Friday, October 24, 2008


Well, here we are in beautiful Vero Beach, Florida.

You can't quite tell from the above picture but the wind is gusting around forty mph (I'm guessing) and it's sort of raining and the ocean, she is angry, my friends.

But it's calmed down since last night when the wind was roaring like the raging spirits of all the
sailors drowned at sea. It whistled and blew and pushed everything out of its way. It whipped the surf and pounded it into the sand like a noisy dense lace of froth.

It was great!

It IS great!

The palm trees are dancing, the sea is rolling and roiling and I am a happy woman.

I'm so glad to be here.


  1. Yay! The house lost power for about an hour and a half last night at 11, so I took a bath. The dogs are fine, or were when I left for work this morning. I'm glad y'all are having fun!

  2. I hear y'all are getting some weather too. I'm surprised the power in Lloyd was only off for an hour and a half. I bet you enjoyed that bath!
    Thanks for taking care of things at home.
    I love you!

  3. It's been raining for almost 24 hours!

    Yeah, I expected to not have power until today, but just as I was falling asleep in the tub, it came back on.

    Y'all eat some good seafood for me!

  4. Oh, enjoy your time there, Ms. Moon. :)

  5. Your about 12 miles from North Jetty State Park and the site of all my surf stories. It's a great beach if you need a short day diversion.
    Seeing the pictue reminded me of all the days I paddled out alone or with a friend when we really shouldn't have....ah youth!
    Enjoy your fun!

  6. Brother Wrecking Ball- Yep, there are some of those young and foolish surfers out there right now. I was thinking about you when I saw them.
    There are some great waves out there now.

  7. Hey that looks like the same body of H2O I saw when I was in Florida - same cloudy sky too. I hope the sun shines on you and Mr. Moon.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.