Well, day two of Dearie being free to roam with Dottie and as we speak they are both safely shut up in their little pen after spending all day roving the yard. I was shocked to see them all the way out into the side yard by the garden when I was picking beans but there they were, the little one almost hidden by the grass. It's such a lovely, cheerful sight to see them but I'm going to be crying if she gets snatched and it will all be my fault. I know it. All the rest of the chickens appear to be doing fine. I'll be glad when the younger gals start laying because egg production is way down to only one or two a day. I feel like Violet has to be laying somewhere but I have no idea where that would be. But this heat is hard on the hens and they do slow down production in the summer.
Today was a good day. I stayed up a little later than I should have last night. I sort of had a private party last night. While I made my supper I listened to Keith Richard's album Crosseyed Heart and sang and danced as I chopped and cooked. No one here to hear my croakings, no one to watch my old-lady shufflings. Just me and Keith. And while I ate I watched (for probably the fifth time) the Netflix documentary, Under The Influence and the sweet old man made me happy in the heart. I may not talk about him much but I still love him. As I wrote a friend of mine, sometimes these days the only thing in the world that makes sense to me is Keith Richards.
I doubt that will make any sense to anyone but it is true for me. As Keith has said, "You've got the sun, you've got the moon, you've got the Rolling Stones."
Fuck Covid. Fuck Trump.
Give me music and give me the spirit of Keith Richards. My spirit totem animal.
Anyway, I ended up not turning the light off until a little after midnight which is way late for me but I woke up at my regular time and got up and managed to get the beans picked, both of the green variety and the field pea variety. And oh, it was hot! I realized as I was in the garden that Maurice no longer joins me there these days. She's not stupid, that cat. She'll come keep me company when it cools down, I think. She still loves me. She's within touching distance of me right now, stretched out with the fan on her, snoozing as the crickets lullaby her.
Jack was under my feet but he's disappeared. Probably back to the bed where he's been napping almost all day on Mr. Moon's side of the bed as if to demonstrate his enjoyment at being the only male in the house.
So I picked beans and I did a tiny bit of weeding and then a small amount of mulching and turned the sprinklers on. Despite the heat I do love being in the garden for at least short amounts of time, especially this year after Mr. Moon has made it so beautiful, so fruitful, so bountiful, and on top of that has provided so many bags of leaf mulch to keep it that way.
I finished August's dress to the point where it is now ready to decorate with those mythical sequins and rick-rack. There is rick-rack on the pockets and I've been going through the button tin to try and get inspiration for trimming.
Lily sent pictures of the kids on a walk/bike ride they took around a little pond by the east side library. I think they were brave to go out for recreation in this heat. She said that the kids were fine but Pepper- maybe not.
Oh dear GOD! I texted. You've killed the dog!
But no, Pepper is fine. Owen carried her the last little bit.
What a sweet boy my Owen is.
Jessie sent a picture of her family eating popcorn in bed. She'd been taking a nap and the boys woke her up but since they brought her popcorn, it was okay.
Do you think Levon has his mama's smile?
A sweet, simple day. For me.
Mr. Moon called and he has not had a sweet simple day. He is exhausted and probably heat exhausted and on top of that- no fish. No one was catching today.
Dammit. I wanted some fish. And I wanted him to catch them.
Fishing offshore is not just like going on a boat ride or throwing a line out into a lake under the shade of a willow tree. It's hard work. And it's hot. And there's no shade. And they can't just jump into the water to cool off. Added to all of that, he didn't sleep well last night as it took forever for the house to cool down. That little place sits in the sun and bakes and if the AC hasn't been on in awhile, it's that much worse. He told me he'd left the thermostat at 74 today and when he got in from fishing it was still only 79.
I was so hoping that he'd have a wonderful time but that's not what's happened. He's not even going to go out tomorrow. He's just too tired. I hope he gets some sleep tonight.
I feel pretty sure that I will. Get sleep tonight. I generally do.
Peace to all of you.
Love...Ms. Moon
Levon definitely has his mother's smile. And I think August looks a lot like Mr. Moon.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Mr. Moon....I'm sorry his trip has been a bust. This heat is awful and makes everything more trouble than it's worth sometimes.
Have a good sleep tonight, dear Mary.
You are so right about the "more trouble than it's worth," thing. Sometimes the thought of walking out to the garden to turn the sprinkler on is overwhelming. Forget the idea of weeding! Good god NO!
DeleteSo sorry to hear Mr Moon’s fishing trip isn’t quite as planned. He’ll be happy to get home. That photo of Jessie’s family is one for the ages and yes, Levon’s smile lights up the place just like his mother’s. Hugs my friend.
ReplyDeleteHe was pretty happy to be home, I think. At least in his own bed!
DeleteHugs to you, darling woman.
loved your day....the shimmying to music while cooking, your staying up late private party (the only time I EVER stay up past 9pm is when hubby is gone)...... and love the popcorn in bed pic and Mr Moons beautiful sunset. Yes, Levon does have Jessie's smile. Dottie will protect little Dearie chick...... have a good night, a party martini and I'm sure you'll be glad to have the man back home manana!
ReplyDeleteSusan M
Thanks, Susan.
DeleteAnd you're right about Dottie- she is being a great mama.
That picture omg Magnolia and Pepper is hilarious. th lu
ReplyDeleteIt's one of my favorites EVER!
DeleteI love the picture of sweet little Dearie discovering her world! And yes, Levon does have his Mama's smile. Poor little Pepper looks like her tongue is about to fall out she's so hot! I sure hope things get better for Mr. Moon. I know he was looking forward to some good fishing. You take good care!
ReplyDeleteThat's why Owen carried her. Poor little doggie.
DeleteAnd yes, Mr. Moon was disappointed but he knows that it's fishing, not always catching. It's just too damn hot.
Feel so bad for Mr. Moon. To have looked forward to something so much and then be so disappointed--especially hard these days when there is so little opportunity to do the things we enjoy. Makes it a bit crushing.
ReplyDeleteYour various family photos certainly demonstrate the love you and Mr Moon have passed on to your children--and now their children. The very best kind of legacy. The only one that really counts.
I feel that way too, Mary. We care so much about each other. And that is the best way for children to grow up.
DeleteThat is exactly one of the reasons I've never liked boating. It's hot as a mirror out on that water and if you have fair skin it's like being broiled alive. No thanks!
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of you dancing around your kitchen to Keith Richards as you make dinner. We all need a little "me" time to do stuff like that.
Very cute picture of the chickens! And yeah, Pepper looks like she's had quite enough. :)
Yep! Me time indeed!
DeleteI enjoyed it but I'm glad I don't have it all the time.
That picture of Jessie and fam, Levon looks like her and August looks like his dad. long walks in the heat can be tough on little dogs. this heat is no time to be out in the sun or in an unairconditioned house.
ReplyDeleteI think that Levon does favor Jessie and August his dad. I see Glen in August too. I wonder how tall he's going to be?
DeleteIt is too hot to be out but the trail they were on is mostly shaded so it wasn't as bad as it could be. Still...thank god for AC.
The idea of spending a day on a boat would drive me crazy. I can see sitting on a river bank fishing maybe but not on a boat. Still I'm sure Mr Moon will have enjoyed it really, even if he didn't catch any fish!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure he enjoyed it but perhaps it relieved his itch to do it for a little while.He sure would have enjoyed it more if he'd caught some fish.
DeleteMaggie is pretty dang cute. She's got the most expressive face. And of course those curls...
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you have insomnia. That's the worst.