Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Never Ending Story

You know what? -As my friend Sue-Sue always used to say, as if asking permission to speak- I am tired of dreaming about my stepfather. One would think, that after forty-something years of healing and recovery (hahaha!) I would stop being haunted by him.

I've dreamed of him several times in the past few days. Once, when I was at Gatorbone, he came into my dreams and I got witnesses to his foulness and I called the police.
Last night, I dreamed he walked into a room where I was and he was wearing a beige suit coat (I do not like beige. I always say life is too short for beige) and someone said, "Oh, you look nice in that suit," and I wanted to kill them both.
If you're new to this world of mine and you have the desire to know who my stepfather is, go click on that subject label childhood sexual abuse. You'll discover more than you want to know, I'm sure.
I can figure out the dream I had at Gatorbone. I'm still trying to make him accountable for his deeds and sometimes in my dreams, I confront him and scream at him and sometimes I've even hit him.
But what was the deal with the beige suit coat? The compliment? Was that my mother, always trying to bring to my attention how lucky we were to have this man in our lives? Handsome, tall, smart, willing to take on the responsibility of two step-children?
I don't know.
All I know is that I wish that by now I was done with all of this and yet, I doubt I ever will be. Not entirely.
And if he only haunted my dreams it would be okay, but I know in my heart that what happened to me as a child affects me to this day in more ways than I even realize and in many ways that I do realize and I hate that. Hate it, hate it, hate it.
I have peeled away so many layers of this onion and yet, there are always more, it would seem. I have been peeling away since I was a child, trying to get to the heart of what is me and what is the me which was created when that man came into my life and changed me into someone I wish I had never become.
I think I fear more because of him, I do not trust goodness unless it is proven beyond a doubt, I feel safest when alone, which isolates me, and I do not trust my own instincts, my own love for others.
Because I loved him.
And he said he loved me.
And then...he damaged me.

Mr. Moon has been the stalwart and faithful soul who has stood by me, suffering for the sins of that man and there have been times when he was so weary of suffering for the sins of another that I am sure he contemplated leaving. How could he have not?
But in staying, in giving his love, he has given me the space and the place to do more healing than I ever could have imagined.
Having my babies the way I did and loving them the way I did gave me back my body in ways that I never would have been able to reclaim it as mine, to learn to respect it, to realize its power, its ability to give life.
I had a counselor who was not afraid to hold me and cry with me and she did more for me than she will ever know.
I've had friends who have listened to my stories and nodded and held me and let me go on in my ranting, my tears.
I've been given this life that provides me all the space and time one could want to peel away more and more layers as I become aware of them, as I have strength to do.

And yet, here he comes back into my dreams and that makes me so sad. Because I have made so many wrong choices because of what happened to me in his home. I have spent so many years trying to shed those layers, trying to get back to the me I would have been, could have been.

I recognize and respect the fact that I am who I am with some strengths and some awarenesses I never would have had if I had not gone through that. I have more compassion, I have more sensitivity. I know that.

But you know what?- as Sue-Sue would have said- I would gladly have given all of that up not to have been abused. I would gladly not be as compassionate, as sensitive if I never had to dream of him again.

I'm tired of having to defend myself over and over and over in that dream world. I visualize that whole story as a pebble in my brain that the waves of my psyche bump up against, even now, and I wish it had been worn away by the years and years of the tides of my emotions, my actions, my reading, my writing, my receiving counseling, the love in my life, my life itself.
And I keep thinking there must be something I can do to let it all go, to finally dissolve that rough place, to prevent him from showing up, unannounced and most definitely unwelcome, a dream reminder that his influence seems eternally upon me, and that I will never get to the last layer of the onion, no matter what.


  1. My Dear Ms. Moon,
    I SO HATE that man. And I SO LOVE you and think you are remarkable.

    I wish I could fix your dreams.

    I love you.


  2. Ms. Bastard- I just adore you. Thank-you.

  3. I can't help but wonder if those dreams aren't some kind of opportunity. A chance to look at him and stand up and say "you have no power over me." Or, "you can't hurt me anymore."

    I guess I just wish they served some purpose beyond torturing you.

  4. If I could show up in your dreams, I'd punch that fucker for you. I'm sorry. I hate saying "I'm sorry" because that and a pile of nothing gets you, well, nothing.

    But it's all I got.

  5. Stephanie- Oh. I have beat him up so many times. I have told him those exact words. And yet- it's never enough. Why? I know I'm not the only one with these experiences.

    Aunt Becky- Okay. We'll all beat him up. And all the abusers. I wish.

  6. Well hell, I wish I had something-anything at all-useful to say. And I think-at least for ME-the salvation, if that is what you want to call it, comes from looking at my children and knowing that I would walk through the fire-and have-to protect them, that I can give them the things I didn't have, and maybe in the end it will be enough. To say it doesn't affect me daily would be a flat-ass lie; it affects my relationship with Steve, with other people, with life in general, and I wish it were not so. It is, though, and all any one of us can do is keep getting up in the mornings and doing what is in front of us that day. Even if what is in front of us is curling into a ball and weeping.

