So after writing so blithely last Sunday about how that particular day of the week no longer has the power over me that it used to, I woke up today to find that I was in the depths of Sunday despair.
I just felt hopeless. And helpless.
Ah well.
Isn't it funny, though, how some days almost everything is wiped of all joy and color? How things that normally wouldn't register as sad or difficult, as filled with dread portent just do? What usually seems fine or even cheerful can appear annoying or worrying and even the smallest negative events can feel overwhelming.
Like that. And its been gray all day long with only a drop of rain here and there. The entire atmosphere feels full of heaviness and I guess in a way it is. I don't think that either Fred or Grace are going to affect us very much but somehow their very presence, however distant it may be, seems palpable.
When I went to let the chickens out this morning this little cat was outside, as if waiting for me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and the wee one stood its ground and listened to me. It followed me at a distance as I let out the chickens. While doing that chore, I discovered that there were very large weevils in the chicken scratch bag which, thankfully, was almost empty. Now chickens love weevils as much as they love corn scratch so I just dumped the rest of the bag for them to gobble up but it really bothered me for whatever reason. (Sunday despair.) Also, some of the weevils fell down into the garbage can we use to hold the scratch bags in and I couldn't lift the new, unopened bag out to rid the can of the bugs. This too depressed me. I used to be able to lift those things. I probably could have today if my life had depended on it but it didn't.
The little cat talked to me some and then it ran away and I went in to tell Mr. Moon about it and about the weevils and I sent my kids a picture of the cat and before I knew it, they were all excited and suggesting names. The very idea of one more creature around here for me to take care of holds absolutely NO appeal to me at all and besides that, Jack and Maurice already wake us up almost every night fighting and the thought of throwing that poor little thing into the mix is just a big fat FUCK THAT!
Jessie did finally suggest that it might be the pet of the woman who has moved in across the street. She said she did see a cat on the porch there the other day. I hope so. It hasn't been hanging around this afternoon as far as I've seen.
And then before I'd even started breakfast, the power went out and Duke Energy informed me that it would probably be on by 12:30 and then a little while later they changed that estimate to 1:45 and as soon as I got that text, the power came back on.
Thank goodness. I guess a tree fell. We heard a lot of chain sawing.
I got the apple mush out of the refrigerator and ran it through the food processor in batches and cooked all of that down with sugar and cinnamon and nutmeg and ground cloves. For hours. I sterilized my jars and finally about 3:30 this afternoon I had six lovely pints of apple butter.
Very tasty apple butter, I might add.
And usually this would at least give me a sense of accomplishment but today it was just a big ol' meh.
And so it goes, as dear Kurt Vonnegut always said, and so it is. Tomorrow they are supposed to come out and hook up the generator to the electricity which means that for a good part of the day, we will have no power. I have no idea what I'll do. Sit and listen to an audio book and make pot holders, perhaps. In the heat. In the dark. It may rain all day tomorrow in which case the project will probably be delayed to another day. I know that I should be thankful that at least the Taliban isn't taking over our country but honestly, all that news does is to make me even more depressed. There's not a damn thing in the world I can do about that just as there's not a damn thing in the world I can do about maskholes and vaxxholes except wail, gnash my teeth, and rend my clothing. I am not making light about any of this. It's just the truth.
Okay. Here's a cheerful note.
Jessie and Vergil are fostering another dog. Actually, they are fostering THREE dogs. Three six-week old pups, American Staffordshire mixes, which is what the humane society calls bull dogs here because bull dogs have such a bad rep. And they are about the cutest things in the world.
Of course all I can think about is all the pees and poops she's going to be cleaning up but at least they'll be little pees and poops. For now. And the boys appear to be in love.
Anyone want to adopt a very cute doggo?
I surely don't.
But I can certainly understand why someone else would. I'm just a grumpy old selfish woman who will probably cheer up quite a bit after my Thursday doctor's appointment.
Unless he tells me I'm dying.
