Saturday, December 16, 2017

I did today what I said I would and I worked in the yard and I cleaned out the chickens' waterers and I finished the little fish on the onesie for Levon.

What I did in the yard was to pull and dig invasive plants and cut back the dead parts of lilies. The invasives will be back, there is no doubt of that but at least right now I have a little moment of time where they are at least not in evidence. Once these things get started there is no real getting rid of them.

Not unlike white supremacy, racism, fear of the other, ignorance, hatred and greed, eh?


Look what I found today.

The first of my pink perfections of the year. Isn't she beautiful?

Some of the roses I did NOT prune back the other day are blooming. I picked the red blooming one for its scent which is heavenly and the white one was here when I moved in. Mr. Moon dug it up and transplanted it to a spot by the garden this year and it has already proven to be so much happier. 

After I finished in the camellia bed and trimmed back the frozen parts of the firespike, I said, "Done," and I was. I was tempted to start in on the elephant ears which look atrocious, all wilted and mushy or perhaps the spirea, but I took my yard cart of trimmings to the fire pile and dumped it out and came inside and got started on finishing up my embroidery. 

Isn't it a happy little fish? As with the yard, I could have gone on, adding water waves and bubbles and Lord only knows what but since it's a garment that Levon will only be able to wear for a few weeks at the most, I believe I was wise to knot the last strand I used and call it done. And tomorrow I can start on a dress for Maggie. And perhaps I will prune the spirea then too, and the elephant ears as well. 

We shall see. 

So boring. Such an unsatisfactory post. But sometimes that is the way of it. There are days of small accomplishments, some of which no one in the world would notice or care about but me and this has been one of them. Perhaps the chickens will care that I bleached their big waterer and scrubbed it before rinsing it and filling it again although I doubt it. 
I may not dance like no one is watching anymore (oh! how I used to!) but I do chores like no one is watching. Which they are not. Do I get points for heaven?

Love and kisses, y'all...Ms. Moon


  1. Are the roosters still roosters or did they live to see another day?

  2. They are still roosters but I am as determined as ever. Miss Honey is starving herself to death by staying on the nest. About a third of her comb has been bitten away and she has no feathers on her head. I gave her food and water today but she is obviously scared and sick.

  3. Camellias - my favorites. That pink blossom is perfect.

    1. To me, it is like the apex of horticultural blossom breeding.

  4. Maybe you can do something with August's onesie when he outgrows it. Save it, at the very least -- someone else may need it someday!

    In a previous post you mentioned not knowing when or how to prune roses. We prune ours lightly in November and more heavily in February or so. I'm not sure whether your calendar would be different, given that you're so much farther south, but roses are tough in any case. They seem to survive no matter what.

    1. They DO seem to survive in any case. I swear- that white rose which was here when he moved in has survived everything from not ever being fertilized or pruned to being run over with a truck. The guy we bought the house from said, "You can't kill it." He was right.

  5. i didn't pull out all the dead lily leaves and they got stuck in the snowblower the other lesson well learned there! love the fish. i want to do crafts but i'm lazy.


    1. Haha! I do crafts because I am lazy. I get to sit down when I do them! And watch TV at the same time or listen to a book on my phone.

  6. I didn't get squat done yesterday except visit people. must have been my day for socializing.

    1. I don't think I spoke to one human yesterday.

  7. I am astounded by that beautiful rose. It doesn't look real. It is like something out of an oil painting. Is Pink Perfection the name of the variety? If so it is well named!

    1. It isn't a rose, Jenny. It's a camellia. And yes, Pink Perfection is the real true name.

  8. I don't know about heaven but you sure get points with me! That camellia is so perfect, the color so delicate, it doesn't even look real. Thank you for sharing it, and for sharing your day of small accomplishments. You help us understand that we need to look for our own days of small accomplishments. They add up. Hugs.

    1. I think that some of us (and not all of us!) need to feel that we have accomplished something in our days. It's the definition of accomplishment, though, that trips us up. For me it seems to involve some sort of physical labor. I wonder why that is. Logically, I don't believe it's true.

  9. Hardly a boring post -- I came to it like a drink for a parched desert dweller. I am so behind in reading blogs and writing and doing all the things I love, one of which is to visit regularly here.

    1. Ah- you never have to worry about getting behind in reading my posts. You'd know, Elizabeth, if anything earth-shaking had happened. Otherwise- chickens, yard, grandchildren. Etc, etc, etc.

  10. Your flowers are so beautiful, and I love the onesie design for Levon. Thanks for your kind words.


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