Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What's Your Definition Of Monster?

And today- I am SORE. Well, more like stiff. I went to yoga and I'm certain it helped but I think I'll pop a few Ibuprofen just to prolong the improvement.
I am a wuss.
But I feel relatively fine in the mood department and am about to go to town to meet Billy, which is always a spirit-lifter and a joy. We're going to a book store and Goodwill. Billy needs costumage for his upcoming birthday celebration which will have a monster theme.
I am threatening, if I attend, to go as a Momster, wearing jeans that come up to around my bosoms and sag off the ass.
I was also considering going as Sarah Palin but that's such a cheap, cheap shot.
Plus, I'd have to cut bangs and that will not be happening.


  1. Momster!

    I have to finish my outfit. I got my shoes, I just have to pick up a little fake fur and make poking-out-werewolf toes.

  2. And going as Ms. Palin would mean demeaning yourself no end. I'm trying my best to ignore her.

  3. I will no doubt just go as myself. This is monster enough. But DTG- I can't wait to see your shoes.

  4. ha. okay, between your AMAZING organic chicken rant, and this post, i almost peed my pants laughing.

    im still deciding on a good halloween costume this theme is nice bc it limits the options...i should pick a theme...

  5. I think themes are good. Glad I made you laugh, AJ.

  6. Hope the medicine helped. I started doing yoga once a week a little bit ago and could not believe how hard it was. I also hope you a good time with Billy, and thank you for your thoughts on my blog.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.