Friday, October 28, 2022

There Will Be Blood And A Spirit In The Sky

 The Happy Couple

Twice in two days now I've not had time to answer comments which I am not comfortable with. But sometimes it happens. I got home a few minutes ago from town where it was Levon and August pick-up day. 
But before I get into that, let me show you these pictures from last night. 

When August walked in the door he announced that he had another wiggly tooth and did I have a paper towel because he wanted to pull it. He's lost three teeth now in a short amount of time. His dad pulled his first one, and he pulled the second one and he was determined to pull this one too. He made many attempts as you can see from the little toothy blood prints all over the paper towel. Jessie and I, who both graduated from four-year nursing school programs were being squeamish about it and advised him to just wait a day as it wasn't coming out easily. 
"No way!" he said. "Now when it's this wiggly."
And then he did it and he got the requisite warm salt water to rinse it with and then he looked like this. 

Mr. Snaggle Tooth! He was deservedly proud. 

Glen and Vergil got the whatever-it-was-they-needed-to-do done on the Camaro which started right up again and they came in the kitchen, happy and hooting. Well, Mr. Moon was hooting. Vergil was mostly just smiling. 
Shots of bourbon were consumed in celebration.
Jessie gave the boys their showers and put them in their pajamas while I cooked the dumplings and then we all sat down to eat. 

Happy, happy, happy. 
It was about at this point though that August and Levon began to hit their wild-phase of the evening. The combination of being tired and doing something different and exciting on a SCHOOL NIGHT overcame them and after supper they were bundled off into their car seats and driven home to sleep. 

When I picked up Levon at school today he said, "This is so silly!" 
"What's silly?" I asked him. 
"Seeing you today when I just saw you!"
"It is silly," I said. "Yet here we are."

We went to Lily's Publix and got to see her and I bought a few things I needed and got a sandwich and then Levon and I went to the library on that side of town where there's a cool little playground. Levon did all the stuff

while I ate my sandwich and then we went into the library where we both picked out some books. He helped me check them out with the self-check out and while we were doing that, we looked up to see my ex's wife who laughed and said, "We were just talking about you!" They've been in Vermont all summer and it's been a coon's age since I saw them even before that so it was nice to see her and we did a quick news-exchange. When we left the library, there was the ex too, who was waiting on his wife and it was good to see him. 

When Levon and I got back to his house, we read a few books and then I let him watch some horrible fifteen minute super hero thing on Youtube and then we went to get August. 
Now, Mr. Moon had told me that when he was on his four thousand mile road trip, they had listened to a whole lot of seventies music and that he'd really enjoyed it. So today in the car I turned on the radio to the oldies station and Levon and I both enjoyed that. I asked him at one point if it was too loud in the back and he said that no, it was too not loud enough. 
That's my boy. 
We heard Martha and the Vandellas and the Righteous Brothers and Norman Greenbaum and Barry White and Chuck Berry and the Mama's and the Papa's. Also, Jumping Jack Flash by the Rolling Stones. 
We were rocking out there in the old Prius. 
And hey- Jerry Lee Lewis, aka The Killer, died. Honestly, I had no idea he was still alive. What the hell? He was eighty-seven which is a mighty age for someone who lived his youth the way he did. 
Here is my opinion about Jerry Lee Lewis: If you took Richard Penniman, aka Little Richard, made him straight, white, and one quarter as talented, you would have Jerry Lee Lewis. 
And that is still quite a bit of talent. 
Of course, Little Richard was never suspected of killing a wife but that's a whole other story. 

Lily has sent out pictures today of her kids in Halloween get-ups. 
Here's Maggie with ghost buns. 

How cute is that? 
And from this evening where they are at a school sponsored outdoor Trunk or Treat Movie evening:

Maggie's costume seems somewhat self-explanatory but I was at a loss about Gibson's. Lily said that he is some sort of anime character to which I replied, "I have no knowledge of these beings." 

I have bought no pumpkins to carve, no candy to give out. Let people believe that my house is haunted as it is and as such, should not be approached for mortal treats. 
I definitely would not be adverse to handing out candy- it's just that no one has stopped by here in years and if I buy a bag of Reese's miniatures, they are only going to be consumed by me and the man. 
Which is not really so bad. But. 

Happy Friday, y'all. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I understand about the reeses Halloween candy- I have to go back to the store and get another bag or two.
    that's me, the woman who gave up eating sugar...Right? Maggies hair- OMG. Darling girl.
    Teeth coming out. I still have nightmares.

    1. That's where I'd be if I had bought a bag of the devil's candy.
      Maggie is a force.
      Teeth falling out is a common nightmare, I think. It indicates a fear of aging or something.

    2. Not a nightmare, but I once had a dream, not so long ago, that my teeth were falling out because a completely new set was growing in place.

  2. I love the tooth shaped blood spots. He looks so proud of himself and rightfully so.
    Halloween is becoming big here. Some people embrace it and others are dismayed at the Americanisation of our youth! We have lollies on hand (always wrapped) and Himself loves it as you can guess who gets to eat them. During Covid we put a small table out the front with a bowl of treats, hand sanitiser and a Happy Halloween sign. I could then watch the small procession from the safety of my craft room.

    1. Yes. I think that the American Halloween customs have spread all over the globe. I know when we first started going to Mexico in 1987, there was no trick or treating but over the years it has become common.

