Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Jitterbug!

Okay. This is so damn uncool that I almost really want one.

I mean, an iPhone can make anyone look cool, but you'd have to be REALLY cool to pop this baby out of your pocket and make a call.

Wait! How DO you make a call on the Jitterbug? Where are the numbers?

I bet I could figure it out because I'm sure it comes with really, really good instructions. Written in English. In seriously big letters. That I could read.

And you know, I do have a birthday coming up.....

Is there a Jitterbug in my future?

Nah. I ain't that cool.


  1. That sky is incredible!

  2. The computer ate my original comment...the short term memory ain't working very well today...where is that sunset? I want one! Something about your last post...did it get published after all? Would you accept Pay Pal payments from those of us who read your blog?

  3. QG- Isn't that sky amazing? One of the many reasons I love Cozumel.
    MOB- Sure. I'll take Pay Pal. So what do you figure? A dime a day? Totally worth that, right?
    Did you comment on another post and it didn't show up?

  4. any phone that doesn't make you hold down the "end" button to TURN IT ON is all right by me.

  5. We must have the same phone, Ms. Mom. And I, too, have thought the same thing.

  6. Heheheheh.

    I keep threatening to get my parents one. Along with a motorized wheelchair.

    They don't find me as clever as I find myself.

  7. Yes, well, Auntie B., no shit.
    You'll be more compassionate about such things when you're their (probably mine, too) age.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.