Saturday, June 10, 2023

A Pretty Fine Birthday Celebration

We did indeed go to Hank's birthday gathering on St. George Island and it was a perfect beach day. A little bit overcast so that no one was feeling broiled and it wasn't stinking hot and the water was warm but not bathwater warm. It was still refreshing. There were a great many people at the State Park today but it wasn't nearly as crowded as the public beaches at the more western part of the island. It cost five bucks to enter the park but well worth it. 

I didn't really feel that good today. I mean- I'm fine. I just haven't felt good. Tired. Low energy but I knew I wanted to go be with my boy on his birthday. I was bitchy to my husband on our drive over to the coast. I admit it. And he did not deserve it. I wasn't horribly mean but I was way too sensitive and sharp. Because he is such a nice man and knows me so well, he let me get away with it, he was kind. 
Bless him. 

We stopped on the way at a giant gas/convenience store called Rocky's that sells everything from bait and fishing equipment to Burt's Bees products, purses, funky dresses, hats, shoes, subs, fried chicken, and potato logs. 
Never heard of potato logs? Well, they are basically fried potato wedges and quite popular in these parts and sold at all of your finest convenience stores. And the other ones too.
Glen and I got subs and some tortilla chips and salsa. He got live shrimp bait and line for his reel. And then we got back in the car and made our way to the island. 

Almost everyone was meeting up at the picnic table area and eating lunch. It was good to see everyone. Lily and Lauren were there with Owen and Gibson and Magnolia June. Billy and Shayla were there with Waylon who is probably six feet tall now. He was so happy to see Glen! Waylon has always had a special fondness for him. 
"Oh! I have been missing you!" he told Mr. Moon, which is a lot for Waylon and was very meaningful to Glen. I myself have been missing all three of those dear people and it was a joy to see them. And of course, being able to see and hug my boy on his birthday meant everything to me. 

After lunch we all set up on the beach and got in the calm, flat water where we bobbed about and talked and laughed and told stories and said, "Do you remember? Do you remember?" Mr. Moon and Owen took the fishing poles out to the sand bar and threw out some bait but nothing was nibbling. It was all very low key, just a fine, peaceful afternoon. All the while we were there, the sky to the north looked ominous. We could even see rain pouring across the island but as so often with island weather- it comes, it goes, what you see may not affect you in the least, and so it was today. 

When I felt that I had been salt-marinated enough and that I was probably getting more sun than I should have (those overcast days can fool you), we packed up and told everyone good-bye and Owen helped us carry our things to the parking lot; our good strong boy. We loaded the car and drove off through the park. 

That is the bay side of the park which is pretty much undisturbed at this time. There is a primitive camping area but I've never been there. Jessie and Vergil have taken their boys for a weekend or two though. And really, it looks like Dog Island where commerce and development are not a thing. 

Driving back down through the developed part of St. George is both shocking and saddening now. So many houses, so much change. But I've talked about this ad infinitum. Every single time I go back though, it's worse. 

That was what the sky to the east looked like when we drove back over the bridge to the mainland. You could see where the rain was pouring down. We drove through a little of it on our way home. 

And now I really need to fix us some supper. We bought some shrimp in Carrabelle and I'm going to boil some of that, make some cocktail sauce, and heat up tomato pie leftovers. I am tired, probably sunburned, and feeling every second of my age but I am glad we went. There was so much to love. And I got to be with my Hank on his birthday and that is truly what matters. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. If we didn't have days where we feel less than we wouldn't appreciate the ones where we feel more than.
    Your day sounds just what your soul needed.

    1. You are right. I did exactly what I needed to do, dear Ms. Sparkling.

  2. Happy birthday to Hank (and you!) so nice that you got to spend the day together🤗~Rigmor

    1. Me too! Hank is always the one who makes the fun happen.

  3. What a fine day -- I love your photos and happy birthday to your son!

    1. My oceans here in Florida are so different from yours but they are all beautiful, aren't they?

  4. I looked up St. George Island, a spit of sand with houses. How do they survive hurricances? It does look beautiful though.
    I'm glad you had a good day and got to see your son on his birthday.

    1. Well, you know- it's a wonder. There are many houses on St. George that have been there forever. And they were built way before the codes were set in place for being hurricane worthy. Some of them are just little block houses, built right on the sand whereas now they have to be built on stilts. The old houses that were there before I started visiting almost fifty years ago have my heart.
      And so does Hank.

  5. 37paddington: I’m glad you got to be with Hank in his special day. Happy birthday to him! Feel better, dear you.

  6. I hope you didn't get sunburned or at least not too badly. It sounds like a wonderful day. I love that image of the Bay Side with the dilapidated pier, may I use that one day for a word challenge on my blog?

    1. I didn't get sunburned. I just aged my skin another decade, I'm sure.
      I think that old structure was built to walk across the dunes without damaging them but it's now sort of part of the dunes itself.

  7. How lucky are you to be able to go so easily to such undisturbed beauty. Well, undisturbed in part, I guess!

    1. I am so very glad they've dedicated that end of the island to a state park. I also wish they had more laws and codes regarding what can be built on the rest of the island.

  8. I'm glad you made it to the party and enjoyed your company.

  9. Happy Birthday to Hank! Glad you were able to get out there to celebrate with him! I've been gone for a few nights to help my friend with her garage sale so I'm catching up on all of the posts I have missed. Glad you are getting out to enjoy the water and relax a bit!

    1. It was a very, very fine day for being at the beach. Welcome back!

  10. I'm glad you had a good time. Birthday greetings to Hank.

  11. sounds like about as good a day as it gets. I know what you mean about development. we aren't really that far from the city but it has felt isolated but now that the upgrade to the highway is done between us and the city, well, the city is moving inexorably towards us and there is so much home building going on in anticipation of becoming just another big city suburb. I hate it.

    love the picture of the relic of the walkway across the sand.

    1. Ellen- they cleared a bunch of pine trees on a highway just a few miles from here and I now realize, being able to see, that there are so many new houses built and being built in Lloyd. I mean, it's not DOWNTOWN Lloyd but it's just up the road. I'm sort of freaking out.

  12. That is a beautiful spot in your picture.

  13. Birthdays with our children are bittersweet sometimes. How could I have a 50 yo daughter for pete's sake? I love you always.

    1. I know! Hank will be fifty in three years. So crazy. I know that like me, you remember your daughter's birth and how she felt in your arms when she was just born like it was yesterday.
      I love you always, too.

  14. I wish Hank many happy returns of the day!

  15. I do not remember reading or commenting, and it appears I did not. You may remember, I came to blogging with you, and your concern about Hank's job was my introduction to your blog and your children. Hank has come far since then, when he was a teacher! Happy Birthday to Hank, who is also dear to me.

    1. Anyone who knows Hank in real life adores him. And it has been this way since he was a baby. And Joanne- I adore you and appreciate your presence here. You are a cherished part of my life.

  16. I think every Floridian feels a degree of pain when the drive through places they love and see the changes. Seems like no corner of the state is left untouched. I know change is constant everywhere and nothing is eternal, but really, Florida experiences a degree of change that just isn't natural.

    Glad you had a good day on the beach with Hank et al.


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