Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Hot As A Pepper Patch

That's a reasonable representation of what it feels like around here. Hot peppers and dried-up bean pods. It's deja-vu all over again. 

Today my feelings of beastly bitchiness morphed into feelings of despair and hopelessness. You know how some days you just feel these waves of unnamable and unaccountable joy and peace? I think we've all had a few of those, and by golly they are gifts.
And then some days it's just one wave after another of some sort of deep and unfounded yearning for...what? 

My yearning today has been for days past, for youth, for the strength and confidence I felt in my forties and even fifties, for the abilities I have lost and the hopes that I dared hope that one day, eventually, the things that have always fucked me up would leave me alone in older age. That I could let them go and would finally enjoy my life in a way that I never truly could. 

Somehow it hit me this afternoon that that is never really going to happen- that the guilt and the shame and the inability to lose myself in the unmitigated goodness of certain human experiences would just finally wear themselves out, leaving me freer and happier, my heart and soul lighter and less dark. 
And of course these feelings today are probably just a lick from the black dog's tongue. 

It's been a fine day, albeit a hot one. I met Jessie and the boys at the library since I didn't get my books yesterday and it was nice to have a little chat with Jessie and to get hugs from those two guys who are about to start school. I will never, ever not love a library. I consider libraries to be the height of human civilization. And Jessie told me today about a new app for downloading (uploading?) books to my phone from the library and I have done that and it is going to add a lot to my life. I feel as if I've read every book available on the old app that I have any interest in at all. So that is a very good thing. 

I also went to Costco because I did not go there yesterday, either. 
Let me just say that entering the "coldy" room as we call it, where they keep many of the more perishable vegetables and fruits, was like a step into heaven. I did not want to leave. 
I bought sandwiches to take to the river tomorrow. It'll be the last day before school starts and Jessie will bring the boys. Lily has to work as do the rest of the children. One more day of summer. On Thursday, because I remember what it feels like to be the mama of children on the first day of school which is ecstatic and a bit difficult, I will be taking Jessie and Lily and Lauren to get pedicures. So all of that is good. 

When I was looking at the sandwiches, I realized another woman needed to get sandwiches, too, and I moved aside to give her space and then I looked into her cart to realize that she had a very, very young baby in there, safely in his little seat with the shade up for privacy and protection. 
Oh, he was gorgeous! Just as round and soft and perfect as the most perfect peach ever grown and I told the mother that and said, "Do you mind if I look at your baby?" while keeping a good distance and she said, "No! Not at all," and tears came to my eyes, as hot and quick as tears can form in a human eye and I could tell she was in love with that baby which moved me even more. I asked how old he was and she said, "Four weeks," and I melted and we agreed that new babies are the best and she said that they were obsessed with him and how I wish that every baby had parents and grandparents who were obsessed with them. 
I told her that I was a baby expert (but for real, right?) and that her baby was a GOOD one. She liked hearing this. 

Oh, how I miss babies. My grandchildren babies and yes, my own too. I never experienced anything that came close to the magical ecstasy of holding a newborn. And honestly, instead of feeling bereft that there will be no more for me, I should just be so very grateful for the ones that I have been able to love with that intensity. The healthy, beautiful babies in my life. And I am grateful. Immensely so. 

And here I am on this one-more-in-a-row day where there are heat warnings. I tried to do things in the garden but all I managed was to pick what you see in that basket above. 

I simply cannot bear working in this heat. 

But I'm okay and everything really is fine and this is just one day in my life and tomorrow there will be the river and delicious sandwiches and cut-up honey mangoes and the shade from a cypress tree and I have new library books and at least I did not want to smack anyone today. And that, I think, is a good thing. 

Love...Ms. Moon 


  1. You are not alone! could have written your post. XO

    1. I am so sorry! But I am glad that you know that YOU are not alone.

  2. yes, your post SO relatable. Our days past, our youth, confidence and stamina........ah....... we (me at least) are trying to come to grips that this will NOT be happening....and it's a tough bitch to grasp. Some days it just hits you over the head and you can't overcome it. I hope the River blesses you all in serenity and peace and COOL tomorrow
    Susan M

    1. The river was wonderful. And as always, it helped. Do you suppose that there are people who go through life much more in the moment who don't constantly time trip backwards and forwards? I wish I could do that.

  3. It really is a good day when you don't want to smack the crap out of someone!
    Today I was able to just hug the sweetest little lady who has also been not dealing with the heat and a totally fucked up trip that did not go as planned!
    Luckily we do get through the down times! 🤷

    1. We do, Marcia. Patience and persistence required.

  4. Hooray for sammies and mangos and children and pedicures, and grand children and the cold, cold river!

  5. I think it's a good day when you're not looking to deck someone! Tomorrow will be lovely. Tomorrow, tomorrow..

    1. I love ya, Tomorrow! You're only a day away!

  6. I have those up and down days, also. I learned (and try to remember) that my life is moves up along a spiral path.. I come around to the old thoughts and feelings, but with a different perspective. The good news is that while the old feelings are still unpleasant, they are not as unpleasant. And, I am moving along up the spiral again, away from the old.. Hope this makes sense to you.

