Sunday, January 26, 2025

Watching The Snow Go

That's what the temperature was on my back porch this afternoon. It's like the weather has finally come to its senses. There is still snow about, lingering in the shadows, melting and dripping from the roof. It has truly been an experience for us, living with what many people on earth consider to be normal winter weather. 
There is no normal, is there? Normal for us, I suppose, in some instances. 
But nothing really feels normal now does it? DT has been pushing the boundaries so far this week that it's already impossible to see them. The very guidelines that have sustained our country as a place of freedom have suddenly been suspended and chaos is ensuing. There is not one thing that the DT has done that will benefit anyone except himself, his billionaire cronies, and the crazies who want a government not for the people or by the people but built on the backs of people with no regard for their wellbeing or even survival. I truly believe that now the only thing that these so-called leaders care about when it comes to the citizens of this country is that they continue to pay the taxes that support their own cruelty, evil, and criminal activities. 

I could go on for weeks here and I'm sure that in the coming months and years, I will until they shut down all the outlets of free speech and/or lock up anyone who does not support the regime. 

In the meantime, life does go on. Until it doesn't, of course. We check the weather forecast, we do laundry, we grocery shop although that is going to look quite different here soon, I fear. All of the glorious plenty that has been available to us is going to dwindle as the people who grow and pick the produce, who process the meat and dairy, who work in the factories that provide our breakfast cereals, protein bars, tortilla chips, and almond milk are "returned" to their country of origin even if that country is, ahem, the United States of America. 
We won't be growing Victory Gardens. We'll be growing Desperation Gardens. And it won't be pretty because most of us have neither the knowledge or space to grow enough food to sustain ourselves and our families. 

Far-fetched, you say? 
Hold my beer. 

Sigh. Goddam fucking idiots who voted the motherfucker in. 

But hey! I've had a nice day. Hardly did a thing except work on a jigsaw puzzle and read blogs and answer comments. I did a walk about of the yard. 

The camellias are sad and brown. I am not sure if the buds that are on the bushes will come through unscathed or not. We will just have to see. 
I uncovered my porch plants with great hesitation, fearing that all I'd find would be brown mush and drooping dead plants. However, I do believe that most of the plants made it through the hard freezes. There may be, as I said before, a great deal of trimming back but that's okay. 

The ferns all look fine, from Boston to Bird's Nest varieties. The split-leaf philodendrons are going to make it, I'm pretty sure. My ponytail palm shows no real freeze damage to my untrained eyes. 
Bless all of those sturdy plants. 

Jessie and her family went camping this weekend at a place called Spirit of the Suwannee, not very far from here. It's a music venue and a camping area and they hold all sorts of events there. I used to go with Lis back in olden times for an annual folk/bluegrass festival. We did hospitality, which means we made coffee and served food backstage to the musicians. To tell you the truth, I only did it to be with Lis. I figure I've fed and coffee-ed up enough musicians in my lifetime to pay my dues but it was generally a good time. And we got to see some good music. I fan-girled over Vassar Clements, a bluegrass fiddler whom some say invented "hillbilly rock." I'd seen him perform several times over the years but I almost trembled, keeping my respectful distance from him as he drank coffee I'd made. 
Anyway, the Spirit of the Suwannee holds an annual Kids Music Camp that some of their friends attend with their kids. As I understand it, it's a pretty big communal gathering of kids, their parents, and dogs who share food, camp fires, and music. And the adults share adult beverages while the kids take their music instruction. 
Fun for all! 
Jessie reported that the first night was a little rough but the second night was better and they actually got some sleep. I'm sure they had a great time. And when they got home, they found this.

Jessie's hen that she raised from a Tractor Supply peep laid her first egg. Good for you, Ms. Betty! I don't know about y'all, but I find this to be thrilling news. 

Glen and I have been watching a movie called "Sam and Kate" which has both Sissy Spacek and Dustin Hoffman in it. Also, Sissy's daughter plays her daughter and Dustin's son plays his son. It is not a great movie. However, it was filmed in Thomasville, Georgia which is right up the road from here. As in, we like to go there for lunch sometimes. And, the woman who played Shelby in the Monticello Opera House production of Steel Magnolias in which I played Truvy, had some sort of quite important job in the making of the movie. I can't remember what it was, but I do remember it was important. She texted me while they were making it and invited me to come up and be in one of the restaurant scenes as an extra and I said, "Thank you, but no."
Still, it is sort of fun to see and recognize Thomasville and to think, "I could have been in that movie."
Despite all of that, I do not recommend it. Unless you want to see what Thomasville, Georgia looks like. It's a pretty sweet and picturesque  old town. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Your plants are beautiful and look pretty healthy considering the snowmeggdon they went through. As you know....nothing but snow here...lots of the damn stuff. It did get up to 32 degrees here today.
    Rain or light snow Wednesday. Maybe some of this snow will go if it rains.
    You're so right about tRump and what's coming down the pike. Horrifying. I can't imagine some of those idiot voters will not be having 'buyer's remorse'. Maybe they're too brain dead to experience that?
    Paranormal John

    1. I can't see how they won't realize it after awhile. I have a feeling though that they'll just blame Biden for all of it and Obama too, I'm sure.

