Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Another Ramble

 Can you guess what was going on in this very poorly lit photo? 

Here's a hint.

Another hint- my porch smells distinctly of garlic. 

I pulled all the bulbs this afternoon and weeded out the patch where they'd been. All of the zinnias in that picture were volunteers which have been reseeding on their own for several years now. I am not happy with the garlic at all. It appears that hardly any of it made cloves and that just ain't right. But there was no use leaving it in the ground any longer as the stems were falling over, indicating that there was no more growing to be done. 
I swear. I have been gardening since about 1977 and at this point, I feel like I have forgotten more about what I've learned than most people will ever know about gardening. Let me be more precise:
I do not know shit. 
Well, I do know how to grow some green beans! But that's just because I discovered the right kind to grow here and all I have to do is plant them and make sure they get enough water and give them something to make their vines on. 

Tomorrow I will deal with the garlic in that it needs to cry and cure. You can see a few potatoes in that bottom picture too. Those are the ones that did not get pissed on. About three dollars worth in today's market, I would say. We ate some last night and they were good. 
I always braid my garlic and hang it up to dry and keep but our friend Tom who specializes in growing garlic, snips his stems and dries them on a rack. I think I'm going to try that this year. There are literally hundreds of bulbs in that garbage bag, some of them no bigger than a marble, the largest almost the size of grocery store garlic. 
Well, the blossoms are pretty. 

I went to town today before I got down in the dirt. I had to shop at Costco and Publix, of course, and because it was lunchtime when I was there, I took myself to The Wharf and ate some shrimp and read some of a New Yorker magazine. I truly enjoyed that. I saw Brenda at Costco but only briefly as she was quite busy. It wasn't a very exciting trip to town but that's fine. I also stopped at the library to return a book and I picked up two more. One of my favorite things about the library is that there are always mamas and children there and I wish I could ask the moms if I could read their kids a book but that might seem creepy. I don't know. It sure would make me happy. 

I tried some different knee pads today when I was in the garden and working on my knees. They belonged to Tom but he's not doing any kneeling in the garden these days due to having some major physical issues. They look more like smallish bike helmets than what you'd think of as knee pads and the strap on these did not bother me at all. It's like having a gel cushion that moves around with me and I do believe they may change my life. But dear god, I look a sight when I'm wearing them. 
First off, when I'm in the garden or doing yard work, I have one specific pair of overalls that I wear because I don't really like them that much but they work fine for doing...work. Right now the hardware on the right strap is broken and I haven't fixed that so the strap is attached with an old fashioned diaper pin with a blue plastic bear head on it but that's the least of it. I am just so age-worn in both skin and musculature, shape, size, and overall appearance. Secondly, I am filthy. And I wear Crocs. The ugly ones. And a hat. An ugly one. And I sweat so much that it looks like someone is spraying me with a hose. 
I wish. 
The sweat literally falls off my face onto my glasses and then I can't really see. 
So put all of that together and then add these bad boys to the overall look...

And let's just say that a thousand milk shakes would not bring all the boys to my yard. 
Or any of the boys for that matter. 

But fuck it. I love being on my knees in the garden and in the yard and whatever it takes to make that possible is what I'm going to do. 

Here's a comic from the paper today that for whatever reason made me laugh. 

I love Pickles. 
To me it captures the absurdity of aging both as an individual and as part of a couple with great tenderness. 

And speaking of absurd- if you haven't watched the video of the interview that the Orange Intestine did with Fox News reporter Bret Baier about the classified documents he was keeping at Mar-A-Lago in various places such as a bathroom (hey! it had a chandelier in it!), you should google it and watch. He is now claiming that he could not return the boxes of classified documents because they had all sorts of personal stuff "interspersed" in them. Like golf shirts. Pants, hats, shoes. And he had to remove those things before he returned the boxes and you know! He was very busy! 
Does anyone really believe this? 
I doubt the judge will. 
His lawyers must be tossing down doubles of cheap Scotch at the rate of four a minute. 
I was, however, impressed with his use of the word "interspersed." 


I have to go make supper. 

True love...Ms. Moon

P.S. Here's a picture for Liz at Field and Fen. 

My very tiny Roseland (I think) snake plant. It's barely three inches tall and yet, is one of my prides and joy. 


  1. I love your rambles! And they really aren't rambles...they are the order of your days....... and I really enjoy them! In one of your pics I see Jack sprawled on the rug in front of your door! And......what you call snake plant is what we call *mother in law tongue*! I had some in pots for years as house plants and tired of them.....I thought them to be boring....planted them outside....and the gophers at them.....so no more for me!
    Susan M

    1. Good eye! Yes. Jack sleeps there many hours a day. It's the rug in front of the door that goes from porch to laundry room.
      I never had much interest in snake plants either. I am so much more drawn to ferns and plants with big tropical leaves. But suddenly, in my fifties, I kept seeing places where I thought one of them would look good. I have another one that is much larger on the front porch now.

  2. Hi Mrs Moon
    Sometimes you raise the question in your blog “should I be doing something more in my life?” Reading your blog today, a lightbulb went on. What if you offer Mrs Moon’s Story Hour at the library? You love reading to children so much and they would love your interpretive book reading I’m sure. Heck, I’d attend if I wasnt 3,000 miles away. I hope this isnt impertinent. All the best
    Suz from LA

    1. Thank you, Suz! I should see if Terez would like a story reader in Monticello. They have (or at least used to have) a toddler hour there that was so fun. Lily and Jessie and I would go and take Maggie and August and then Levon when he was born.

