Thursday, January 16, 2025

Food. Food, Food, Food, Food, Food

I seem to be on a writing-about-food kick. 
Okay. Let's be honest. It is and has always been apparent that I am obsessed with food and confuse it with love. For others and for myself. What better way to show self-love than to feed oneself in a thoughtful and loving manner.
Okay. Probably a lot of things. 
But I have never, ever been one of those people who, if they only have themselves to fix food for, choose just to have a bowl of cereal for supper. I don't really like cereal so that may not be a good example but you know what I mean. 
So. Reining it in here, those buns at the top of the page are hamburger buns that I made yesterday for the sloppy joes I also made. The buns were very good and the new yeast has been a game changer for me. Things rise! And when was the last time you had sloppy joes? Eighth grade, maybe? Did your school cafeteria serve them? Did you like them? Were you happy on sloppy joe day? 
I liked them okay but there was just...something...about them that seemed a little off. I have no idea what that was. But I'd been thinking about them for awhile and last night I made my own which is so easy to do. I used ground venison rather than beef and besides that there are onions, peppers, ketchup (don't puke, please), Worcestershire sauce, and some spices. 

They were so good. There was also a lovingly prepared salad to go with them so I didn't feel terribly bad about serving them. Just a little bad.

But then, I started my day by meeting Liz at Waffle House. We've been talking about doing this for a very long time and we finally got around to it. 
We sat at that table for probably two hours. We talked and talked and talked and yes, we had Waffle House breakfast. After we'd been there for a good long time and the plates had been cleared, Liz said, "If I order a waffle, will you eat half of it?" 
"I'll taste it," I said. And so she ordered a pecan waffle and it was quickly delivered to the table by Mama Kim (same server we had last time I was at the Waffle House with Glen) and let me tell you something- that waffle was delicious.
And here's a shocking fact- I had never once had a waffle at the Waffle House. 
"You have just ruined my life," I said to Liz as I took a second bite. And then a third. 
We also discovered today that they serve biscuits at the Waffle House. 
What?! I came home and told Glen. He said the same thing. "What?!"

So now we know. But I got raisin toast with apple butter because that's what I eat at Waffle House. 

Liz and I talked so long that this is what the place looked like when we left. 

Practically empty!
When we remarked on this while paying the bill, the cook who took our money explained that January is a slow month for them. Not only have people spent all of their extra income on Christmas, but the resolutions they've made for New Years generally prohibit the sort of food that Waffle House serves. 
"It's okay," he said. "They'll be back. And we will welcome them."

All right. There is a giant bag of life-sustaining cookies on the kitchen island and a camo duffel bag on the guest room bed. You know what that means. Yes. Mr. Moon is going off again to hunt. And fish. This time to Louisiana. He's leaving tomorrow morning and will be back on Monday so this is a short get-away for him. 
He's excited, of course, and we've been extra sweet to each other lately so he goes with a light heart. And cookies. Here's what he and Maurice looked like last night. 

She knows he's leaving because of the duffel bag so she was getting her dad-love last night. 

After I got back from the Waffle House, he and I went to the Wharf, which is yet another restaurant because he had things to do in town and was starving and we wanted to spend some time together. 
"You're probably not hungry, are you?" he asked me. 
"Well, I actually finished eating about three hours ago so I could eat a little something." And we both got very nice salads with shrimp on them and NOT FRIED SHRIMP EITHER!

And then, on to Moon Plaza so he could check on the rats and tomorrow is the Grand Opening of Oak Tree Treasures, the resale store benefiting the hospice, and I finally met the woman who is in charge. What a nice lady and by golly, she was ON IT! So were the other volunteers who were there, getting things ready for tomorrow. 
And guess what? She let me buy the shoes I'd wanted before the official opening and I was so happy. 

I don't think I've told you about my new overalls which you see in that picture. Yes, they are from Duluth Trading Company. Yes, I love them. Yes, I feel like a toddler in a play suit in them. No. I do not care. Everywhere I wear them people say, "I love your overalls!" 
"Me too!" I say. 

They have beautiful things at Oak Tree Treasures. As a commenter posted before, it shouldn't be called a "thrift store" but a "resale store" and that is the truth. No real mind-blowing bargains lurking there but very, very nice things at very reasonable prices. 

After that we went and saw Lily at the Publix liquor store and I got two wonderful hugs from my girl. So it's been a sweet day and I could not be more grateful for it. 

