Saturday, July 18, 2020

About Rotten Potatoes And More!

Here’s the thing- if you smell what you think might be a rotten potato you can be 99% sure that it is and if you choose to wait before investigating the situation, it will not get better. 
We all know this. 
So I’ve been smelling something that smelled dead for a few days, just bare whiffs, you know, but it was not getting better. So this morning I opened up the cabinet in my kitchen hutch where I keep my potatoes and onions and garlic and some assorted things that I hardly ever use like the bases of blenders which lost their jars and which may or may not work and a plastic box thing that I bought because I read an article about how handy it was for dusting things with flour you want to fry like fish or onion slices, I guess. My crockpot and waffle maker hide down there in the depths as well because I rarely use them. I got down on the floor and dug out all this stuff and was a bit surprised to see that none of the potatoes or even onions were rotten in the least. 
So I cleaned out years of crackly onion skins and a bag of garlic that has long since passed the point of usefulness and also the two blender bases and the plastic fish coater. Those last three items I put in my car to take to the dump to set where people put these things which may still have use to someone. 
I put everything I was keeping back in after I’d cleaned it and then discovered my rotten potato which was in the very top of a wire basket thing I have sitting on the counter of the hutch where I keep mostly fruit and sometimes shallots and ripening avocados. I threw the potato away and that was that. At least that cabinet is tidied and there are three fewer unnecessary and unwanted items in the house. 
Inspired by that I took out the drawer from the bottom of the oven and cleaned dust and escaped dried beans and friskies and a rogue Benadryl from under there. 
That was the extent of my housecleaning efforts for the day. 
I picked beans of course and then I sat and snapped today’s haul as well as yesterday’s haul and they are ready for the pot and the freezer. 

We are about to get a fine harvest of eggplants. How many eggplants can one couple eat?
We shall see. The bell peppers are almost ready to be picked and I am getting banana peppers daily. We are also getting a few cayenne peppers every day. They are as shiny and red as an eighties supermodel’s fingernails. I saved a cool bottle a few years back and I am making pepper vinegar in it, one or two peppers at a time which is ridiculous but at least they are being used. 
The sourdough starter is still feisty and bubbly and I made up dough for bread I’ll bake tomorrow. That is in the refrigerator rising slowly, slowly in the cool darkness there. 

Mr. Moon has had a very frustrating day being a tractor mechanic. This is in aid of his deer feeding site or at least the one he wants to plant which requires a tractor. He’s only come in the house to eat lunch and watch YouTube’s on tractor repair. He sighs and curses and at one point he said, “I need to get a new tractor.” 
He probably does but I know he likes that old one that the children love to play on so much, especially Levon. It belonged to Billy’s beloved PawPaw and it has seen better days to be honest. 
But you know...

And this afternoon I finished listening to the audio version of Ann Patchett’s newest novel, “The Dutch House” which was narrated by Tom Hanks. 
What a joy!
It made me wish for even more menial labor to attend to for my listening pleasure. 

I can’t think of one more thing I feel the need to discuss except that I am so sorry John Lewis has died. How rich we are to have had him! How much poorer we are to have lost him. He changed the world with his strength and grace and truth. He was mighty as he had the flame of justice in his heart. He was one of those people that you wish could live for centuries but I know that the results of his work and his words absolutely will. 
And may Ruth Bader Ginsburg not go to meet him in the good place just yet. 

Rotten potatoes stink up the joint and as I said, they cannot be ignored but must be dealt with. 
Please- I ask of all the magic in the universe that the rotten potatoes in our government be dealt with soon. And while we’re at it- let’s clean out the whole damn cabinet. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Yes, yes, yes! Let's get rid of all those rotten vegetables that are stinking up the joint. Starting with the decomposing mango-in-chief.

    I love pickled peppers and would get a lot of pleasure from using those up, but I'm not sure I could eat all those beans you're going to end up with! I like green beans, but damn, woman! :)

    It's good to have you back posting.