Love...Ms. Moon
I surely felt the heavy heart in your post, I'm so sorry. some days...sigh, are just like that. Hope the cute cat belongs to neighbor (LOL) I'm sure you will investigate that. Your apple butter looks perfect so that is big *plus* for you today. I made a refridgerator *pickled* watermelon rind today.....all that and I got one pint jar. Oh well...... it will be enjoyed. I'm just SO very sad about Haiti.....those poor people just cannot get a break, EVER
ReplyDeleteSusan M
LOL, watermelon rind NOT enjoyed. too much salt, not enough sugar. Sadly, even hens won't touch it so down the disposal it went. I will try again.
DeleteSusan M
Oh! I'm sad to hear about your watermelon rind but this is how we learn. I've put too much salt in several things this year. I hope I've learned my lesson.
DeleteAnd you're right about Haiti. Jesus.
I just wanted to stay in bed this morning but didn't. Hope we feel better tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteGood for you for getting up! Some days I wonder what the point is and yet...up we get. I hope you've had a better day today.
DeleteSome days are just like that, yes. And they're to be just got through. Somehow or other.
Deletethree puppies and a calico cat - my idea of heaven! I feel the same way today, though that is nothing new...I slump a lot. It is the times in which we live I reckon.
ReplyDeleteAre you still taking your little blue pill? I take mine religiously. These are indeed slumpy times.
DeleteThat apple butter looks beautifully like mom's apple butter. Good for you, and it used up a few hours of the day.
ReplyDeleteIt certainly did. And that was what I needed.
DeleteTomorrow is another day...Good for you doing the apple butter. And I hope those animals all find good homes.
ReplyDeleteI hope they do too! Actually, I hope the little cat is already someone's.
DeleteAugust looks like The Little Prince in that picture.
ReplyDeleteHe does! He is the Little Prince.
DeleteThat cat is the prettiest little thing!
ReplyDeleteDid you know that American pit bulls are banned in UK ? As are a few other related breeds. Those pups are cute.
Well, I can understand why pit bulls are banned. These pups do look to be a mix. I've had a few pit bulls myself and although 99% of the time they can be the sweetest, most loyal dogs in the world, if they are triggered, they can become very dangerous. But not when they're puppies.
DeleteOy, some days are just like that. I hate 'em, but try to keep in mind that they pass.
ReplyDelete(Like a kidney stone, sometimes, but...)
Yeah. Like a kidney stone. Seriously.
Deletesending love
And returning love to you with a kiss and a hug.
DeleteI absolutely hate it when I have that identical "Sunday feeling". I could have had that yesterday except for some reason the temperature and light reminded me of a wonderful Sunday we spent in Paris - standing in line to get falafals and walking across the bridges as other people also strolled. It was a blessing to have these pictures pop into my head.
ReplyDeleteOh, that's so wonderful! I love it when that happens although usually, those sudden images and feelings make me yearn to be in those places again and sometimes I get sad.
DeleteThose puppies are ADORABLE! And the apple butter looks perfect. Sorry about the gloom. I think you're right -- you'll feel better once the doctor's appointment is past.
ReplyDeleteI think you're right. I know you're right.
DeleteI'd love a jar of apple butter, but NO DOG PLEASE. And I hope your anticipatory dread for the doctor's appointment disappears.
ReplyDeleteIt won't disappear until the fucking thing is over.
DeleteAs much as I don't want a cat (or a dog), that really is the prettiest little cat! But I also absolutely get why you wouldn't want another one. As for Afghanistan, the crap started by the Russians and continued by the west - and all those poor young men and women coming home in body bags, what the hell was that all for? Not to mention the poor Afghan women and children in particular who are getting the Taliban back to destroy their lives even more. What were all those millions of $$$ and dead bodies for? Oh, I get why you're down, believe me!
ReplyDeleteI know. It's so true. Everything you said. We never learn, do we? War is NEVER the answer. Or at least not the right answer.
DeleteSunday despair. Nothing to do but rock with it. Through it. And could those boys look any more excited? Three puppies!
ReplyDeletewell, this one slipped by me. you know they're going to end up keeping one of those puppies.