    1. it is a spiral, isn't it? Never a straight path from A to B. Or, perhaps as Ignatius J. Reilly, the protagonist of "Confederacy of Dunces" always said, "Fortuna's Wheel."
      You do make sense to me.

  7. It's too bad that you can't volunteer at a hospital as a baby cuddler. It would be good for you and good for the babies.
    My husband is having a tough time with his dad's death, we're both taking the week off. And Jack told us that his mama left him alone in the apartment. No wonder he's so stressed out.

    1. I do not know if my heart could stand seeing the tiny babies who need help. Perhaps. I wonder if they even still do that.
      I am so sorry your husband is having a hard time. Not unexpected that he would. I'm really glad you're taking the week off. You need to.
      And that news about Jack's mother did not surprise me but it makes me livid.

  8. I rarely have days of overwhelming sadness but when I do it's usually because I haven't slept well (which is new to me I was always a good sleeper,) or I need to eat more protein. I can see how the unrelenting heat would do you in though, I feel that now in summers here so I stay inside with the cool air blowing from the wall unit. I remember when I was young I'd see really old people sitting out on porches soaking up the sun and wanted to be one of them. Well I've got the old part coming along nicely, but a half hour on my porch would have me blistered I think.
    Anyway, your trip to the store was at just the right time to see that darling new baby. I love Pixie's idea of being a baby cuddler, but I don't think that's allowed these days with covid still lingering and most mothers doing their own cuddling.

    1. I always wanted to be one of those old people on the porch watching the world go by too but if I do become one, it ain't gonna be in summer around here.
      It was good timing to see that baby. It just filled my heart to see how much his mama loved him.

  9. I'm so sorry the black dog is paying a visit but it sounds like he might be on his way now. And you're right about babies. Those of us that are maternal (which sadly isn't everyone) can just burst for joy at the sight of those little bundles can't we. Enjoy your picnic, enjoy your family and your new app!

    1. I have heard so many mothers say that babies do not hold much attraction for them- they like the children better when they can talk. Not me. To me there is nothing more wonder-full than those new beings, just here and able to accept every bit of love that they are given. Pureness. They are pure.

  10. How fortunate for that beautiful baby that he has been born into an environment of love, care and security. Though men can love babies with all of their hearts, it's never quite the same a woman's love and understanding. To have known that growth inside you, to have felt that pain, to have witnessed that miracle. Men can only imagine it.

    1. I think you are right, Mr. P. And women do have the right hormones to make them fall so quickly and completely in love with their babies. Usually. Not always. But men have some of those hormones too and I have seen many men who have melted into puddles of amazement and wonder when they have first held their babies.

  11. We still have another 3 weeks before school begins, but already, I am standing here shocked. Where did it go? I had PLANS! Time is rushing by, and I'd like to stop it, but I can't.

    1. PLANS! Ha! Well, you have been building a house, woman! You don't have time for plans!

  12. Not wanting to smack anyone is a step in the right direction! This is always a hard time of the year in your part of the world, and though I don't want to dismiss the black dog's appearance as a function of the weather, no doubt it contributes. Enjoy your day at the river, your grandkids and your new books. :)

    1. Oh gosh, yes. The weather does contribute. Everyone is on edge here now. Anxieties rise, as so fears and worries. You can't help it. I did very much enjoy my day at the river.

  13. it's been too hot to walk in the evenings for weeks and so have not seen my neighbors/friends at the far end to stop and chat all summer just about. so I have started walking the dog in the morning about 8 and today I got to visit with them some.

    there are things I miss that I did/could do when I was younger like being a river guide but no way could I ever do that now...the intense physical labor, the heat, the long days. but now that child rearing is done, and retired from the etched glass which dominated my life I am loving the lack of stress and always being constantly beholden, being able to just do what I feel like doing or nothing at all.

    I'm still amazed that school starts in the middle of August now.

    1. Well, you are exactly right about not missing those days of have-to-do's and schedules that dictated our lives. A thousand amens to that. And it's a good thing we don't have them! I, for one, would not be able to maintain that pace.

  14. "My yearning today has been for days past, for youth, for the strength and confidence I felt in my forties and even fifties, for the abilities I have lost and the hopes that I dared hope..." My God, those words, they climbed right inside me, I understood them so intimately, and so many more words in this post did the same. Oh Mary, perhaps this is merely our human condition, and if so, it's kind of a sick joke, but yes, there is also joy and goodness and days at the river with loved ones and most of all there is love. I love you, baby expert. I am grateful for you on this earth.

    1. You always get me. You know. We are such sisters of the heart and mind. I love you too and oh, how grateful I am that you are here and that I know you in this magical way.

  15. You write beautifully even about dark things …..much love x

    1. John, you write beautifully. I don't think you realize that.


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