I'm writing this on Mr. Moon's Gateway computer which feels wrong, wrong, wrong.
Sort of like if I were a Voodoo Priestess from a tropical island and the only church I could find to slaughter a chicken in to study its entrails was a Catholic church in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota.
Or something like that.
Maybe it's the way the screen says Microsoft Corp. when you start this black beast up. When I start up my MacBook (which I rarely do- I just leave it in sleep mode most of the time) a friendly little apple pops up in the middle of the screen. That Microsoft Corp. thing makes me feel like I should be rolling up my sleeves to post some data, not settling back to let my mind go where it will, my fingers following.
Maybe it's because this is a black beast. It's quite literally black while the MacBook is white and I feel certain I do not need to point out the symbolism there. As I have said before, men seem to like the black background for their blogs, women tend to go for the lighter colored backgrounds. And when you're perusing the shelves at your local Blockbuster, all the Man Movies are in the dark-colored cases whereas the more chick-flicky movies are not.
This reminds me of a joke that Miss Maybelle tells concerning black roosters and white kittens but I shall not post it here. I'm not sure why; it's not like my youngest child, Miss HoneyLuna doesn't know the joke. But still.
I think I'll get the MacBook back from the shop before the week is over. I sincerely hope so. When I took it in, I set it on the counter, cradled it in my arms, laid my body gently over it and said, "Joseph, this is my life."
Joseph, who has been dealing with me and my Macs for well over a decade said, "You'd be surprised how many times a day I hear that."
"Yes," I replied, "But I mean it more than anyone else does."
I doubt he believes me but I don't doubt that Mac owners are different somehow than PC owners. I have a theory that people who have driven Volkswagens at some point in their lives are more apt to use Macs. We like a machine with personality. Apple knows this and capitalizes on it. They don't come right out and say it, but if you watch their commercials, you can see that they know their customer base really likes to think of themselves as special and cooler than the rest of the computer-using world. We like to think of ourselves as the artists, the musicians, the writers, the poets.
I'm not sure I could write a poem on this computer with it's clickity-clack keys, it's scary blue lights.
I love the way, when a Mac goes to sleep, the little indicator light doesn't just glow steadily, it breathes. It ebbs and flows softly, like the waves, like a heartbeat, like the ebbing and flowing of day into night and back again.
All right. This is crazy. I sound like a teenaged girl, yearning for her far-away lover, talking about the way he smells, the way he kisses, the way his hands look when he's chopping garlic for soup.
I'll stop now.
It's cold. My yard is a mess of plants turned to mush and I should begin the process of cutting back and hauling off what I cut. I should go take a walk. I should eat my oatmeal. I should make the bed, do some laundry, put the beans on to soak. I should go cure cancer, comfort the dying, ease the pain of the birthing, help the lame walk and perhaps see if Obama needs me for the transition team.
Or maybe ask Wanda Sykes if she needs a personal assistant.
Do you have her number?
Anyway, I've been thinking that I enjoyed my Ask Ms. Moon post so much that it might be fun to answer some real questions, should I get them. So if you have any questions please post them to mmerluna@aol.com or, just leave them as a comment here and I will do my best to answer them. Any and all subjects considered. As we all know, I certainly have at least an opinion on almost everything, even without the factual information to back that opinion up.
And if I don't get any questions, I'll just make up some more.
Hopefully I'll be doing that on a MacBook made of purest white material, its corners rounded and its surface cool to the touch, it's keyboard silent and swift, its shortcuts known to me and as familiar as a lover's touch, it's oh-so-sensitive and elegant little mousie which I can run two fingers down, causing the page to move effortlessly.
Oh. Sorry. I went off there for a second to another place.
The place of all things Apple. The place of poetry and wonder.
Stay warm. Be cool. Even on a Gateway.
"Why is the typewriter white?" Anne wanted to know. "All typewriters I've ever seen were black. It's beautiful, all right, but why is it white?"
ReplyDelete"It's white so that it will photograph better," Dad explained. "Also, for some reason, anyone who sees a white typewriter wants to type on it. Don't ask me why. It's psychology."
You were missed, Ms. Moon! :)
Glad to have you back, PC and all.
ReplyDeleteI felt the same way last winter when I was in a car accident and had to have a rental car for a week. It just felt so WRONG!!!!!
I felt like I was cheating on my beloved Rav4 by driving the evil PT Cruiser, which didn't care about my safety at all, or it would have offered up some 4-wheel drive. In Wisconsin, in January.
you know, i've been having some problems with my ibook lately (it's 4 years old now, and I no longer am covered by applecare), involving the screen going blank randomly, especially whenever I travel anywhere with it. I just tried reseting something or other I found instructions to do online, and haven't had any problems yet...but am afraid if this persists I might need to get a new laptop. Sadly, I don't think I can justify buying a new mac, when they are twice as expensive as non-mac's, and can't even run the statistical programs i need to run (although if I get one that can run windows I guess that would work..but still would be very expensive).
