Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Everything Is Fine

I wrote a post last night and it was really depressing and I forgot to actually post it and so it never got posted and that's all for the best. 

Anyway, it is Maggie's birthday today. The power source of the family is nine now. Here's a picture of her and August at Chow Time last night where the family went to celebrate her. 

She chose the venue. 
A good time was had by all.

I'm going to pottery this morning with Jessie. We've signed up for another session. Perhaps I can make another caterpillar. It's pretty cold here for us and I have a feeling I may have lost some plants. 

Meanwhile, just know I'm neither dead nor incapacitated.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Happy Birthday, Maggie! Wishing her a wonderful year of fun adventures and lots of smiles!

  2. I love the 'cousin love'. I am glad you are not dead. Or incapacitated. Keep on keeping on.

  3. When I realized that there was no new post from you on my sidebar my eyebrows did raise a little. Then I refreshed and all is well.

  4. Happy birthday to Maggie and I hope you're feeling better. The black dog sucks.

  5. Happy birthday darling Maggie!

  6. She is decked out in her I-am-9-years-old party clothes! Happy birthday to your family power source!

  7. Happy B-day Maggie. She looks very happy on her special day.

  8. I'm glad you posted. I checked last night and what? No mary?? But you're back, all's well. Happy birthday to your Energizer!

  9. Happy Birthday Maggie!
    I'm eager to see what you make this time in pottery class.

  10. Well, I'm glad to hear you're OK. Happy birthday to Maggie, and I've got my fingers crossed for your plants.

  11. Yay! Another day being neither dead nor incapacitated. We’re doing alright. Happy birthday to always stylish Maggie!

  12. That girl has style!!! Happy Birthday!

  13. I'm late but I still with Maggie many happy returns of the day!


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