Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hang On To Your Uteri, Girls (Or, Things In Round Places)

I had pregnancy dreams last night. The last time this happened, Lily turned up knocked-up. Now I don't think Lily's quite ready to get pregnant again and last time I checked, neither May nor Jessie were engaging in baby-making ceremonies although I am quite aware we do not tell our mothers everything.
And the good lord knows I am not about to get pregnant so who IS IT? Is it you????

I was reminded of the dreams this morning when I saw old Pearl curled up in a small dog's bed. She loves to do this. It makes her feel cozy. I have even found her asleep on Zeke's bed which is more like a little hut than a flat bed but Pearl just lays down on it and smashes it out and snoozes away. Anyway, here she is in the small dog's bed as opposed to the tiny dog's bed:

She has a Pearl-sized bed and Dolly, a small dog, snoozes there:

No. I do not put those pretty ribbons in her hair. The groomer does and they will be gone by tomorrow, I am sure.

Anyway, seeing Pearl in that bed reminded me of the dreams because not only was I pregnant, so was Pearl. Now Pearl has never had sex as far as I know and was spayed at a very early age, plus in dog years, she is far more ancient even than I who, as we all know, is ancient and hoary and filled with wisdom but no functioning eggs.

So despite all of this, Dream Pearl delivered her puppy and at first it was a normal puppy and she bit the string-like umbilical cord but then, as things will happen in Dream World, the puppy turned into a creature which had a head like an adult Lab's head and I said, "Holy fuck! That puppy's head is as big as Pearl's head!"

I was amazed.

And I was walking around with this giant pregnant belly and just waiting for that tipping point which casts you into labor and I liked having the belly. This probably comes from my near-fat experience yesterday and I've spent my entire life being depressed about my fat stomach except for when I was pregnant which were the only times in my life I could walk around without holding in my stomach and it was glorious and I loved my pregnant belly more than I can say. It was my glory, my joy, my round Buddha vessel of life. Ah.

So in the dream I was waiting to go into labor and instead of my usual pregnancy dreams where I think This time I will get an epidural! I thought about Lily and how brave she'd been in labor and I knew I could do it again if I could only begin this process. I searched my body for how things felt and I realized I was guarding against pain by holding my muscles in to keep my belly from dropping down because THAT triggered what could have been a contraction and so I tried to relax and let that contraction-thing happen, even though it was painful.

There were lots of people around and one of them was a woman I used to know in high school and to whom I am still somehow connected through a mutual friend. I know she has been through troubled times recently and in my dream she was beautiful and well and I hoped she would be there for the birth. I took her aside and said, "Sally, if you are here when I'm in labor, please remind me...."
And I can't remember what I told her to remind me of but perhaps it was something like, "Don't be afraid of the pain and don't hold back from letting it happen."
I think that may actually have been it because I think now, as the sun is shining on me and I am coffee-ed and yoga-ed up that this was the message of the dream.

Don't be afraid of the pain. I have to relax into whatever the pain is because through pain there will be new life.

And beyond that, I haven't a fucking clue.

And then there was Pearl, a big dog in a round space and I thought of her having a puppy and me having a grand round belly and the message came back to me and maybe that's all there was to it- inner wisdom being transmitted to my consciousness and it had nothing to do with anyone I know actually getting pregnant.

But just in case- if you don't want to get pregnant, be careful. I'm warning you.

But if you do want to get pregnant- go for it! Attend the baby-making ceremonies with great joy and energy. Relax and give in and surely, one way or another, through pleasure and/or pain, there will be new life.

And that's it for today. Or until I get inspired again.
One never knows here at The Church Of The Batshit Crazy, does one?

And it is the anniversary of May's near-death/rebirth and as I think about it, perhaps that was part of my dream as well.

I love you, May. I love watching you be reborn again and again and again, each time more beautiful, each time more filled with light, each time more sure and strong and true.

My children are my teachers and if I do indeed have any wisdom at all, it is because of them.
And of that I am quite sure.


  1. My tubes are clamped so you don't have to worry about me getting pregnant.

    I dream about having a baby all the time. I cry a lot about it, not having another one...but I cry a little less about it every week.

    I think if I could go back and do it all again I would have one more! ha.

  2. This is crazy you wrote about pregnancy today. Not because I'm pregnant, nor am I partaking in the ritual baby-making ceremony (unfortunately), but a girl in my class this morning called her doctor to find out that she is pregnant with a girl! I'm guessing she already knew that she was with-child, but I didn't know this. And I just have to say that this soon to be young Mama is one of the prettiest little women you have ever seen. I hope she stays in school so I can observe her becoming a beautiful pregnant lady and then I hope I get to see her baby.

    Anyway, that dream of yours sounded pretty amazing. I've recently stopped either dreaming a lot, or I just can't remember them anymore. I miss that world.

    And to May- I love you so much! I don't know what I would do or know who I would be without your sweet self.

