Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Boobs Make Everything Better

I'm having one of those days. Which kind is that? you may ask. Or, you may in fact say, Who cares, Ms. Moon? And did you know that Amy Winehouse got new boobs?

That's the sort of day I'm having. Exactly. Amy Winehouse got new boobs and I am boring. Boring, boring, boring. So boring that if I were a food group, they'd eliminate it from the pyramid. So boring that if I were a book I would be sold as an over-the-counter sleep aid. So boring that if I were a movie, they would have to give away free boobs to get people to watch it.

It's so gloomy here today. The sky is gray. All of it. And it's so humid that my mirrors and windows are all white and ghostly with condensation. My walls are sweating. Mold is multiplying as we speak. There's a tornado watch and the wind is picking up. There is thunder in the far-off distance. My dogs are laying around as if they are just trying to sleep through this day, get it over with. I understand. I might try the same but my sheets are in the dryer.

They look as sad and pathetic as I feel.

I wonder if they know that Amy Winehouse got new boobs? Her father says they are swell. I could write an entire post just about that very tiny bit of information. I do not care to. I believe that anyone who comes here to visit is intelligent enough to already know what I would think about a father who comments on his daughter's new boobs.

Ah yah though. She is Amy Winehouse and her new boobs are cause for international celebritalk. I just made that word up. It's not real. It's as fake as...Amy Winehouse's new boobs!

I am not Amy Winehouse and I am boring. Maybe I should get new boobs. I could get tens of blog posts' worth of words out of that experience. Plus- before and after pictures!
I think not.
I had a friend who got new boobs. She showed them to me. (Have I already told you this?) and I thought, "Wow! Sign me up, baby! I want me some of them!"
Then she said, "Feel them." So of course I did.
Yikes! Cancel the appointment! No. Thank. You.

I wonder what Amy Winehouse's boobs feel like. I doubt I'll ever know.
Have you ever talked to a celebrity? I haven't.
Have you ever felt a celebrity's boobs?
I have not.
Have you ever wished you could?
I have. Susan Sarandon's in particular.

I'd only like to do that a little bit less than I'd like to cook supper for B.B. King. And that's a LOT!

But I don't think I want to feel Amy Winehouse's new boobs.

Like her old ones weren't good enough?

I wouldn't mind kissing her but that lipstick does not look like much fun. Nah. It would be really messy.

I think my sheets are dry. I'll go put them on my bed now.

I'm so boring. Did the boobs help? I hope so. They helped me. A little. Which is what my boobs are. Little. Actually, they're more sagging than little.

I'm just trying to be honest here.
Perhaps tomorrow we shall talk about post-menopausal sex.
But don't count on it.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. One of my cousins has met Susan Sarandon, but I doubt she gave the boobies a squeeze. Have you seen her daughter, Eva Amurri? She looks just like her.

    You aren't boring. You may be bored, but never boring. Stay safe in the weather.

  2. You only think you are boring because you are having a boring day. You're actually very interesting.

    Susan Sarandon has always been hot.

    Amy Winehouse is a Mess. And her boobs are the least of her problems, she could barely stand upright before she got the new ones.

    And finally, post-menopausal sex.
    Don't get me started.

    I need to tend to the laundry myself. Have a better day.

    Oh, and did I mention, my October has had not one 70 degree day, is the cloudiest in 25 years, and the 4th wettest on record. No wonder I'm crabby!

  3. try to make me care 'bout fake boobies and I say no, no, no

    yes, i've seen nice ones but when I see real ones, I know, know, know

  4. Ginger- Yes. Her daughter does look just like her. Boobs and all.

    Mel- I would go insane if our weather was like that.

    Magnum- I was going to title that post "They told me I should get my boobs done but I said, 'no, no, no'".

  5. Fake boobs are not all that attractive to me. I mean, to each their own, but things implanted under skin creep me out.

    I have never, as far as I know, grabbed a celebrity's boobs, but I did once see a gal I know on the cover of the National Enquirer in a bikini.

  6. Are you sure you're not a lesbian? You're missing a good chance. Boobs make everything better - I agree. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. It's such a fantastic word, too. Boobs.

  7. Aunt Becky- I'm taking 'em.

    DTG- Not the same but better than I'll ever do.

    Ms. Windy- Yes. I am sure I'm not a lesbian. Darn it.

