Saturday, January 4, 2025

He Made It

Well look who's home. He got in around 9:30 last night and was glad to be off the road. I was glad to have him off the road too. 

And Maurice was just glad. She didn't even express any pissed-offedness but just greeted him and when he got in his chair, she joined him as if he'd never been gone at all. 
I haven't been snitty either, truthfully. Just my regular old wife self. There have been many hugs, as one can imagine. 

I asked him this afternoon if he wanted to go to town to buy a dishwasher. This is something we've been talking about for quite awhile. Ours still works but due to a fall that Mr. Moon took some years ago while he was cleaning up the kitchen, the racks have been rather funky and the wheels pop off and you can't put really tall things in because of the funky racks and the things hit the wand device that spins around and shoots out water, and there you go. I thought we'd probably bought our dishwasher about six years ago but it's been nine which is not a bad replacement age these days. And I'm sure this one will get passed on to someone. Glen suggested today, he could use it in the garage to clean parts with. 
Well. I guess he could. 
And so we went to town to the place where we end up buying all of our big appliances from a long-time Tallahassee family-owned business. We like dealing with them. The woman who always helps us is the daughter of the now-deceased original owners and she remembers everything. It's always sort of like a pleasant visit with an old friend with the exception of having the debit card run through the machine at the end of it. 
Of course they offer delivery and installation but that costs money and you know my husband- he can do it himself. So he'll be taking the truck in on Monday and picking it up, bringing it home, taking out the old one, and putting in the new one. God but that man is stubborn. He told me, "I'd rather buy fishing lures with that money."
"You can afford BOTH!" I said. He does not listen. 

And I ordered a new air fryer and toaster oven today. It's the same brand as my old one and similar (we are faithful consumers, obviously). Yes. I am getting it from Amazon and it will arrive tomorrow. I don't think there are any of this model available in Tallahassee so there you go. And as I've said before, since the distribution center is about ten miles down the road, the overnight delivery was a free option. 

Lord but we are impatient these days, aren't we? We want things when we want them and we want them NOW! 

Okay. Aprapos of none of this I have decided that it is definitely time for us humans to find a better way to connect things to electrical power than the plug-in-the-outlet situation that we've been using for what? A hundred years? 

I suppose in a way it's one of those if it ain't broke don't fix it sort of things but it's annoying and we often need more outlets than we have so we have to use extension cords and power strips and I don't know about you, but when I travel, I always take a power strip because there are never enough plugs for my phone and fan and the light. And why do hotels always put outlets behind a two thousand pound bed? 
When you're old and not quite as nimble, getting down to plug and unplug things can be a trial. A trial of my knees and hips, anyway. And dammit- it never fails that I first try to plug the plug into the outlet backwards so that the bigger prong doesn't go into the slot and then you have to fumble around, especially if the outlet is behind something, which it so often is, to figure out which damn way to insert the plug. 

All right. I am done with that complaint.

For now.

On our way home from buying the dishwasher, we stopped at Moon Plaza so Glen could check on the rodent situation. I went in with him so that I could see what the new thrift store is looking like and honestly, it is looking pretty good. I found at least three things right off that I want. 

Do you suppose that Mr. Moon would let me take out the decades old brown leather sofa in the Glen Den that I never wanted in the first place and put this in its stead? It's velvet by the way. 

And this? It OBVIOUSLY belongs in the library. My library. It, too, is velvet. Is it not gorgeous? 
Come to mama, baby. 

I have no idea how much either one of those things cost because there were no price tags on them. The store is not giving things away though, if the prices on things that are posted is any indication. But they have some quality things. 

And then there was this.

They are asking $159.00 for that beauty. 

There was also a portrait of the pope. Or at least some pope. I don't keep up with these things. It cost about the same as Mother T. there. 

And the other thing I found that I wanted was actually things, I guess because it was a pair of shoes and there are two of them in a set. I did not take a picture but this is what they look like. 

