Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving, 2023

The sea foam camellia in the front yard has suddenly begun producing its creamy white blooms. I picked some and brought them in, set them in a vase. I wonder if anyone noticed them. I would not be surprised if no one did. 
It was quite a Thanksgiving. 

I was so proud of myself. I got that turkey stuffed and in the oven by eight this morning and by noon I had the biscuits rolled and cut and ready to bake, the gravy made, the greens reheating, the cream whipped, and the pies out of the freezer. I got the house tidied, some laundry folded and put away, my back porch table cleared and ready for the spread to come. 
I told my husband, "I think I'm ready." 
He said, "Ready for what? To start drinking?"
But no, I was not ready for that yet. 

And people started showing up. Jessie and Vergil and the boys, Hank and Rachel, and then May and Michael and finally Lily, Lauren, and all of their crew. After two days of quiet, peaceful preparation, the house was suddenly bursting with sisters, brothers, mamas, daddies, grandbabies, uncles, aunts, partners in all different possible combinations and every one of them carrying baskets and bags and coolers and boxes and dishes. Kisses and hugs were happening everywhere. We were dizzy with it all! 

The children were feral wild things, running through the house, playing games inside and out and once again I realized that I fell in love with this house because it is such a good grandparents' house. So many places to hide. So many places to play. 

Jessie, Lily, Rachel, and I did the Lynn shot of rum and then Glen and Vergil came in and they did one too. It was good rum. It was yum-rum. 

It was so great having the turkey done and out so that all of the casseroles could go into the oven to heat and warm. Meanwhile, Lauren, whom I thought was bringing a few cheeses, made a charcuterie (or as we call it- charcootchie) TABLE. The food on it alone could easily have fed us all. 

Lily made those gorgeous deviled eggs. 

Bless Lauren. Every year I come to love that woman more and more. She is the funniest, the sweetest, the most hardworking, caring woman you can imagine. What a lucky family we are to have her as part of us now. 

Eventually, I managed to convince everyone that we really did need to get this meal on the table. The weather was a little chilly but not bad and the guys had set up tables and chairs in the back yard. Vergil carved the turkey.

We took the casseroles out of the oven, I heated it up to 425, put the biscuits in, and we transferred all the rest of the dishes out to the back porch along with the Chinet (yes!), put hot sauces and pepper vinegar and butter on the table. And then we filled our plates and we sat down and we ate. 

And we laughed. Oh, Lord how we laughed. When the kids were full, they ran off again to resume their games and the adults stayed at the table and discussed a little bit of everything. 

And then it was time. The dreaded time. When everyone pitched in to clean up and leftovers were put in individual containers for people to take home and the kitchen was packed with people and Mr. Moon was loading up things in his truck to take to Tennessee and chairs were being brought back in the house and children were rounded up and there were more hugs and kisses and I was completely overwhelmed and people kept asking me if I wanted more of this or that to keep and I kept saying,  "It's just going to be me!" and I made Vergil and Jessie take home a vat of whipped cream and oh, by the way- this is what the angel biscuits looked like.

August told me, just before they left, that he had thrown up a little bit in his throat which I informed him meant that he had eaten too much pie and too many angel biscuits and then he asked me for a bye-bye treat. 
He did not get one but perhaps he can have pie and whipped cream for breakfast. 

Mr. Moon will be getting up early and leaving around six tomorrow morning. I will already be up and out, standing in line for Walmart to open for those amazing Black Friday sales. 


I have a reasonable amount of leftovers in my refrigerator. Well, the turkey carcass I have with plenty of turkey left on it is more than a reasonable amount for one person but I will get the rest of the meat off of it and then boil the bones for a soup. 
Chicken flautas may be in our future. We shall see. 

I have no idea why but the turkey came out perfectly this year. Probably because it got to sit for a few hours. It was completely done but not dry in the least. I did not spatchcock it or brine it. I just roasted it and basted it with butter and seasoned it with salt and pepper. 

So that's how Thanksgiving went. Here's a picture of Levon that Jessie sent to the group text. 