    1. We are not yet tired of these beans! It’s crazy! And thank goodness.

    2. Are you interested in joining the illuminati brotherhood and make your dreams come true this is your chance to make it happen. contact me now and enjoy Benefits of being a member As a member you`ll get to enjoy many things name them cars, money, fame, popularity, houses, connections etc. - you will be given $130,000 every two weeks as a membership blessings, Own one of the big houses in town, including the juiciest mansions and villa. - Get connected to high-networth individuals in many professional sphere like Presidents, Legislators Senators, house of common reps, Judges, Magistrates, Ministers, Musicians, etc. - You get money to buy any thing you need and travel wherever you wish. - You get spiritual protection inbox me or send a friend request Become Illuminated and Join Us!!! email the illuminati official on if you are interested // // you can also cont us on whats-app +593960127139

  2. Put a woman in charge!!
    Great motivator to do the deep cleaning behind all the things and under , in the dark places. There is a bad smell, somewhere- remodel the entire kitchen only to discover that it was coming from the slight infection in the nose. It has happened.
    Your garden produces the most lovely variety of the veg that I love! Can not eat, but love, Eggplant, tomato, pepper- Inflammatory veg, that turn my knuckles into large fire marbles. Isn't that a shame!
    I want to make bread as beautiful as yours.

    1. It is without a doubt time for a woman to be in charge.
      I am so sorry that you have such a reaction to the nightshades. How awful!
      Whenever somebody said that something smelled bad around my grandfather he’d say, “Probably your upper lip!” This was profound humor for him.

  3. If every day began with a charge of those essential chores, especially finding the orange potatoes...

    1. And chucking them out for the chickens and worms to eat.

  4. Yes. I agree but wish a woman was running, that would be such a welcome change...

  5. My book club have " The Dutch House" on the list to read in a couple of months. A few years ago we read " Bel Canto" by Ann Patchett. I really enjoyed that one.

    1. I loved Bel Canto. I like most of her books. The Dutch House was very fine.

  6. Rotten potatoes indeed. They smell awful, as does the Whitehouse.

    Lets hope for change.

    1. All I can say is that whoever comes into the White House next needs to toss out all the mattresses and actually, everything else they can get away with throwing out. Have a big bonfire on the White House lawn.

  7. I have four drawers under one part of my kitchen counter and I pulled one open a couple of weeks ago and looked at the embarrassing stuff like dead bugs and poop that I ignore easily and thought if anybody looked in my drawers they would be horrified and think they are certain to get ill so I emptied all of them and cleaned them and put all the stuff back.

    I just read The Dutch House recently and really enjoyed it. had I known that Tom Hanks narrated it I might have got the audio version as if I have something to listen to it on.

    and I don't pray but I was praying the other night as I drifted off to sleep...don't die Ruth, don't die yet, we still need you.

  8. Oh, Ellen! I love you even more. My drawers sometimes shock me into taking action. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE THINK!!!???
    I listen to books on my phone. You can get them from the library. It’s so great.
    I’m with you on Ruth- her life deserves even the prayers of us atheists.

  9. “An 87-year-old woman on chemo has to keep working full-time, full-force, because she's quite literally the only thing stopping the country's full slide into fascism?” Read that the other day and felt a jolt of truth. Hang in there RBG. Love.

  10. Rotten potato as metaphor! I love it!

    I hope to God RBG hangs in there. Of course McConnell, who blocked Obama's SC nomination in his last year of office, now says he'll allow a Trump nomination to proceed even if it's right before the election.

  11. Are you interested in joining the illuminati brotherhood and make your dreams come true this is your chance to make it happen. contact me now and enjoy Benefits of being a member As a member you`ll get to enjoy many things name them cars, money, fame, popularity, houses, connections etc. - you will be given $130,000 every two weeks as a membership blessings, Own one of the big houses in town, including the juiciest mansions and villa. - Get connected to high-networth individuals in many professional sphere like Presidents, Legislators Senators, house of common reps, Judges, Magistrates, Ministers, Musicians, etc. - You get money to buy any thing you need and travel wherever you wish. - You get spiritual protection inbox me or send a friend request Become Illuminated and Join Us!!! email the illuminati official on if you are interested // // you can also cont us on whats-app +593960127139


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