  3. You'd love my dentist. His playlist going all the time is his favorite 70s and earlier music. His, young, assistants roll their eyes and say you get used to it! I couldn't believe I was hearing the Everiy brothers!!

  4. how absolutely brave of August to attempt to pull his own tooth. Wow! Doesn't sound like it impeded his enjoyment of chicken and dumplings! the Righteous still my heart! Jerry Lee? Loved his music........his life choices, not so much. Happy Martini Friday!
    Susan M

    1. Nope. The lost tooth didn't matter a bit when he sat down to those dumplings.
      Yeah. Jerry Lee had quite a wild life. And quite a few wives. Some of whom strangely did not survive.

  5. I love the Oldies and good old orchestral music! Tommy Dorsey Orchestra and the like!
    Geez ... I thought ole Jerry Lee was already dead, too! LOL
    Little boys losing those baby teeth ... they look so goofy until those new teeth come in!,

    1. My mother loved the old Big Orchestras. Not so much me. I heard my first Beatles song and Beach Boys song and Rolling Stones song and that it was it. I was a goner.

  6. He pulls his own teeth. Oh my gosh. You are well and truly blessed. Mine left those teeth hanging by a thread, crying about them, refusing to let them be pulled until they finally just dropped from their gums. Ugh. UGH!!!!

    1. He was determined to get that tooth out of there! I think I was probably one of those who didn't want to do anything about those teeth until they were at the hanging-by-a-thread stage myself.

  7. Is your house really haunted? I assume they're 'nice' spirits. Oh! Martha and the Vandellas. I personally know one of the Vandellas...Miss Betty Kelly. She's a sweetie. Betty is now retired (she worked for the phone co.
    in California for many years). More info. about that haunting please....if there is one. Right up my alley. Happy Halloween!
    Paranormal John

    1. I have never seen one indication whatsoever that this house is haunted. I do sort of think that it is still inhabited by the spirits of the trees from which it was built. But no spirits that feel threatening or scary. And I'm here alone a lot. It is all just comfort to me.
      That's so cool you know one of the Vandellas! Bless her heart!

  8. Few trick-or-treaters show up here; mostly neighbor kids, whom we enjoy a lot. I bake chocolate chip cookies for them, and so far, no one has turned the cookies down in fear of poison or razor blades. Bonus: we LIKE chocolate chip cookies, and are happy to eat the leftovers.

    I love your family's closeness. I love that the cousins and the aunts and uncles live close by and are part of each others' lives, and that you're able to be friends with your ex and wife, and the love you and Mr. Moon share with each other and with the kids and grands. That's a good family, Ms. Moon. Thanks for sharing them with us, toothy grins and ghost buns and all.

    Chris from Boise

    1. There ARE no kids in my neighborhood. My next door neighbor has children from a previous marriage but they are almost never at his house. We are a dying community here, I guess.
      I feel like we are so lucky to all have each other in this family so close in both proximity and in love. It sure wasn't that way with my family of origin. Still isn't.

  9. Those little ghost buns are so adorable! I love them!

  10. I love the old seventies music and the eighties too. Maggie's ghost buns are adorable. August will soon have grown up teeth and the baby will be well and truly gone. I don't "get" Gibson's costume either.

    1. I'm a sixties/seventies music girl myself. Not to say there weren't some good songs that came out of the eighties. There were.
      We are too old to recognize these new-fangled costumes!

  11. I'm keeping the Munchkin this Halloween so won't be home to hand out treats. I'll leave them by the door with a sign to help themselves. This will be something new here in France so I'll be curious to see what happens.

    1. I guess one night a year where kids dress up in costumes and go out and get candy isn't such a bad thing. I sure loved it when I was a kid.

  12. The tooth-pulling brought back memories of my Dad who was an excellent tooth puller. He would use his own clean white handkerchief and ease that loose tooth out so carefully it never hurt! Even his grandkids would let Grandpa pull a loose tooth. It was nice to remember that! Thanks, Mary!

    1. Oh, I'm so glad I could remind you of such a sweet memory.

  13. I don't carve pumpkins anymore, not since we moved out here. Well, I did the first year but not after that. Neither do I buy candy for the same reason. No one ever comes. Hardly had any when we lived in the city, living in an inner city neighborhood considered sketchy by most. good for August for persevering on the tooth. Wiggly in the front? Yeah, it had to go.

    1. I used to always carve pumpkins and am not sure why I stopped. I guess it just wasn't bringing me the pleasure it used to. I did always love the SMELL of it when I cut into the pumpkin and then, when I set the candle in it.
      August is ready for all of his teeth to be gone, I think. He's looking forward to the new ones.

  14. The Halloween festivities are definitely ramping up! Isn't it funny how kids WANT to pull out a loose tooth? You'd think they'd be terrified, but no!

    Dave and I had the SAME conversation about Jerry Lee Lewis. We both thought he was long dead. Didn't he have some kind of dramatic health problem many years ago, like a heart attack or a stroke? I think we thought he'd succumbed when in fact he hadn't.

    1. I know- it's so true! I guess it's good that kids want to pull those teeth because otherwise everyone would go through horrible trauma at an early age.
      I think Jerry Lee had a lot of health problems. One can only imagine.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.