Monday, March 14, 2022

So Tired

 That is NOT a picture of a current event. It came in a Facebook memory today from five years ago, I think. That is little Violet, trying to sit on at least eighteen eggs. When she went broody, she wasn't messing around. Her mama heart was a lot bigger than her mama body. Can you see how the different hens contributed their eggs to the clutch? I have not found a hidden cache of eggs and I did look in the shed today. I'm still not getting the number of eggs I know the hens are capable of so I don't know what's going on but I do not pretend to know much at all about chickens, even after fairly close observation for all these years. 

How many years? 
I have no idea. 

Mr. Moon found a dead possum under the house today. He was working on an electrical issue (Mr. Moon, not the possum) when he found the body. At first he wasn't sure if it had been a possum or a cat but he determined it was our native marsupial. Obviously it'd been dead for quite awhile.
"What do you guess it died of?" I asked him. 
"Looked like old age," he said. "And starvation."
A long dead critter will tend to get down to fur and bones, their flesh drying into dust.

That was the big excitement here today. And oh! I ate at an Indian buffet for the first time in two years! I had lunch with Hank and Rachel and that's what we ate. It was all good but you know what made me swoon? The vermicelli milk pudding. More like a soup, really, but it tasted like the very best of all of the nursery comfort foods in in the world. Milky and sweet with the most delicious of spices. Maybe next time I go, that will be all I'll eat. I'll just eat tiny bowl after tiny bowl, every one of them with my eyes closed in order to focus all of my senses on the taste of it. 

Well, probably not but it's a nice fantasy. 

Y'all- I apologize. I am just exhausted this evening. So I'm going to end here. I don't know if the time change caught up with me or what but I'm bone tired. 

I'll try to be a little alegre y divertida tomorrow. For some bizarre reason, that is a phrase I remember from high school Spanish and if I recall correctly, it means "lively and lots of fun." 
I will honestly try. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. My mom used to make vermicelli milk pudding. I've been thinking of making it, too. Taste of home!

    Clock change wipes me out, too.
    Do you think possums or maybe snakes are swiping those eggs? Snakes love eggs.

    1. I don't think its snakes because it takes them quite awhile to swallow one and while they're doing that, they don't seem to move so I usually catch them at it although in reality, I would rather not. It is a rather vile sight in my opinion. I mean- I know snakes have to eat but yuck.
      Yes! Make some of that pudding! It was so good. I'm going to make some soon too.

  2. I was exhausted today too. That bloody time change.

    Hope you find your eggs and I'm very thankful I don't have any space under my house, just a basement.

    1. Basements are quite rare in Florida. Our water table is high. Strangely, we've lived in two houses with basements and yes, they both flooded on occasion. One more than the other. It's really not a good idea here.

  3. I hope you made it early to bed. Something always trips up those resolutions for me.

  4. I love soupy rice pudding, so I bet I would love the vermicelli milk pudding too. Here's to more energy tomorrow!

    1. Thank you, Wilma! I think you would love that pudding.

  5. The time change made me miserable at work this morning. I'm used to getting a good, solid, restful 8 hours but last night I was all out of sorts and tired. Which is why I'm typing this comment on my phone, in bed, at just past 9pm.

  6. My father had an expression which means about the same: bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

  7. Replies
    1. Well, the dreams were not very sweet but they were plentiful!

  8. The time change has a lot to answer for. Ours changes early on a Sunday morning, both times, at 2am, so most of us change our clocks when going to bed Saturday nights, then we have Sunday to adjust before those who work go back on Monday.

  9. Was that Indian pudding Rasmalai? If so, that must be one of my most favourite Indian dishes also. And you've got to give it to Miss Violet - she has a very "can do" attitude!

    1. I just looked up rasmalai and that appears to have a sort of dumpling in it? Not the same but that sure looks good too. I think the dish is called Saviyan Kheer.
      Your comment about Violet made me laugh.

  10. I went to bed early last night too, at nine which was really eight. But I do like having the daylight a bit longer in the evenings.

    1. It's disconcerting to me to eat while there is still some light in the sky. I suppose I get used to it every year.

  11. I am so tired a lot of days! At least this week I can blame the time change! :)

  12. That's a funny picture of Violet. She definitely bit off more than she could chew! Did any of those eggs ever hatch?

    That milky pudding sounds yummy. I've been tired too, and I haven't been sleeping well, so that hasn't helped.

    1. I cannot remember if any of those eggs hatched or not. I really should go back and read my posts about it and see.
      I haven't been sleeping well either. And the dreams!


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