    Ha. Some help I am, eh?

  7. Oh, Ms. Moon, how unfair to have the past haunt you, even in the happiest of times. The human mind has an uncanny ability to fuck with itself, doesn't it?

    Maybe the dreams are the psyche's misguided attempts to help you, and if only there were an off switch. I like to spin my past with the idea that all roads led me to here, and that without the bad parts, the stupid choices, the wasted time, I might have never ended up here with this life, this man and these babies. Who can ever know? It's the what if's that can make me crazy on a good day.

    It sucks to be stuck in time, reverting like Billy Pilgrim to the place you never wanted to be. I think that's the nature of trauma, whether it be abuse, violence, war. You just get stuck there, in that place, at that age. No matter where you go, there you are, yes?

    Is he dead yet? Will you dance on his grave? Kick his ass in the afterlife? I say whatever brings you an inkling of peace, because you deserve it. You deserve sweet dreams too, I'm hoping you get them soon.

  8. It just never totally goes away, does it, no matter how hard we try to make it. I'm so sorry.

  9. how often have i thought that i would rather be someone else who hasn't had the experiences i've had, just to be able to be simple and uncomplicated! in some ways we live our lives backwards - maturing into innocence, purity, joy all that good stuff. i wish i didn't know what i know about people. i worry about how i am going to be able to stand back and let my children go out into the big bad world, especially my daughter. I really worry about that.

  10. I wish there was something I could say or do to make those terrible dreams and memories disappear. It is terrible what adults do to children. I honestly believe they should not be given a second chance and be gone. They have a sickness that can't be fixed. They just aren't wired right. Despite your dreams I hope you are doing well and the new grandbaby is giving you much joy.

  11. A week or so ago I wrote this on the blog of a dear friend commenting on the Polanski situation. Someone suggested that he should make amends and that unfortunately put me over the top, where I seldom visit my own rage.

    "Make amends? what kind of amends could be made for a crime such as violating a child? Can they give them back their innocence? take away their fears? stop their nightmares? create new trust toward adults? forget forever the terror of being at the mercy of an animal dressed in human clothes?

    When they manage that I would believe in handing them the charity they still wouldn't deserve but until then I hope each and everyone who has done that to a child rots in hell here and wherever the hell they deserve may be.

    Forgive me Buddha, but here I draw the line about forgiveness. I was never molested but I have witnessed the effect on children who were, when working at the Hospital. A thousand deaths are too
    soft of a punishment for those who molest a child."

    I stand by this. In case of rape I take no prisoners.

    I love you Ms Moon. I wish I would have been around when this was happening to take that bastard down and to help you in any way I could or that you needed. We cannot correct the past but we sure as hell can change the future. I hope peace comes to you because you must know that you are of value, that you are a decent and loving human being who deserves the best that life has to offer and that so many of us truly care about you. If there was some voodoo ceremony I could learn to exorcise the s.o.b, I swear I would turn to it and send him back to the hell where he belongs. Forever.

  12. Yes. Look at lucid dreaming. You can literally prepare for the next dream he appears in and have a plan as to what to do and how to neutralise him.

    The beige thing reminds me of a dream my mother told me about when my father's affair was coming to a head in some way - she dreamed she was incredibly thirsty and she saw a bottle of orange juice on a table labled 'Moreno' and she picked it up and drank deep of it, insatiably, til it was gone. And 'moreno' is 'no more' backwards. Not that it fixed anything, but I think it gave her some resolve and perspective.

    So what is beige?? Beige = age and b? Age be? and a suit? Something about age suiting you and you esent them saying it? I don't know, I'm just free associating.

    I suppose it's not HIM in your dreams as such, just what he represents to you.

    But look up lucid dreaming, perhaps you can work out how to dismiss him.

  13. Dear MM,

    I visit a blog which is for survivors of SA. This time of year is really hard on a whole lot of survivors... maybe because of being confined indoors more in the winter, the irony of the impending holidays.. whatever. Also, Halloween itself is terrifying for a lot of survivors who associate their abuser(s) strongly with the monster ghoul imagery.

    I hope it helps you to know that you are not alone, and that it will pass.
    xo pf

  14. Do you know where the asshole is buried? Perhaps actually spitting on his grave would help you.

  15. Just sending you some love, Ms. Moon. And some healing wishes.

    "I do not trust my own instincts, my own love for others." - That jumped at me from the page. I'd never understood that about myself.

  16. I understand a million times over. I am working through tough stuff too, and it's hard to realize that things that happened so far in your past can affect you so profoundly. It makes me feel weak sometimes, like I should be over it. But i know that's not how it works, and do also realize that its going to be a lifetime struggle most likely.

