I walked up Highway 59 a little way today for whatever reason. It's a ridiculous place to walk. No shade, too many big trucks zooming by, and even Lloyd Creek which you cross on a bridge is sluggish and sludgish both, right now. Not something you'd feel compelled to take a picture of. Or a dip in.
But that's the railroad track heading east that crosses 59, the track that goes right behind my house. Can you see the old train station, now Post Office? If I get some free time soon I'll go look through the Florida photo archives and see if I can find some pictures of the train station from back when Lloyd was still a bustling little town with its own school and hotel with a dining room specializing in fried chicken dinners that train passengers would get off the train for. There was even a train wreck once! Right here in Lloyd!
There it is, heading west. Down there on the right just a little way is my back yard.
Here's what's going on here now.
It is Magnolia's turn to spend the night. We have already collected eggs and discussed tonight's dinner menu and she has drawn me a picture and then, Horror of Horrors! Jack scratched her! Jack! He's been doing this lately sometimes. It was the tiniest microscopic dot of blood you ever saw but there were tears, mostly from the shock of the "good" cat turning evil, I think. She's better now after an application of a cool washcloth, then ointment, then a band-aid. Just like her mommy does it. To ensure complete recovery she is eating a few animal crackers and is about to ride the go cart with Boppy.
Pretty sure she'll survive.
Pretty sure she'll survive.
In other grandchildren news, August does not have covid but has something. Some bacterial infection most likely and is about to start antibiotics.
Kids. It is always something.
I better get in that kitchen and start supper. I have been informed that Maggie does like broccoli but not the black (roasted) kind. She likes the juicy, watery kind. I am pretty sure that means steamed.
Happy Friday.
Love...Ms. Moon
It's good you can translate her menu requests. I like my broccoli steamed, too. You know, juicy, watery. I love little kids' descriptions of how to cook, too.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the stroll along the tracks. So now, which side of the tracks do the Moons live??
Maggie loved her broccoli so I guess I cooked it okay.
DeleteThe Moons live on the north side of the tracks.
You have your very own Lady Godiva on horseback ... at least Maggie has her clothes on!
ReplyDeleteShe is a baby lady Godiva. With clothes on.
DeleteChildren do not change. Life is good.
ReplyDeleteYes m'am.
DeleteI'm sure you had a lovely sleep over with Maggie and pancakes for breakfast.
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely weekend.
Pancakes were indeed made and eaten!
DeleteI like the juicy watery kind too. Sweet dreams.
ReplyDeleteHeh-heh. That could be a menu description, right?
DeleteIt should be!
DeleteWere there martinis?
ReplyDeleteThere were. Maggie got ginger ale and grape juice.
DeleteI'm glad August is ok - but you're right "kids" huh!
ReplyDeleteThey can be so strong and at the same time, such delicate little flowers.
DeleteSo trains don't run on that track anymore? Or if they do, they don't stop in Lloyd? Huh!
ReplyDeleteMy ex-brother-in-law died of Covid yesterday. He was around 76 I think. He wasn't vaccinated and followed the nonsense about hydroxychloroquine and horse meds. He had a life filled with unusual adventures. Trying to focus on happier memories to comfort his family.
The trains still run. Not too often but they do and no, they don't stop in Lloyd anymore.
DeleteI am so sorry to hear about your ex-brother-in-law. Why in the world do people believe that shit about meds that don't work? I'm glad though, that he had a life of adventures.
That Magnolia...She's such a beauty.
ReplyDeleteShe is definitely a pretty child.
Deletekids are little germ factories building immunity. poor Maggie, what a shock. we live off Hwy 59 too.
ReplyDeleteThat's so funny Ellen! Does your Hwy 59 go N and S too?
Deleteyep, same highway.
DeleteBroccoli is considered super-food. And yet, no matter how thorough a wash you give it, its head is full of bacteria.
ReplyDeleteIs that true? I've never heard that. And hello- thanks for stopping by!
DeleteWell I never knew that the train track ran right behind Moon Mansion. Do you get many passing trains and do they ever disturb you?
ReplyDeleteOh yes. Right behind the chicken coop. They rarely disturb us. They never wake us up at night. We sleep right through them and they do shake the house.
DeleteYour grandchildren take their Mer and Boppy sleepovers very seriously. What memories you are making with them. I am glad August doesn't have covid, but now that he's in school he likely will catch some things, which i imagine is a little scary. Beautiful Maggie, a fairyland child.
ReplyDeleteYes! They absolutely take spending the night very seriously. As well they should! It is a privilege! Haha.
DeleteAugust is feeling fine and dandy today. Those antibiotics are kicking butt!
You should hear Maggie's singing voice. She's definitely an amazing child.
Have you ever walked the railroad tracks? I did that with my mom once near our house in Pasco and it gave us an entirely new perspective on our neighborhood. (Not ON the tracks, but beside them.)
ReplyDeleteThat's a bummer about August but I'm glad (as you said in your subsequent post) that the antibiotics are doing their thing.