For those of you not fortunate enough to live in the south (hahahahahahahahahaHA!) that is a collard green. Look at the life force in that huge leaf. I should have put in a banana for scale. It is much bigger than a banana and far from the biggest collard green in the garden. To finish up on the food subject (for tonight, at least), I will tell you that I am cooking a pot of greens, collards and other types, for our supper. 
With some other stuff.

Thanks for being here, y'all. I appreciate each and every one of you. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Homemade sloppy joes on homemade buns sounds yummy. I like the overalls too, and your new shoes.

    1. They were so good!
      Wearing my overalls and shoes again right now. These days, it's all about comfort.

  2. I need a photo of sloppy joes. I thought sloppy joes were clothing.
    The buns are perfect as are your new shoes.

    1. Here sloppy joes are a sort of sandwich. They used to be regularly served in school cafeterias. I wonder if they still are?
      These shoes are so, so comfortable.

  3. Sloppy Joes are a favorite, here. I have made them myself but not recently. I’m in a WHO DIED AND LEFT ME IN CHARGE OF COOKING mood. If i looked good in overalls i might order myself a pair like yours. I love shopping the thrifts, estate sales, garage sales, all the sales.

    1. I don't look good in overalls but I don't look good in anything anymore so WTF? At least I'm comfortable and people are amused by them.
      You and I could have a great time shopping.

  4. I just thought that "waffle" has two meanings - firstly the battered food product that "The Waffle House" is famous for and secondly what you and Liz were doing - "waffling" away or chattering like hell. The only time I ever had sloppy joes was when I worked on a summer camp in Ohio.

    1. Here, besides the breakfast food, to waffle means to go back and forth with an idea or opinion. "She was waffling between the suede clogs and the bright green ones." To be unable to make a decision.
      Did you like sloppy joes?

  5. I need to find out what sloppy Joes are. Evidently not shoes. Mixing them up with flipflops.

    1. Well, sloppy joes are not gourmet meal makers, I can tell you that. But they are good and comforting and easy. You could make them with ground chicken or turkey. Mostly they're made with beef but the venison was great.

  6. Cute overalls, glad you had such a nice day!

  7. You can talk food all you like. Waffle House's were near me when I was much younger and live north. Here in Aurora I believe people are too snooty for them. I used to take Laura to Denny's for breakfasts.

    1. Denny's has a fine breakfast. Remember when they had the breakfast bar? What a treat!

  8. I love that look on Mr. Moon's face. It says it all. He looks like a happy man, and you? You sound like a happy woman. With cool cover-alls and new shoes to top it all off. Now. If you could only convince Maurice that he's a happy cat...

    1. He loves his cat. We both do but she doesn't make it easy on us. Maurice is a female. I named her Maurice before I knew that. Most ginger cats are male so I wrongly assumed that she was a boy. As with everything else about her, the surprises never end.

  9. Well now I now what a collard green looks like. I have never had a sloppy joe in my life, they're not a thing down here under the equator. I'm okay with missing out. The waffle house sounds interesting. And shrimp! Yum. Love your overalls.

    1. Shrimp are always good, aren't they? No matter where you eat them, as long as they're fresh.
      Oh, the Waffle House is interesting. You can't go there and be observant and not come out with a story to tell.

  10. Those shoes are great and I love the pattern of the overalls. Too cool for school! Sloppy Joes! I love them and SG makes them every now and again, although it’s probably been more than a year. Wonderful photo of Mr. Moon and Maurice. I take it Maurice doesn’t attack him even though his hand is there.

    1. You need to remind SG to put sloppy joes on the menu soon. I don't know about him but I forget to make things we like. I forget everything.
      Maurice does sometimes bite or scratch him but come to think of it, not as much as she bites and scratches me. Perhaps she's more worried about his size and the possibility of retribution.

  11. You'd never go unnoticed in those overalls would you! Love 'em! And my kids love sloppy joes too. If they've ever been away I often leave them a dish of sloppy joes and some fresh bread (I don't like the hamburger buns here) for when they get home!

    1. People do very much notice these overalls.
      Aw. That's so sweet about your kids and sloppy joes.

  12. I used to love sloppy joe day in my school cafeteria. It would never have occurred to me to make my own hamburger buns! I enjoy food but I am ambivalent about cooking. Still, I wouldn't eat cereal for dinner either. Canned soup with peanut butter toast, yes, but not cereal.

    That resale store looks great. Another place to visit when I'm next in Tallahassee!