    I wish sweet dreams for you tonight.

  17. you are my hero as i still struggle with many of the same things. i see you as someone i could be in several years, a mother, a grandmother, something beyond that scared little girl in the principal's office that got called a liar after she told someone. that little girl was silent for a long time. you are amazing ms moon and you give others the courage to speak again as you share your healing with us.

    thank you.


  18. Your honesty brings me to a better place, and I will always love you for that--thanks for sharing.

  19. Kori- More help than you know. You always inspire me.

    Mel- I know that I would not be HERE if none of that had happened. But still...yes, stuck.
    And no, he's not dead. He has Alzheimers and is not well.

    Chris Tea- No. It doesn't ever really go away. Sucks for all of us.

    Anna- Yes. That is one of the ways abuse really hurts- it makes us distrust others and it makes us so possessive and overprotective of our children. It's not fair to them. But we do our best. We do.

    Mr. Shife- You are always so sweet. I appreciate your comments a great deal. And yes, my grandson is giving me so much joy!

    Ms. Allegra- Damn. You just make me cry. You get this entirely. You nailed the whole amends thing. And "forgiveness"- another concept I can't grasp in situations of sexual abuse. When ever anyone suggests that forgiveness might be in order for the sake of the survivor, I just don't get it. Fuck that.
    I appreciate everything you said and I promise you, if there were a voodoo ritual I would ask you to help. I would do the same for you and you know it.
    Thank-you and love.

    Ms. Jo- I confront him over and over in my dreams. I do. I think he was wearing beige just because I don't like beige.
    The story of your mother's dream was very powerful.

    Ms. Fleur- Ah, this is not a seasonal thing. It is a relative constant.

    Lucy- Not buried yet. Still alive.

    Mwa- Thank you for that love and healing wishes. I mean it.

    SJ- Yep. Afraid to say it might. Or, perhaps you are not as crazy as me and things will get easier sooner. I hope so for you. I do. I really do.

    Miss A- I am no hero. I am just someone who DOES indeed realize that there is no shame on my part. And there is none in yours, either, dear heart.

    AJ- Thank YOU, you wonderful girl.

  20. I think the beige suit is symbolic of something obviously horrible that no one else seems to see is horrible.
    I am just astounded at how wonderful you are. You would have been wonderful without all those awful life lessons, and you are wonderful not because of them but in spite of them. You taught us to be protective of ourselves but also to trust people and trust our hearts.
    Maybe you are having these frequent dreams because you have a new baby to love and protect and when you look at him you feel that heart swell that is instinctual and true, and it bewilders and angers you once again that you were a baby like that and the people around you were empty in that place. They did not do their job. Beyond the horror, it is absurd and stupid and doesn't make sense.
    He is a stupid, broken, empty man. His existence is wrong.
    You are lovingness and light. You are my beating hot and heavy heart. I worship and adore you.

  21. Ms Moon I love you. I am so sorry you were hurt when you were innocent. I am SO GLAD you are who you are.

  22. Dear MM,

    I am sorry. I guess that was wishful thinking on my part.

    I like what May has to say.... She is a wise one.

  23. Oh, HE was wearing beige. Huh. I got nothin!

    I didn't mean to suggest confrontation. More like dismissal. A way to say, oh, you have no importance here, I am no longer affected by you, I don't wish to see you. Send him to the zoo to get eaten up by the hippos.

  24. May- If I loved you any more, I would explode. But I won't because I could not love you more than I already do.

    SJ- Oh, darling.

    Ms. Fleur- She is a wise one, isn't she?
    And so are you.

    Ms. Jo- No. I would not do that to the hippos. Maybe the hyenas, though.

  25. Damn. What May said. That girl can write.

    I adore her!

  26. OK. I love you Ms. Moon.
    And the fact that Miss Maybelle is SO FUCKING AMAZING and YOU did that despite the awfulness you endured is staggering. That's what I think

  27. Ms. Bastard and Michelle- May is, quite simply, aMAYzing.
    We have always known this.

  28. I can't possibly say anything.
    As a new reader, this stuns me.

    While I have much to "read" and learn the more of you,
    I imagine how hard you work everyday to undo it all, and to have him still trying to take some power back must feel like breathing in glass shards.

    Stuns me what people do to each other.

  29. Maggie May- Too many are hurt when they are innocent. As you know. Thank-you, and I am so glad you are who YOU are now.
    And forever.

    Deb- Ah yah. It gets easier over time. Sort of. You know? And thank you for the comments you are making on old posts. I am cherishing them. I am truly cherishing them.

  30. Dear Ms. Moon,

    AJ sent me the link to this post...and your post made me want to share some things. Find "Mosaic" under confessionalpoet.blogspot.com if you are interested. Thank you for sharing!



Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.