  3. Love the cartoon! And I love the vision of you in your gardening gear- I’m not looking my best either while doing yard work!😂But who cares?? I sure don’t😄 xo Rigmor

  4. I thought your Orange Intestine had run out of lawyers. He's scrambling and scrabbling to hire anyone to represent him.

    1. I have a feeling that Florida, at least, will never run out of lawyers who would stoop to work for Mr. Intestine. Not to stereotype or anything.

  5. I'm guessing the orange one hired a smart person to find him a new word (interspersed) and tell him how to use it.
    I'm happy you found knee pads that work for you, who cares what the rest of you looks like? You are happy and doing something you love, that's all that matters. And we know you don't go to Publix and Costco dressed like that. Perhaps next year will be your garlic year.

    1. Heh-heh! I'm going to start using "interspersed" frequently now.
      No. I actually put on a dress to go to Costco and Publix. And earrings. And comb my hair. And put on my good flip flops.

  6. I have bras that look like those knee pads. You've given me an idea now!

  7. I had a snake plant that size on my windowsill in office, when it got too big I took it home and twentyfive years later it was huge. Good luck with your little ones.

    1. I have a bigger one too but it's not huge. And once again- I do not really remember where or when I got it but it sits on my front porch, seemingly very happy.

  8. The man will hang himself. I will not feel a bit sorry about that. I listened to quite an interesting take on why republican challengers aren't challenging tRUMP, while they double down on their condemnation of anything democrat. The theory is widely that he's going to be his own undoing. Have you seen Kennedy? I thought, 'Hmmm...a DINO (Democrat in name only.'

    1. Well, we can only hope.
      Yes. RK, Jr. Is a mess. His wife, Cheryl Hines, used to be (maybe still is) on "Curb Your Enthusiasm" which I have always like very much. She is from Tallahassee! I thought she was smarter than a woman married to Kennedy must obviously be.

  9. Thank you for the snake plant! I get the pride, because they're so slow that we get invested in them. And I love Pickles, the comic. I have some favorites -- one where his wife is driving him mad singing in the house all the time. He takes refuge on the park bench with a newly widowed pal. He's saying he'd give anything to hear his late wife again. Whereupon pickles goes home, asks Opal can you give me a bit of South Pacific?

    1. Oh! I remember that Pickles! It was a good one. I love it when he gives his grandson advice about life.
      You are right about the snake plants. They are not the sort of plant to show their appreciation with super fast growth, are they?

  10. First, I want to say that I like Suz's comment about you starting a story time at the library or even at the local school. That's a great idea.
    Second, you did a wonderful description of you in your gardening clothes but I really want to see a photo! :)

    1. Uh- no photos, trust me. You really do not either need or want to see that.
      I'll consider the story time.

  11. I had the same thought as Suz and Ellen (and probably others) -- you should see about volunteering to read aloud at the library. I'm sure Terez wouldn't mind! (But first you should dress in drag. :) )

    I watched snippets of the Baier interview but not the whole thing. I was going to ask you in all seriousness why Trump is called the "orange intestine" (as opposed to the orange spleen, for example) but as I was typing the comment I suddenly realized why -- because he's full of sh*t! Duh.

    1. I would definitely dress in drag if I did story time at the library. Do you think I could get Terez to dress in drag? Maybe!
      Okay. So who is the British comedian who does an act where he's supposedly an on-the-street reporter but then slowly he goes ballistic? Do you know who I'm talking about? I got "Orange Intestine" from him. Of course he pronounced it "in-tes-tine" so that is how I always hear it in my mind.

  12. how Trump still has a single lawyer is beyond me. I imagine they started jumping out of windows after that interview where ha basically confessed to his criming. someone posted that this is why no gag order was issued after the indictment.

    too hot and getting hotter here. I put some shade cloth up in front of the white butterfly ginger and the yellow angel trumpet this morning.

    1. It does not say a whole lot of good about the legal profession in that Trump still has attorneys willing to work for him, does it?
      I do not even want to tell you how delightfully moderate the temperature is here this afternoon. Please don't hate me. We've gotten a little more rain.

  13. A lot of Libraries have Story Hour for Children and Volunteers do Read to them, you should see if yours does that since you enjoy doing that so much and Children Love to be read to, it makes the Stories come Alive. One of my most Cherished Childhood Memories is of a Grade School Teacher, Mr. Thurston, who used to read Edgar Allen Poe Books to us... we were enchanted... he had a voice like Vincent Price and kinda looked like him too, which made it even better.

  14. My brother in law, who grows great garlic, told me to cut the flower buds off as soon as they start to appear. Don't want the plant putting it's energy into flowers when we need big bulbs!

  15. I'm late to the comments Mary but would like to weigh in about the garlic. Karen's BIL is correct as the garlic scapes must be snipped off well before they bloom. I just harvested 40 of them yesterday. Lovely smelly garlicky green shoots which you chop up and then fling into soups, stews, omelettes, whatever. Most of mine will be blanched then frozen for later use. The flowers are lovely but rob the bulb of potential growth. BTW, I love the idea of you becoming a reader at the library!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.