  3. I hope that despite all precautions otherwise, it is me. So there.

  4. Oh God, it had BETTER NOT be me! I'm too old to go through another pregnancy!

    Sounds like your dream was wacky... I like your interpretations though! I've been having anxiety dreams lately.

    I love your chilluns and you and Mr Moon... and all your furry and feathered chilluns too! It's a fabulous day out, I hope you're feeling energized and spunky!!
    xo pf

  5. Erin- And as you can see here, you will never quit having those dreams.

    HoneyLuna- When the time comes, you will resume the baby-making ceremony. Or at least practicing. And your babies are going to be gorgeous! I'm glad for your nursing school friend. A girl I went to nursing school with had a baby and she managed. Somehow. I'm not sure how but she did and she was one of the top students.
    But don't get any ideas....

    Kori- Hormones trump common sense all the time. If want it, it will happen. This I know.

    Rachel- I know you do!

    Ms. Fleur- Well, you could do it if you had to, but I sort of hope you don't. Jeez.

  6. Ah, but the other half required to pro-create would not be overly happy, which is why I am resigning myself (obviously slooooowly) to having my tubes tied in January or February. Why is it so hard to accept being finished?

  7. So funny that you wrote about this today, dreams and the baby-making ceremony. Ah, no, if I come up pregnant I'll have to name the baby Jesus.

  8. We are about to have ours, so does that count?

  9. Kori's comment brought back a memory from when I had my tubes tied in my early 40s. Awakening from the surgery, my doctor came to check on me, asked how I was feeling. I told him "Fine, did everything go okay?"

    He said "Oh yes... Now, you just wanted the one done, right?"

    I nearly choked laughing :)

  10. I hope it's about all of us who are wishing for it. Me, too!

  11. Oh, and I went to read the story of May's near-death/rebirth. What a thing. What a thing to make such a horrendous experience into something so beautifully told and dealt with.

  12. Kori- It's mighty hard. And why doesn't the male person get a vasectomy instead? Mr. Moon did.
    Easier surgery. But, it really is NOT my business, is it?

    May- We are one brain. But you write better. I like the name Jesus.
    Haysuse, that is.

    Jon- Nope. That was another dream.

    Mary- I bet he told that to all the girls.

    Mwa- Oh honey. Me, too.

    Mwa- Take a look at what May wrote today. It's remarkable.

  13. No babies for this gal, and I'm not sure which it makes me feel more - glad or sad.

    May's story is incredible.

  14. Hooray for May! Thank Christ she is living and thriving and hardy and well.

    I love my May May.

    I love her Mama, too.

  15. I forgot to add that I dig THE RIBBONS on the dog. Very fetching.

  16. Ginger- Isn't May's story incredible? I still can't really think about it.
    And you're probably both glad and sad in about equal proportions that you'll be having no more babies.

    Ms. Bastard- I think it's funny you call her what we do- May-May. Her childhood name. And we love you, too.

  17. Ah, because the male person has no insurance....

  18. I am very averse! I shall remain celibate indefinitely as a result! I think it'd be cool to go through the pregnancy process, but do NOT want a newborn. Likely would drop it off in your chicken coop.

    So, here's to hoping that those who want to be with-child become so, and those who do not have male persons with health insurance!

  19. I think maybe Owen factors into your dreams a bit, maybe you are adjusting to the grandma role of loving him more than life itself but not being his primary caregiver is reminding you of the babies you carried and whom you were the prime nuturer. But I'm not Freud, so who knows :) Anyway, no real answers, but that was my first thought for some reason.

    I have pregnancy dreams every now and again, usually more like labor dreams, and they are always around when I'm cramping because of ovulating or something. I think the body starts getting those baby vibes!

    I've read May's story before, but I might have to go do it again!

  20. If it's me that's pregnant, get ready because we're talking the second coming and a virgin birth!

    As for your daughter, my god. She is one hell of a person and a writer. Which leads me to believe that her mother is truly, truly, utterly extraordinary.

  21. I looked at that picture of Dolly and thought there's no way Ms. Moon has a pink dog with pink bows in it's ears.

    And thank god for May. She made me laugh today

  22. Ms. Bastard- She does look cute as a button, doesn't she?

    Kori- Ah yah. There you go.

    Nola- You have a baby, drop him or her off right here. If you ever want him or her back, you can have him.
    Until then, he'll get the finest kind of laying mash.

    SJ- You may be utterly correct.

    Elizabeth- ALL of my children are amazing. I am constantly in awe of the fact that they came from my womb. Crazy.
    Virgin birth?
    Honey. I'm sorry.

    Michelle- I would never put pink bows in my dog's ears but they do look, as Ms. Bastard said, fetching. Don't they?
    I'm glad May made you laugh. She's got the GIFT. And yes, thank all the deities for that girl and her continuing existence.

  23. it seems may and i share a birth/rebirth anniversary!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.