Thursday, January 9, 2025

Daily Report

We got a decent freeze here in North Florida early this morning. That's what the garden fence looked like when I took the compost out. We turned on the sprinklers last night so that the pipes wouldn't freeze up. 
And they didn't. 
Some of you must find it so funny that we Floridians get excited whenever ice forms outside naturally. "Ooooh!" we say. "It's so cold!" And we shiver dramatically in our warmest sweaters and coats. We are just not experienced with freezing temperatures. They come, sure, but in a day or two, or maybe three, they're gone. And yes, occasionally it snows. Not very often but enough to know it can. The last time it snowed here, I think, was in 2018. I wrote a post about it with pictures. You can find that HERE. 

No snow in the forecast now, although there is a 75% chance of rain tomorrow. It's going to warm up a tiny bit, enough to push us up over that freezing temperature. 

Today was a big ol' waste of time. I had a follow-up appointment for my colonoscopy and I have no idea why. I suspect so that they could charge our insurance company for it PLUS I had to make a $40 co-pay. WTF? I should have just canceled the damn thing but no, I had to be a good little patient and show up on time and meet with the gastroenterologist's NP. 
I refused to be weighed or have my BP taken. "Nope," I said. "Not doing that." 
The poor nurse. She said, "Do you know what you weigh?" 
"Just check my chart for the last time I was here," I said. 
And I suppose she did. 

The NP is a very sweet young woman. She appears to be approximately Owen's age. Maybe I could introduce them. She asked me if I had any questions. I said, "Yes. Why am I even having this appointment?"
"I don't know. I didn't schedule it!" she said. "Your colonoscopy was perfectly clean and clear so I was a bit shocked to see it had been scheduled."
"Harumph," I said. 
Well, not out loud.

I suppose to make sure she was giving it her all, she did check my heart and lungs and said, "Perfect," which is what she said at my pre-procedure appointment. I like that word, perfect. She also advised me to get plenty of fiber. I assured her I did and I would.

The situation at Moon Plaza is still an ongoing story. It's so complicated. Glen's been working with the Tallahassee Police Department's homeless outreach officer. According to the woman who is running the hospice thrift store, this morning there were four people back down in the area that burned yesterday with a fire going. And by the way- some propane canisters exploded in the fire. Also, one woman was slightly injured and was treated at the local emergency room. Officers responded today but supposedly found no one. The entire camp and all of the detritus is going to be cleared by the city and the area will be posted for no trespassing. But once again- now where do the people who have made that camp their home go? 

The traditional media here is being very closed-mouthed about this whole situation. I would not hazard a guess as to why. So, so many questions. So very few answers.

Meanwhile, here at home, I can't believe that tomorrow is Friday. For a week in which I accomplished almost nothing, it has flown by. I've picked greens for a shrimp salad in the garden which seems to have survived the freezing temperatures very well. I have bread rising that has oat bran and whole wheat in it. Lots of fiber! And it will be lovely. 

I am sure that all of us are aghast at what is happening in California right now. I can only think of what is happening as a fire hurricane and I have to say, I never in my life want to experience that and cannot even begin to imagine what it must be like. I had never even heard of such a thing. 

But oh yes- wind turbines cause cancer and Canada is just refusing to turn on that big giant faucet that will allow water to run downhill to Los Angeles where it is so desperately needed. 

We are so fucked. 

But hey! Just like covid, it's all just going to magically disappear. The fires, the hurricanes, the melting of the ice caps- all of it. 

But until then, homes, forests, beaches, land masses- they are the things disappearing. 

Chin up!

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. He's about 1 minute away from blaming Governor Newsom for not getting Canada to turn on that faucet. What a jackass, thousands of people have lost their homes, some have lost everything, and all he can do is point fingers. Once a dick, always a dick. Re your weather, if it's any consolation, we have a freeze warning for the next two nights here in Tucson. Good times!