They are Uggs and they are the shoes I need for winter. 
I tried them on (don't tell anyone and I did have on socks) and they are perfect. Comfy as can be, sturdy, and with a sole that would appear to grip so well you could walk up a wall without sliding down. They were not priced either. They're probably going to ask a lot since they did not look as if they'd ever been worn. 
Except by me. And just the right one.
If I didn't have such strong morals and ethics I would have snatched those motherfuckers right off their little shelf. 

Time to cook supper, tonight for two, not just one. 
I'll probably remember how that works. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. A fainting couch, just what a lady needs, velvet, too. After all the exertion of plugging things in without being able to see them. Sign me up.

    1. Yes. Exactly. And there will be smelling salts and a handkerchief within reaching distance.

  2. Glad your man is home. I don't think that pale green couch is going to stand up to your menfolks, young, maturing and mature, in the Glen Den. Better leave the old leather until they are all growed up. But the rose velvet fainting lounge and the shoes are a MUST! x0x0 N2

    1. The big couch is actually sort of an ivory color which is even worse than pale green when it comes to showing wear...and tear.

  3. Oh dear. If you had a fainting couch you would have to learn to sigh dramatically and sink gracefully down into a faint. I am not a graceful person and so I would just stick with the Uggs myself.

    1. Yes. You're right. I would have to sink ungracefully. Oh well. I don't care. I still want it.

  4. I do not think a velvet couch could stand up to grandchildren, better the UGGs. Glad the homecoming was good.

    1. If I got the rose colored fainting couch, there would definitely be rules regarding it.

  5. I love the pink " fainting couch"......we would call it a daybed!
    You would have to get the flower cushion to go with it of course.

    1. There are more names for the fainting couch. A swooning sofa, as Mitchell says below, or a chaise longue. I think a daybed is a little longer and does not have the same shape. At least here.

  6. I agree with you about electrical sockets. Whenever I travel I always google what the plug sockets look like in that country just so I can be sure to have an appropriate adaptor on me in case. There's gotta be a better way, hasn't there!

    1. Yes- there HAS to be a better way. Maybe someone is working on it.

  7. Oh yeah, you need those sofas. Especially the swooning sofa!

    1. I absolutely do, Mitchell but you know exactly who would spend the most time on them- Maurice. She would absolutely believe I bought them for her.

  8. 159 bucks for a picture of Mother Theresa? Unlike many other nuns she was pretty saintly but I doubt that anybody else has described her as a "beauty". I doubt that Glen would want either of those sofas in his man cave. He would probably prefer a battered old Lay-Z-Boy and some straw.

    1. Have you ever read "The Missionary Position: Mother Theresa in Theory and Practice" by the world-renowned atheist, Christopher Hitchens? It's worth a look. And written by one of your countrymen.
      Glen already has a battered old La-Z-Boy. We have some straw but it's not in the house. As of yet.

  9. So there must be a local painter who specializes in portraits of Catholic religious leaders? How curious. I think $159 is way optimistic. It's not a bad portrait but the pool of potential buyers seems pretty small.

    I do like the couch! We really need a new couch. Shipping from Florida would be prohibitive, I suppose.

    Glad Mr. Moon is home and you have jumped right into necessary home improvements!

    1. I think there must be a local saint and pope painter. Either that or someone who lives around here really loves the Catholic icons.
      You never know. Someone will snatch it up.
      Yes. The cost of shipping probably is prohibitive. Sure is a nice couch, though, isn't it? I think Olga would love it.
      We definitely have jumped into improving our home! Now if we'd only do something about our floors...

  10. Maybe that's a consignment shop and not a thrift store? They sure do NOT have thrift store prices... But I could see that fainting couch in your library ;)

    1. No. It's a thrift shop. Not consignment. Proceeds go to the local hospice organization and as such, I think that people are donating really nice things. Don't know if that'll keep up or not.

  11. Plug ins- such a aggravation- our house is a nest of wires and cables , as Mr. Man loves electricity and is capable of wiring- we even have outlets that are not functional- for the illusion...or for things that want doing. This house is ELECTRIC. it hums.
    We had a dish washer in our beach cabin, it made no sense at all -haven't had one since. and , you know, the extra cupboard space comes in handy.

