Monday, December 4, 2017

Boys In The House

Two darling boys and their beautiful mama have settled into Mer and Bop's house for a few days while Daddy is away in Tampa. So far it's been a good time. August helped me with the eggs and also making up my bed and we've read books and done some other fun things.

Levon has nursed a lot, slept some, and hung out and talked to me.

That tongue! His mama did that and Vergil sticks his tongue out whenever he's thinking about something or working on something. So does August. It's a family trait.

I'm sorry but I certainly never looked like this when I was three and a half weeks post-partum. 

We took a little walk this afternoon down the sidewalk to get August to sleep for a nap. It worked but he didn't sleep very long. When he woke up, he had graham crackers and milk. 
"Dip, drip, eat!" 
He shared. He's a good guy. 

He helped me in the garden too. I picked and he mightily applied the trowel to dig holes. It's not an easy job, but he took it on. 

More adventures to follow, no doubt. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I love that the three generations are snug together. You are all so fortunate, and I know you know that.

  2. oh, what a perfect time! I so miss my baby grands. I love them now as young adults and teens but i do miss those years before they start school.

  3. Love that first picture, bare toes squiggling in dirt.

  4. Your girl and her boys all day everyday. For a while anyway. Nothing sweeter.

  5. Good grief. (Have I said that enough already in your comment boxes?) That August slays me and those baby eyes- Jebus fetching crisps. They're just intoxicating and mesmerizing, and I don't even like babies! (Ok other people's babies can be pretty cute sometimes.) :)

  6. A wonderful time...I hope you enjoy every minute...

  7. Ha! I love that last photo. He's really working hard!

  8. such sweeties. Jessie may have achieved perfection of womanhood. We should clone her and all be her from now on.

  9. No real comment. I just love this post.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.