    1. I thought he'd already doing the Big Faucet thing. He's more than a dick. He's lower than pond scum. He's lower than the bacteria that eat the pond scum. He's lower than the murk those bacteria live in. At least they have a purpose.

  2. Those unnecessary doc visits gripe me too. $40 to tell me what I already know.
    As for the Orange One, I have tuned him out as much as I can. Stupidity just drips from his mouth except when it's gushing out.

    1. The problem is, of course, that whatever gushes from his mouth is taken as Holy Truth by so many.

  3. About the cold-- everything's relative!

  4. I was firmly told by my doctor to make that follow up appointment for the results of my colonoscopy. (cue Samuel Jackson voice over: 'But she did NOT make that follow up appointment.') The one thing that I knew that I could count on was that if I had some dread intestinal issue, they would be beating down my door, seeing a money making opportunity.

    Tim had his colonoscopy the following month. They gave him an all clear at the hospital, and told him that if anything turned up in the path reports, they'd let him know.

    It's bullshit.

    1. I didn't even have any path reports to get reports on! They saw nothing that was even slightly suspicious.

  5. "Canada is refusing to turn on its giant faucet" sounds like somehting Trump would say. I feel so sorry for all those who have lost homes and for those who will soon get burned out also, it's a helpless feeling knowing I can do nothing at all to help. Same with the fire behind Moon Plaza. I really hope those people find somewhere to stay.
    The ice on your garden looks pretty.

    1. Seriously- what CAN we do about the fires? Donate to helping organizations. That's about it.
      As to the homeless here in Tallahassee- I could do more. I know I could. But I'm not sure what that would be.

  6. And people think he will save the world. The world is fucked, in that case.
    The fires are appalling. I don't know enough about the area to understand how so many residences could go up in flames. We get awful bushfires here and country towns can be lost but never large areas surrounding a major city.

    1. There are SO many residences in that area. One after another after another. Also, the fire was spread so quickly and fiercely by the Santa Ana winds which came early this year and which were more powerful than usual. And there has been no rainfall recently at all.
      In other words- a complete cluster fuck.

  7. I read that in 2014 Californians voted "yes" to a project that would allow Canadian overflow water to flow down to CA but Newsome vetoed it. Why, I have no idea but I think it could be the end of him now! I don't know which is more scary - fire or water - but either way I hope never to be involved with any of it!

    1. Wherever you read that about Newsom vetoing that project is not a reliable news source. For one thing, there was never a project planned like that and in fact, it's not a feasible option at all according to those who truly understand these things and also...Jerry Brown was governor in 2014 so Newsom couldn't have vetoed it if if had been real.

    2. Thank you. Good catch. It was right wing lying, not to be allowed unchallenged.

  8. What a waste of time and money to have a follow-up visit after a normal colonoscopy. The fires in California are terrifying and tragic. Leave it to Trump to immediately spread lies about the situation. Your frozen fence is a bit of art.

    1. I wonder if Trump is the most deeply narcissistic person ever to live on the earth. He's got to be in the top ten, I would think. Right up there with Hitler.
      Ice-Water Art.

  9. What is happening in Los Angeles is so enormous that the homeless people's fire round the back of Moon Plaza probably doesn't merit a whimper, a footnote, a murmur, an afterthought. With the LA fires, the master of vindictiveness immediately seeks to weaponise the situation - blaming others and claiming that he - the new Superman could have prevented it all. Referring to the elected Governor of California as "Newscum" speaks powerfully of #47's essential nastiness.

    1. Oh, there is absolutely no comparison between what's happening in California and what happened behind Moon Plaza. The fire wasn't even the issue except that it has forced the city to do something about the plight of the people who have been living there.
      The saddest thing about Trump's proclamations of how he could solved/prevented/figured out things that he doesn't even begin to understand is that he believes it and so do his followers.

  10. I'm definitely gonna hafta get some new Coping Skills to get thru the next Four Years or I'll risk having another Stroke and I'm not even Recovered from this first one I just had before Christmas...