That's what I'm going to look like in about half an hour. Only not as cute and I'll be prone. 

I think I'll play a little piano tomorrow. 

Love...Ms. Moon

P.S. Rachel took many of these pictures. Lily may have taken a few. I'm too tired to go back and figure it all out. I apologize.


  1. It's like a movie about a huge family thanksgiving, amazing. Such people! Such food! What a great day.

    1. We're a sort of different type of family in some ways but we're interesting. And we love each other.

  2. Oh, what a day you have had and that final camellia picture is pink blush perfection!
    What a great family you have!!

  3. The angel biscuits look divine! And Levon looks thoroughly worn out. I'm pleased to say I was able to identify every single person at that table. It looks like you all had such a perfect day. What is the crumbly stuff in the rectangular foil pan on the charcuterie table?

    1. River! You know us that well? That warms my heart. The crumbly stuff of which you speak is also a Lauren creation- street corn dip for tortilla chips. It was SO good.

  4. OMG! The family....the food...the flowers.... the activity and beautiful makes my head spin just reading about it! But......a wonderful gathering for all of you, which is heartwarming to see and read about. Hope you can rest up a bit tomorrow after all that!
    Susan M

    1. Susan, I did almost nothing today. Except accidentally try to rip my esophagus.
      We all agreed it was a very fine Thanksgiving. Vergil says he's keeping a spreadsheet of all our Thanksgivings and this one was the best.
      He's kidding.
      I think.

  5. You have a lovely family! And those camellias are beautiful and perfect.

    1. I have a hysterical family which is just how I like it. And I'll be the first to say that if one of us has a problem or a need, we are all there. Aren't the camellias just amazing?

  6. Happy Thanksgiving! We went to Henry's girlfriend Annika's parents' house -- so fun, and no clean-up!

    1. That sounds great! When are those two going to get engaged or are they already?

  7. What a wonderful day you had. I have tears in my eyes looking at those photos! So good to see your lovely self for a change too. Can I come next year please? You obvs had too much food and I could help with that!

    1. Of course you can come, Francis! We do need help with the too-much food thing.

  8. It looks just amazing (and exhausting). I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time!

  9. Such a happy family day! We had a wonderful time too but I must say I am so glad I have NOTHING special to do today as I was so tired! It's great to do but I am always glad when it is done.
    Now...rushing on to the holidays! Yikes!

    1. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.
      I'm glad you had nothing you had to do today. Thanksgiving can be exhausting.

  10. Your family could be a Hallmark movie. And I mean that in the best way possible. We had a very good day too.

    1. I don't know about that unless Hallmark has become a lot more irreligious and open about different kinds of relationships than they used to be. Maybe it would be the movie this country needs right now!

    2. Hallmark has had shows featuring gay couples ... So, yes, they have become more diverse and definitely not churchy!

  11. Oh, that picture of Levon. That sums up the day, doesn't it? I looked exactly like that last night. (Except not as cute, but also not prone.) It's great to see everyone so healthy and happy. I'm glad you posted the camellias, too, so we could enjoy them from afar. I'm thankful for your camellias!

    1. That poor baby. His eyes were drooping at the table. He was running on pure fumes and joy for hours.
      I'm thankful for my camellias too.

  12. What a great Thanksgiving! Great to see them all looking so happy. The camellias are perfect. And the biscuits are heavenly.

  13. 9:02 (when you posted last night)! I was in bed after my big Thanksgiving day. How family and joy filled yours was. Made my heart sing.

  14. 37paddington: I savored every word and picture in this gorgeous post, I sank into the joy of it all, the entire family together around a table in the yard, the children running through their good grandparents house playing and laughing, the beautiful faces reflecting such love, and to see your face in this post, too, Mary, it’s all such a gift to be here with you, loving you all.

  15. Glad you had such a beautiful, laughter and food filled day with the beautiful Moons. Ours was lovely as well and the next day I got to see 6 otters wrestling and roiling the water in a nearby creek. Joyous! Love to you all. x0x0 N2


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