Monday, June 26, 2023

Bless The River

Years ago Kathleen gave me this lovely plant which lives in a pot on my front porch. I don't think it gets enough light there but it lives on. She called it a "tropical gardenia" but my plant app says it is called a pinwheel flower, Nero's crown, East India rosebay, milk flower, crape jasmine, paper gardenia or butterfly gardenia. 
I think I will continue to call it a tropical gardenia because Kathleen said so. East India rosebay is a pretty name too, though. 

Mr. Moon got home last night pretty late and I was right in my prediction that he would be exhausted. He even took a little nap this afternoon which he almost never does but like I said, offshore fishing can be very strenuous and he doesn't sleep that well when he's away. He did bring home fish! A few snapper and quite a bit of red grouper which for whatever reason is legal to take at this time of year. Grouper is always good, as is snapper, and we will be having some tonight. It is nice to have him home and last night when we went to bed, Jack allowed us both to kiss him on the head. It is his one "trick" and it's not really a trick although it does illustrate (to me at least) that cats understand human language perfectly well, they just go to great pains to hide that fact. If I say, "Give me a kiss, Jack," he'll come over and bow his head to me so that I can give him a little peck. And when I say, "Give Daddy a kiss now," he'll go do the same for Glen. 
I know. This is so ridiculous on so many levels. 

I worked in the garden some more today. Those knee pads have changed my life. I am so thrilled to have found a solution to my knee problem. This is going to add years to my gardening pleasure. I weeded some more and I planted another row of okra, although I'm really not sure why. I'd bought the seeds last week at the Dollar General for fifty cents so not much of an investment. 
But a lot of sweat. 
And then I started weeding the zinnias on the outside of the garden fence, got halfway down that row and said, "That's it. Done. No more today." I struggled to my feet, dumped my weed pan, and stumbled into the house. 
"RIVER!" I said to my husband. But he wasn't hot at all having just taken his little nap and he wanted to go over to Tom's to work on our table for awhile and his plan for after that was to mow the grass. 
Here's a meme that pretty much sums up our yard right now. 

So I went to the river by myself and it was pretty pleasant although there was a couple who were arguing and throwing cuss words around like crazy and although I really have no right to criticize anyone for throwing around cuss words, I don't do it in a public place where there are children. 
Some of the children were theirs. I felt bad for them. 
There were also some moms with children, and it bothered me that the moms weren't moving an inch but yelling at the older girls to watch the young ones. I guess that reminded me of when I was an older sister and taking care of my brothers. I didn't really mind but looking back I realize I was given way more responsibility than I should have been given when it came to child care and not nearly enough when it came to things boys. 
I could be trusted with the lives of small human beings but not with my virginity. 
Or something like that. 
But still, the Wacissa is the Wacissa and it is cold and it is clear and it is beautiful. 

I wonder if Ron DeSantis has ever even been to the Wacissa. 
That man needs to go down to the river, smoke a big fat spliff of legal flower, and go paddle out to where there's nothing but water and sky,  turtles and fish and ancient cypress trees, herons, ospreys, and egrets. 
Well, that's what I think. 

Mr. Moon is still at Tom's and it's time for me to make some supper. I am thinking he may be bringing our dining table home tonight. Wouldn't that be something? The grass isn't going anywhere and will still be here tomorrow. Just like the dust, the mildew, the bags of green beans in the refrigerator, the ones on the vine, and hopefully...the river.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I'm glad you went to swim anyway! Mr m has such energy for one thing after another!

    1. Well, he does rest inbetween activities more often these days.

  2. glad to know the stone isn't troubling you! xxalainaxx

  3. That white flower is gorgeous whatever it is!
    Your meme is hilarious and if your grass is that tall ... time to hire a herd of goats! LOL
    The pictures of the river are so beautiful, too! Looks so peaceful and quiet since we can't hear the screaming, cussing adults online! Thank the goddess for that!
    Red and/or Black snapper ... Delicious!

    1. This was red grouper, also delicious!
      The grass wasn't quite that tall but it was getting there!

  4. How wonderful that river looks, and probably to much of this country until a heat bubble. I'm relearning "cat". Kitty is two or three arm lengths away, giving me a stare down. She intends to shame me into another handful of
    treats. Failing that, she will stalk past me, to her bedroom.

    1. Oh, cats! They are so freaking funny in their ways. I can always hear them saying, "HUMAN! Why will you not obey me?"

  5. LOVE that meme :) Mr Moon is making a dining table? Pretty please can we have pictures when it is done?
    Angel used to kiss by bumping noses, he would come close and I would say kisskiss, then he would bump noses with me. I'm trying to teach Lola, but she isn't keen. I'm glad you went to the river, even by yourself it is a good thing to do after sweating so hard.

    1. The river is the only thing that will truly and instantly cool us off in this weather. It is a miracle and a blessing.
      Sweet kitty you had! I hope Lola learns soon.

  6. I totally agree that it's not on the older kids to watch the little kids - especially around water! I would have been up and down like a yoyo!

    1. Oh, I would have trusted these older girls. They were obviously quite experienced!

  7. I am willing to bet Ron DeSantis has not only never been to the Wacissa, but perhaps hasn't even HEARD of the Wacissa.

    1. But do you think he's ever smoked weed?

    2. Yes!!! He needs to smoke more or he is eternally stoned!!! His eyes are vacant!

    3. They are like small dark holes made of coal.

  8. I wonder if that flower is the same thing as my star of india gardenia. I forgot to cover it winter before and it froze to the ground. took months to come back. when last winter's deep freeze was imminent, I dug it up roughly and put it in a pot and it is just now really starting to grow again.

  9. Yes! think it is, Ellen. I'm glad yours is coming back.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.