    The little pink velvet day bed is so dreamy- impractical but I could imagine building a house around it- its aesthetic. "Hollywood". And you Mary would be its star - likely on the cover of LIFE magazine.
    Anyway, if one has humans living in the house neither of those two furniture items would last long. A beat up leather sofa will never die.

    1. I remember when I not only didn't have a dishwasher, I did not have running water in the house so you can imagine how much glory I find in loading up that dishwasher and turning it on! Also, I do indeed cook a lot and I use a lot of bowls and mixers and cooking utensils. I can put Granny's old Revere Ware in the dishwasher too.
      We have outlets that do nothing as well! Also, light switches. I think they probably did at one time but that could have been fifty years ago.
      God, you are so right about the beat-up leather sofa.

  12. So the shop isn't open yet? No person in attendance to ask how much they want for the shoes? And the chaise lounge. I wanted one for my bedroom. That one will do nicely. And seriously, $159 for that birch?

    1. Nope. Not open yet. I think the Grand Opening is the 17th. But as landlord, of course Glen has a key and needs to get in sometimes when they're not there to check the rat situation.
      There was an old watercolor there that I would have loved to buy but it already said "SOLD" on it so perhaps one of the volunteers has already bought it. It was done by a fairly well-known artist, from what I see online. Raoul Dufy. No idea what the price was.
      I'll arm wrestle for the chaise.

    2. If it was a real Dufy and not a copy, it would be up at Sotheby's!!

    3. I agree with Boud. Margaret

    4. I just reread my comment after reading your reply and I did not mean birch! But I think you probably understood what word I meant.

  13. A dishwasher with wonky racks and wheels that pop off being "passed on to someone?" I'd let Mr Moon have it for cleaning parts.
    Hotel outlets are usually behind the beds so the bedside lamps can be plugged in there and not accidentally unplugged. They don't expect people to bring extra power boards (strips) with them I guess. They forget people need places to plug in all the modern tech stuff that needs recharging.

    1. Hey! We've used it like that for years! I mean, mechanically it still works fine.
      I have stayed in a few places where the end tables themselves had charging outlets. That was cool. But of course the older, more charming inns and so forth have nothing like that.

  14. The chaiselounge etc look good but for me the real test of such an item of furniture is, will it seat at least two people comfortably enough to stay put for at least one episode of the current favourite series. And that excludes the pink one. The shoes are another story, get them.

    1. I would use that couch for reading on, I think. Just me, a book, and perhaps a lovely velvet throw. Does that not sound elegant and wonderful? If I can't get those shoes, I'm thinking I'll just get new ones. They felt so good.

  15. I don't think that the concept of "thrift" is in any way associated with that shop. I remember watching an excellent television show in the 1970/80s called "Towards 2000" (and then "Beyond 2000") where people offered their inventions and they won a tinpot trophy (because back in the day we weren't driven by greed as much as recognition) and one was a power strip that was to be installed in homes and you could plug into it wherever and I have often wondered whatever happened there - 45 years ahead of its time.

    1. Well, this is a high-end resell place for sure. I mean, they had some of the usual looking things. Some towels and toys and things like that but they did have some pretty nice stuff.
      Yeah- what DID happen to that power strip and its inventor?

  16. I can't believe a print of Mother Teresa costs $159. WTF. Not very thrifty.

    I'm glad your hubby is home in one piece and that he'll pick up and install your new dishwasher. He's a keeper:)

  17. when we got our new dishwasher to replace the old ass 20+ year old one we got with the house we were both pleasantly surprised that the lil racky things can be folded down to accommodate dishes of various sizes AND it has a lil roll out rack up top for silver wear.... AND IT'S STAINLESS STEEL ON THE INSIDE which is where it counts bc it's so much easier to clean. xxalainaxx

  18. Given all your cooking and baking, the new dishwasher seems essential.
    That velvet chaise lounge is a great find. Maybe you should phone in your purchase and grab it before somebody else gets it.
    Our builder recommended installing outlets every 6 ft. along all walls in the house. It is handy.

  19. Boy I love those couches! Probably as suitable for my man as they would be for yours.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.