  2. Right there with ya on your comments on the orange buffoon, jackass has had himself quite a week. Capped off today by slapping 25% tariffs on imports from Colombia (coffee, cut flowers) because they refused to let a USAF C17 land with deported folks in restraints. Their President said Colombia would accept them if they were on civilian airplanes and not treated like criminals. Idiot is gonna start a f**king trade war, how's that for lowering prices? That's a good looking chicken! Our Bougainvilleas got hammered, will need some serious pruning come spring.

    1. That whole Columbia thing is horrible. Because it seems as if they caved, I'm so afraid that other countries will too.
      I would not want to trim bougainvilleas. They are so pretty but so thorny.

  3. I think some of the people who voted for trump are not smart enough to connect the issues he is bringing to us with what he promised but will continue to think the Democrats are still behind everything they don't like. Those are the people who blindly voted red because "Bill" down at the corner bar told them they should because the blond savior would make them all rich.

    1. I think you are right. There is no truth they won't deny. There is no fact they won't accept.

  4. I agree, those plants look like survivors.

  5. I'm not surprised your plants did fine in the snow. It's warm under snow and sheltered from the wind. A lot of plants are fine with it.

    1. These plants were all in pots on the porch. I wrapped them pretty well but it was no professional job done with a designated product. Sheets and old tablecloths and blankets were all I used. Now I know!

  6. So much green even after the snow! Resilient plants right there.
    Trump, yes. It's a circus, and of course it's the helpless and hopeless who will suffer most.
    Meanwhile, I just stocked up on coffee because while we provide most of what we eat, we can't grow that. Maybe if the climate continues on its crazy path, even that might be possible. Good grief. I hope I am well and gone by then.

    1. I've often wondered about growing coffee. I know it's got to be a hell of a process to roast the beans and everything. It's probably one of those things that are both science and art.

  7. Life is not what it used to be. Project 2025 is rolling in like a steamroller.
    I hope voters are paying close attention. It is going to be hard times ahead.
    Thank goodness. It does look like your plants survived the snow and your temperatures are rising nicely.

    1. Why, WHY do these Project 2025 people think that they should reform the entire government and country? Do they hate freedom that much?

  8. The browned camellia still manages to look lovely and I am glad your porch plants have survived. I love the bright yellow chair there.
    I've been reading in the papers and on blogs about the things rumpty dumpty is doing and I am very concerned that his minions are allowing it without challenge, can they really be so stupid as to follow his every move? Perhaps they are afraid he will banish them.

    1. It appears that Elon Musk is actually telling Trump what to do in some cases. His minions KNOW that if they try to go against Trump in any way, they are done in politics.

  9. I really am amazed at how your plants came through this crazy time. We will too.

  10. Yes, Goddam fucking idiots who voted the motherfucker in.

    Vassar Clements drank your coffee!

    1. I bet that 999 people out of 1000 have no idea who Vassar Clements was. Or Doc Watson. Or... So many people. I feel like I should watch "Oh Brother, Where Are't Thou?" again.

  11. It's horrifying, what he's doing. He is a stupid man, which is compounding his evil. Dumb fucker!
    I looked at the trailer for Sam and Kate, and I think I'll enjoy it. I'm a sucker for sweet movies.
    Have a good day Mary and I'm so glad it's warming up for you. It's supposed to get up to 43F here today which is just wrong, but it is pleasant.

    1. Yes, he is stupid and he is cruel and evil. Bad combination.
      If you watch that movie, let me know what you think about Thomasville.

  12. Good on that hen, well done. And how nice of that snow to go away at last.
    Read somewhere today that we are entering the time when we have to understand that we cannot simply order resistance online, that we have to figure it out first, in real life with real people in person. They went on with a list of suggestions, first was stop letting the billionaires milk you for more money, aka boycott their businesses.

    1. That is really an excellent place to begin- boycotting the businesses of the evil ones. But will Americans do that? We are so spoiled, Sabine. I just do not know.

  13. Being a fan of Sissy Spacek and Dustin Hoffman, I might just try that movie out. I wouldn't mind seeing Thomasville and thinking, "Ms Moon could have been in this movie!"

    As for Trump, it just gets worse and worse. I want to fly to Copenhagen to personally apologize. Trump is the apex of the '80s "Greed is Good" mentality -- like, all that matters is winning, no matter how you do it or how amoral you may be. He's Gordon Gekko and Michael Milken and Roger Stone and Carl Icahn and, of course, Roy Cohn, all boiled up together and consolidated into a single, fleshy, disgusting human being.

    1. Oh my god. You summed it up. That is exactly who Trump is.
      If you ever wanted, I would take you to Thomasville. It's a pretty little place.

  14. I totally love chickens and what beautiful specimens these two are. They are funny little things, I could sit and watch them for hours. Marie, Melbourne, Australia

    1. I love chickens too! I miss mine so very, very much but I cannot keep them with a fox on the loose and we have not been able to get rid of him. Watching them every day doing their sweet chicken things in my yard was one of the most soothing and calming things I've ever known.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.