ReplyDeleteI just don't want to go back to PCs though!! :( I love my mac! *cries*
My first "Mac" was a "Lisa," which totally ages me and also says a lot about my love affair with Macs. I remind the world that every movie, magazine and newspaper is made on a Mac! ;)
ReplyDeleteTwo things to try with your laptop prob.. aban. eden, if you haven't already. Go to System Prefs > Energy saver and make sure especially the HD never goes to sleep, especially if your iBook doesn't wake up after the screen goes black. The other is, if you need a new Mac (and who doesn't want one -- my G5 is one year out of warranty, too), find a friend who is either a student or teacher somewhere who will help you buy it with an education discount. Actually, I've got a little G3 iBook that I bought on ebay 3 years ago for $300 and it's still great, although not a lot of memory. I tricked it out all I could, and I love it for its faithfulness but know the screen will probably be the first to go.
Ms. Moon, you said it all so well...and to think that when I "met" you here, I had no idea you were a Mac lover, too! "Pues, como no?" ;)
DTG- where is that from? I MUST know.
ReplyDeleteThank-you, Nicol. I was only gone for like one day but it was a very long day. For me anyway. I had to play the piano. Not a good thing.
Rachel- that's so wrong.
AE- Lopo gave you some good advice. Also, you can buy refurbished Macs from the online Apple store. These are only (!) about 1.5 times more expensive than new ones and they come with a pretty good warranty.
Lopo- Si, mi amgia. My first Mac was a Performa and it was also my first computer. I've never looked back. I sort of miss the dogcow, don't you?
Cheaper By the Dozen, font of all knowledge!
ReplyDeleteI had forgotten that part! I need to reread that classic bit of literature.
ReplyDeleteJust think- if they re-remade that movie, Angelina and Brad could play the parents and their children (which will surely number a dozen before long) can play the children!
I wanted a Mac and spent many hours driving and under VW's, but unlike the VW I could not afford the Mac. Once again I have my face pressed to the glass, but I can't come in.
ReplyDeleteMy black Gateway & I wanted to wish your Mac a speedy recovery.
ReplyDeleteGamble Rogers used to say, "the difference between fishing, and commercial fiahing is the same as the difference between business and bidness!" It is the same with Mac's and PC's merloonie. You have been seduced by little stevie jobs. Soft lights, pictures of fruit, pearly cases and the promise of plugging your soul into the river of life. But once in the river, the water is the same.
ReplyDeleteHWB- Brother, gotta just find a bargain. Then you, too, can know the sweetness of the Mac.
ReplyDeleteMOB- thank-you for understanding, even if you are a Gateway Gal.
B.Boy- BAH! Wrong! For one thing, the #@%** PC throws up all these logjams in the river of life. "This site contains information which may not be safe." Blah, blah, blah. You then have to click. Over and over you have to click. It's a FEAR BASED system.
I'm sure Mr. Moon could have this issue taken care of but I don't believe that I am the first person to point out that Mac's OS is far more elegant and lovely than Vista.
You know- I just heard that black rooster and white kitten joke again last night. It's pretty funny.
ReplyDeleteSo I need to hear about this long day of yours and why you had to play the piano. You know how this interests me!
I've gotta add to Balboa that until you've driven a Chevy and a Saab on the same day, you won't understand. The Mac is an extremely elegant machine and is complicated inside so that it is NOT complicated for the user. Jobs certainly is a master at marketing but most creative types are creative in more than one arena. A Windows user is a Roman and the Mac user (and wannabe user) is a Greek.
ReplyDeleteAhhh, but I don't use Vista...and I am the PC Obi Wan. Merluna, step away from the Mac. You have had your brain sucked out of your head into the maw of the macmarketing monster. Elegant? Lovely? Merluna, do you sleep with your Mac? All little computers are equal in the Godhead's eyes.
ReplyDeleteHoneyLuna- even the DOGS cry when I play piano.
ReplyDeleteMs. Lo- are we Greeks or Geeks? Are we Greek Geeks?
Balboa- we just have to agree to disagree on this one. I took my Mac in because after two years of constant use the battery was not what it could be.
But this six months old Gateway has a battery which is useless. Twenty minutes of being unplugged and the damn thing just SHUT DOWN without warning.
Don't get me started.
The Godhead uses a Mac.
hmmm...what I'm hearing is that a PC is just a computer, OR one could spend twice as much a buy a Mac that makes the user feel special? It's called marketing.
ReplyDeleteI've driven way too many VW's and tried both computers; the mac now sits in the closet waiting to become a boat anchor and the new PC is the current machine of choice, and it's grey.
Dear Ms. Moon, I would be thrilled if you responded to my Ask A Question..... I LOVE advice columns ... you should check out Ask Nicole Georges.
ReplyDeleteI have been unemployed for just over a month and a half now. I have been trying to get up early, see some sun, drink a coffee and shake it off. Write up some cover letters and such.
But I have to level with you. It is really tough waking up early and chasing fictional ponies out of my eyelids and getting right enough to write a letter..
What is your advice to help me wake up all bright eyes and bushy tails?
When I wake up before the sun is up I feel a lot of anxiety and fear ... I get lonely and scared waking up before anyone else is.
So how should I do this? I'm scared of getting up before dark and finicky with being awake around other folks.
i would love your input. xo xo.
Anon- you are the only person who has sent me a question! I will think about your dilemma and get back to you.
ReplyDeleteI promise.