    1. I'm so sorry to hear you had a stroke! I hope your recovery is complete and soon.

  11. I hate unnecessary medical appointments just so the doctor can say, "everything is fine"! I had one of those today myself. I hope the outreach officers can help the homeless folks, but my guess is they won't go away that easily. They probably consider that property their residence -- and I don't mean that critically at all. It's a squatters' rights sort of thing to them, I imagine.

    1. (Of course, it's better to hear "everything is fine!" than "you're screwed!" :) )

    2. I know that one of the people who'd been living behind the plaza was offered a bus ticket to anywhere they wanted to go where someone would help them. The problem with this, of course, is that if someone has a person who would take care of them, they probably wouldn't be living on the street in the first place. So that's not a lot of help. Or any.
      Yes, I am sure that people squatting on public land do feel as if they have some owner's rights about the property. I can see that.
      You're so right about being told that everything is fine rather than "You're screwed." Ha!

  12. Well, I'm glad to hear that you are all right but I'm sorry you had to waste your time with that appointment... Frustrating for sure!
    The fires are terrible and Frump is making it worse. I listened to the eulogies from Jimmy Carter's funeral and Jimmy's honesty and kindness for others was so opposite Frump's whole life.

    1. There could hardly be any two disparate humans on earth than Carter and Trump.

  13. Here, you are told about your colo directly after you are sort of awake and in case you are too spaced out, you get it as a print out. I suppose the later appointment is to talk about possible results from samples taken during the procedure and which had to be checked by a lab.
    Your ice picture is much nicer than what we have here, all frozen grey slushy roads and stuff.

    1. Yes. I'm sure that's one of the main reasons for a follow up but I did have the report and also, my husband was there to listen to what the doctor said. And there was nothing for them to send to pathology because nothing looked suspicious enough to snip and send in.
      I think it's the money.
      When I lived in Denver I hated that yucky gray ice and snow. Ick.

  14. We're having one more below freezing night tonight, 29˚, but it's the last one for the foreseeable future though still getting down in the 30s. I hate these cold days. Especially when it's wet like yesterday. And the house never really warms up, mainly because we set the thermostat at 68˚ and turn the heat off at night.

    a fire hurricane is right. That's how Jeff Tiedrich described it in his newsletter today with a clip demonstrating exactly that. Hurricane force winds blowing full of embers.

    1. We keep our thermostat at 65 all day and 63 at night. I have no idea why we do this but we do. I don't mind sleeping cold. In fact, I love it, but 65 is a little chilly.
      I saw that clip. God. No way on earth to stop that sort of fire-wind.

  15. A long time ago, our family spent Christmas in Sarasota. The temp was in the low 50s and we crazy Ohio kids were in our shorts running along the beach. The Sarasotans were bundled up. Your icy fence photo is beautiful!

    1. Yep. A temperature of 50 will have us Floridians in boots, sweaters, and coats. For sure.

  16. When you have full coverage health insurance, they like to bill whenever possible. It's all about the money. I'm noticing more co-payments too.
    CA is in a horrific state. The fire blazes on. The winds are declining and that's helpful. Many homes are lost. I hear, some will be unable to rebuild.
    The ice on your fence is art.

    1. I can't imagine how in the world they would begin to rebuild all of those houses and buildings. The cost of construction and the materials are going to go through the roof. What a damn mess. I feel such sorrow for all who had to flee.

  17. Massive wildfires cause their own weather systems. I didn't know either until the Fort McMurray wildfire in 2016. And when the raid does eventually come there will be flooding and landslides because the vegetation holding the soil in place is gone.
    I thought the run up to the elections was bad enough, watching fucking trump on tv, but now he'll be in the news for the next four years, AGAIN!

    1. You make a good point. The earth is not healed when the fire is out. Far from it. The entire microbiome, so to speak, is wiped out.
      The next four years are going to be one constant fresh hell after another.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.