  8. I think it might be a boring week. I can't think of a damn thing to say. Either here or on my own blog. But your post wasn't boring, not at all.

  9. What a shame. You definitely qualify for Honorary Lesbian status, though. Nobody who admires boobs the way you do should be left out just because of that whole penis-loving technicality. So let me be the first to welcome you to the fold! Local meeting times vary. Check at the nearest softball field for details. :)

  10. dearest mary,

    i have met lots of celebrities, and i've actually touched some of their boobs, some real but mostly fake. i've seen even more (naked) celebrity boobies than i have touched.

    i've met susan sarandon, but never touched her breasts (i just can't call hers 'boobs').

    if you were ACTUALLY boring, there's no-way-in-hades you would recognize that boobs make everything better.

    i think your 'real' problem is that you have a heart and soul and those two things are a VERY big responsibility in this mixed-up mungled-up shook-up world...bigger than susan sarandon and amy winehouse's boobs combined.


  11. p.s. don't you LOVE windy's new profile picture?

  12. You are absolutely a riot. Thank you for that.

    I honestly don't see the difference in her old boobs versus the new ones, but I'm not that discerning I suppose.

  13. Elizabeth- Boobs are never boring. Well, except for mine.

    Windy Days- But wouldn't you like to collect the toaster oven for recruitment?

    Adrienne- You sweet woman you! And so what were the BEST celebrity boobs you ever saw naked? Damn. You should do a coffee table book. "Celebrity Boobs I Have Known". Don't you think?
    And yes, I do love Ms. Windy's new photo. I bought a similar hat the other day at Goodwill, only in pink. I had to have it.

    Marsha- According to what I read online (and we know that means it's true), those old ones were propped up with chicken cutlets. I think we should all do this for the upcoming holiday parties we will be attending.

  14. Silly you. You are not boring ever. But I'm sorry you're feeling that way today.
    I also wanted to say, in regards to your other post, doesn't it though feel so wonderful when you do just enough and with the right kind of energy that you just feel satisfied and happy and clean? Like when the sheets are clean I was thinking and enough things are dust free, the plants are watered, there's something cooking on the stove and all the animals nails are clipped. I love that feeling. Ah.
    I like SS breasts too, though maybe not so much in that pic!

  15. I think kissing the idea of Amy Winehouse may be the most revolting thing you've ever said.

  16. Xbox may have a point. I have a sneaking suspision she doesn't smell too good.

  17. and wow, that was a really dyslexic comment from me.

    That's how much I was disturbed by the idea of putting my mouth near that smack head's lips.

  18. Bethany- Yes. That is a wonderful feeling. As I recall...

    Daddy X and Stephanie- Ah well. Perhaps I didn't think that one out too well. It probably would not be a very pleasant experience. You are right. But she does have interesting lips. I suppose that's all I was saying.

  19. Ms. Moon, have I ever mentioned I love you?

    I would never get fake boobs. Interestingly, I like mine better now I've breastfed a couple of kids. I've always preferred breasts that hang ever so slightly. Damn 100% perkiness! I would hate to have two half volleyballs taped to my chest like that.

    Oh, and you are not boring. It's interesting that you seem to be capturing what goes on in my head so often. I decided just this morning that I was entertaining in July.

    Big kiss.

  20. 'boobs that hang ever so slightly'

    Mph.I guess I could live with 'ever so slightly'. Sigh.

    Everybody likes boobs, even gay men, I'm told. Boobs are great.

    Poor Amy. Maybe she got them so she'd bounce back up like one of those kids' punch bag clowns when she falls over in a stupor.

    I love the idea of instant fix boobs but the surgery is horrible, the recovery time is long, there's scarring. And then they feel lumpy. And they REMOVE YOUR NIPPLE AND REATTACH IT higher up and you might lose all sensitivity in it, so really it's not worth it.

    If there was a magic boob fairy I'd ask for a wave of her wand, but not like this.

  21. Susan Sarandon has breasts.
    Amy Winehouse has boobs.
    Let's not confuse breasts with boobs.

  22. I am crazy curious about postmenopausal sex!

    Susan Sarandon in Bull Durham was the first person I ever thought, "Damn she's sexy" about.

