Sophie! Jessie loves that name so much and she loves that puppy so much. Sophie has now slept through the night two times. Big progress. She peed on the couch but Jessie was at work so she probably did not get taken out as often as Jessie takes her out. 

Besides playing marbles, and dominos, and reading, and giving me reports about school and their new puppy sister, the boys have also watched The Batman Lego Movie. I had no idea such a thing existed but indeed it does and what a cast of actors who do the voices! My Lord. They were so excited I'm surprised they didn't pee on my couch. I made them and their grandfather popcorn and put a whole bunch of butter on it and nutritional yeast and salt and now they they're going to try and hook up the Wii game thing. 

And that's about all that's been going on here. Of course I'm simmering chicken and onions and green beans and carrots and celery for chicken and dumplings. I hope they come out better than the last ones I made which was in North Carolina when I was at the tail end of being sick. They were not my best effort. In fact, August tried a dumpling and said, "These things are hard as rocks!" 
He was not far from wrong. I have no idea how I made hard dumplings but I sort of did. 
"You're lucky I made dumplings at all," I told him. I was not offended in the least though, and even laughed. I mean, he was just telling the truth. They were...filling, shall we say?

It did not get up into the hundreds today, temperature-wise, but it was close. For some damn reason Mr. Moon and Vergil decided that it was time to go set up the deer feeder and trail cams at Tom's house in preparation for this year's hunting. 
"Do you really think you have to do this on the hottest day of the year?" I asked my husband.
"Yes," he answered. "Yes I do."
I told Jessie that if he had a heart attack I'd kill him. 
He didn't have a heart attack so all is well. 

And I've just been informed that the Wii won't work with our new TV without something that I have no knowledge of. This is a bummer. I guess I better get in there and make some fluffy dumplings. I swear to you, it never occurred to me before that I could make dumplings that weren't fluffy but now that I've done it, I am quite worried that I've lost my touch. 

We shall see. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Those two boys are just so cute, and inventive! And Sophie is too… hope your dinner is delicious tonight! Hugs to you all from the mid-Hudson valley, NY (Rigmor)

  2. beautiful growing boys,,,,,,,who are sleeping over! Yippee! Yes...they both seem to have Virgil's (sp) engineering brain, which is good. Your chicken and dumplings will be fine, of that I am pretty certain. And Sophie.....good name for a cutest ever pup! Happy weekend!
    Susan M

    1. and thinking of you and hoping you will avoid remnants of upcoming hurricane i am reading about.....ugh. Looks like it will skirt by you.....but never know, these days
      Susan M

    2. I do not think that Hurricane Franklin is going to affect us at all. However- Tropical Storm Idalia which is most likely going to become a hurricane soon may well come directly our way.
      It is that time of year.

  3. Bisquick mixed with milk or buttermilk and plopped by spoonfuls on top of the bubbling liquid in the pot, put the lid on, and you will have fluffy dumplings!
    It's the only way I have ever made dumplings! Easy and they are always good!!

    1. I always use self-rising flour, a little bit of baking soda and buttermilk. I did not have S.R. flour in North Carolina and I'm sure that was my problem. Bisquick is basically self-rising flour with some fat in it. I grew up using it for sure.

  4. I hope your magical dumpling touch has been restored. The boys might not tolerate TWO stuff ups in a row.
    I love how little brains work when they are allowed to free range.

  5. They're so inventive, making their own games. I love that. I guess chicken and dumplings is their regular expectation from you. Better be good!

    1. They are so good at coming up with games. Their NC cousins are wildly inventive, especially one of the girls. She is such a good example for them.

  6. Sophie is a very good name- Stella's little dog was named Sophie - she lived way too long! Cute pup, cute boys and when the dumplings come out of the pot, they will also be cute.

  7. Sophie is a lovely name for such a pretty girl! Has Levon got a new hairstyle? He looks so grown up.

    1. Yes- Jessie asked Vergil to please get the boys haircuts on their way up to NC last week and he did- he took them to a hair cutting place in a Walmart! "She did a pretty good job," Levon told me. And she did!

  8. I can't make fluufy dumplings. I tried recently and they just sort of disintegrated into the soup. I don't need dumplings in my life anyway. Sophie is a wonderful name!
    I love that age where kids laugh at jokes because they understand them not just because everyone else is laughing.

    1. Sounds like your dumplings needed more flour! I've made some before that sort of did that same melting thing.
      Yes. I still have to explain some of the jokes but they really do get them and their laughing is so great.

  9. If you make rock hard dumplings again, Chief Engineer August can use them in a homemade game involving an eggbox maze.

  10. I'll swap your hard dumplings for mine! I actually made dumplings last week for the first time in decades and they came out so gooey you could have hung wallpaper with them!

  11. I have never made dumplings from scratch. I think I've always used those little biscuits in a pop-open can to float on top of the chicken stew. I haven't even made chicken stew for years and years now that I think about it!
    August is looking so tall in that photo next to Levon.

    1. Well, to tell you the truth, that sounds delicious to me. Don't tell anyone but I love biscuits out of the can. I never, ever buy them but they are good. They make a great chicken pot pie bake, too.
      August is shooting up like a sunflower.

  12. I have never made chicken and dumplings. I think I want to but have never actually tried. and I do love chicken and dumplings. August and Levon are quite the pair.

    1. You could make them easy, Ellen. I promise you.

  13. I am confident your dumpling-making talents are intact! Maybe altitude affected them in NC? Let's say that.

    I love how August and Levon play together without screens. Lots of imagination!

    1. Nah. It was because I used regular flour rather than self-rising and didn't get the leavening correct.
      August and Levon do play well without screens but they would ten thousand million times rather just do the screens.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.