    I also love your overalls.

    1. I never experienced Sloppy Joes until college, introduced them to my family one vacation. I make them like you, but with chile sauce, too, and turn the leftovers into picadillo with tomatoes, olives, raisins and some cinnamon and cumin and serve it over rice. Margaret

    2. The GDDG has hamburger buns but not ones you'd want to eat.
      Oh yes! Come visit and we'll go to that store! We can get coffee at Dunkin' Donuts afterwards.
      Ooh. That sounds lovely! I need to make some picadillo.

  13. Oh, yay! You got the shoes.

    You go to the Waffle House and you don't get waffles? That's crazy.

    Winter gardens here were a bust. Stayed too warm for too long. I didn't do one since I was still cleaning up after the hurricane damage which I could not do all summer but my two neighbors were both complaining about nothing producing.

    1. I guess I'm just so enchanted with the hash browns that the waffles have never called to me. I'm more of a savory person these days than a sweet one.
      My greens are doing great. I wonder what this coming Polar event is going to do to them.

  14. I love sloppy joes. We make them at least once a year when our church feeds the homeless (we feed once a month). Then I want some myself so I make them. Last time the woman in charge of the feeding at our church called them "Mexican". I didn't know what she was talking about "bring that pot of Mexican over here". She said that's what we call them in the south (WV). The other lady said yes, Mexican! So now I call them Mexican. I make mine with ketcup and mustard, onion and celery. I serve it with home made slaw. I only put it on the bottom of a bun and eat it with a knife and fork cause I'm fancy that way.
    Mr. Moon does look very satisfied. As does Maurice.

    1. I have never heard of sloppy joes being called Mexican. I mean- they're not even close. But that's how it goes in every different area. I forgot that I put mustard in mine too. And honestly, I ate mine the other night the same way you eat yours. I was fancy too.

  15. Mr. Moon's beard is starting to look like Santa's beard, it has waves in it. I'm sure he'll have a wonderful time.
    That sideboard at the resale store is truly beautiful. I don't usually like veneer but that is a beautiful, mid centry piece.
    I like sloppy joes. Mum used to make it a lot, with a package of spices, and I wasn't a huge fan but homemade sloppy joes is quite tasty.
    I'm glad you had a good day and a lovely visit with your friend.

    1. Two different people have told Glen that he looks like David Letterman recently. I told him that too.
      I feel the same way about veneer but yeah- isn't that a nice piece?
      I did have such a good day.

  16. I like sloppy joes but have never in my life made a homemade bun.
    I went to my Zumba class yesterday at our local work out place and the parking lot was full and so was the class - half a gym filled with old ladies and a couple of men, over 80 people! One lady said it is because of New Year's resolutions but that it won't last long! Just like your Waffle House! :)

    1. Haha! Oh, how we love to promise to change our lives in January! I never make resolutions because...why?

  17. It's a real shame that we're in AZ instead of Tallahassee, 'cause if we weren't that sideboard would have a new home. Beautiful piece! I love Mid-Century Modern.

    1. Mid-Century Modern was a pretty swell time for furniture style. They had another sideboard that was also mid-century modern too, I think, but it was more like something the Jetsons would have had in their living room. I really like it a lot. I should have taken a picture.

  18. I've never had sloppy Joes. They sound delicious. Your homemade buns look outstanding. They could be on the front cover of a cooking/baking magazine!
    Your cooking and baking skills are outstanding. Everything you make turns out perfectly! My grandmother had your skills. Unfortunately, I did not get those genes.
    I have a few meals I can make well, but once you've had those meals...the show is over.
    I can host large family/friend meals with all the side dishes, and deserts and seat everybody at my dining room table which I love. That said, nothing is made from scratch. I have no skill, but I know where to buy quality. At a recent gathering, I served my favorite Mango Mousse cake and a friend asked: "Did you make that?" I told her: I drove all the way to the bakery and bought it.
    Maurice looks completely at ease with Mr. Moon. Has he cast a spell with his hand atop of Maurice?

  19. Oh, Lord. Not everything I make turns out perfectly. Trust me! I love to cook probably because I love to eat. But you know what? You can absolutely serve people beautiful food with love and it doesn't matter who made it. I love your answer about the mango mousse cake.
    Maurice does feel safe in Glen's lap. She knows he will protect her. He creates that feeling for many of us.

  20. Did you know that in NJ sloppy joe's are triple decker sandwiches on rye with coleslaw and Russian dressing?


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.