  23. Mwa- Entertaining in July? You mean you're going to have a party then? That is certainly plenty of preparation time. You're so sweet and yes, breasts with a little life on them are so much nicer.

    Ms. Jo- Loved your comment about Amy's reason for getting new bosoms. Haha! Very smart. And yes, if there were a magic breast fairy, I would employee her. Otherwise, not.

    Lucy- You are completely correct.

    Nola- Well, I could only tell you of my experiences. But that is a porch-with-drinks conversation for sure.
    And yes, Bull Durham is one of the very best movies of all times. In my opinion, anyway.

  24. What is so eternally fascinating about boobs anyway? They are just hangy sacks of fat for feeding offspring.

    Men go gaga over boobs. Men are gross.

  25. Hey, it's cool if you don't like bewbs. More for me.

  26. Ms. Bastard- Ah. Bosoms are life. Just ask Owen! He'll tell you. Oh wait, he doesn't have time. He's too busy nursing.
    But you don't have to like them.
    And don't tell anyone I said this but men can be gross. I guess in the interest of fairness, I should point out that women can be too.

  27. This post was far from boring! My 18 month old daughter loves boobs more than any man I know. Well, my boobs anyway. I'm not sure how she feels about others. There's lots to be said on the topic, isn't there? We are having a rainy day here too, which was awful for the field trip I went on, but great for staying in and looking out--which is what we did all afternoon.

  28. I look forward to porch and drinks someday indeed! We have so many topics to hit ...

  29. Dear God Woman!!

    I thought you said you were ok?? You sound perfectly dreary.

    Come on over and smoke with me.
    xo pf

  30. PS Who is this Winehouse chick with the skunky hair and new boobs?

    The boobs are gross and she has a nasty expression. Eeeewe..

  31. I don't think the new boobs can help Amy Winehouse's personality or the rest of here. She just seems like a nutbar and I don't particularly think she is that pretty anyway. Even if her new boobs dispensed $20 bills if I touched them I still would pass.
    And I would definitely rather hang with Ms. Moon than that lady any day of the week.

  32. I have to laugh, I was just today thinking about the sad state of affairs that is my boobs.
    Having kids will do that, I guess. But I can't afford new ones, and frankly, I can't even get the IUD my doc recommended because I'd be so freaked out about there being PLASTIC in me. Knowing there were 2 piles of silicone in my chest would send me over the edge.
    So, here I sit, saggy and disgruntled. Knowing my underwire is just perpetuating the illusion.

  33. Oh, I was so fixated on boobs for a minute I forgot to mention... Postmenopausal sex?!? I can't even get any pre-menopausal sex. Blame it on my boobs heading south for the winter and never returning in the spring.

  34. All I want to say is: Never in a million years will you ever be boring.

  35. You are SO not boring. And neither are boobs. I point out the good ones to cute bf. Everyone loves boobs!

  36. You can write a post that has me cracking up this early and inspire comments that crack me up just as much. SO NOT BORING!

    I have never seen celebrity boobs. I can barely see my own boobs.

    But we've already discussed that.

    My fantasy is to be Thelma AND Louise. At the same time. To BE them. Not necessarily to be WITH them. No offense Windy... you know I love you and Margo too. I'd love to hang out with all four of you on Ms. Moon's porch.

    I digress.

    What we haven't discussed is post menopausal sex. I'm with Nola. I wanna know.

  37. Petit fleur, that's skanky, not skunky.

  38. Lora- When we had a friend living with us who had enormous breasts, Lily, who was two, would look at them so longingly. Once she even asked me, "Mama, are you SURE there's no milk in those chi-chi's?"

    Nola- I feel we would, we could, and we'd hit 'em hard!

    Ms. Fleur- I was fine! You're sweet.
    And really- you don't know who Amy Winehouse is? Good for you!

    Mr. Shife- You just don't want me to quit visiting your site to tell you how incredibly gorgeous your son is. Don't worry. I will keep visiting.

  39. Rachel- Okay. That was funny.

    Chris Tea- If you say so. And thanks for saying so.

    Tiff- Except Ms. Bastard.

    Michelle- I'd BE Thelma and Louise or I'd be with them or whatever. Except for that last big leap.
    As to postmenopausal sex: Nah, you don't want to know.
    Well, sometimes you might.

    Jo- True.

  40. Does she actually KNOW that she got a boob job?

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