Wednesday, March 2, 2022

More Spring

 The miniature bridal wreaths are just starting to open and that picture is not in focus but it's the best I got today. You can see why it's called a bridal wreath spirea. It would make a perfect flower arrangement for a fairy bride, I think. 
Or Barbie. 

I had another full day today. Had to go to town early for something I needed to do that it is not mine to discuss but it seemed to be a step forward in a process that is ongoing. Which is good. 

I did my weekly shopping and got that out of the way while I was in town. I saw Brenda at the Costco and I should have taken her picture. Her mermaid eyes were especially fantastic today. And when I went to Publix, Lily was working and she got to walk me out to the car with my groceries and we stole a chat. And some hugs. 

And now I'm sort of exhausted. When I got up this morning, it was thirty-nine degrees and by noon it was eighty and I was taking off all the clothes I could and still be decent. Coat, sweater, and then...the socks. This weather is crazy. But it sure is beautiful. 

I went out to the garden a little while ago to pick some kale and spinach, both of which are just going gung-ho, and it was the Golden Hour and the sun's poured-honey-slanting through the trees and the plants in the garden was a balm to my heart. 

Can you see the bee?

This is the arugula's bolting flower. I saw a big ol' fat bumblebee, having her way with all those blossoms. I wonder why the term "gone to seed" is a derogatory one when it's actually so pretty. 

This is an oak tree on our property behind the church. It is not one of our oldest oaks, but it is venerable enough to be gnarled and beautiful. 

The branches look like some form of ancient writing to me.

Or perhaps, more accurately, a part of the planet's vascular system. Veins and arteries, carrying the vital earth blood to fuel the system that provides the oxygen for the air we breath. 

As I said yesterday, in a way, I am surrounded by miracles. 
I do not take them lightly. 

Here's another. 

It was Wacky Day at Magnolia's school and that was her outfit. Well, except for the glitter rainbow combat boots that Lily reported she also wore. As May said, "She looks like she's about to take over a magical chocolate factory. And I love it."
I do too. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I marvel at your being able to just go out a few steps and pick long since I could do that. My unboxing is my nearest version!

    1. And maybe that's why I love your unboxings so much!

  2. Beautiful view up into the branches of the old oaks.

    1. I love them so. I am so lucky to have them near where I can see them all the time.

  3. Gorgeous photos and I would love to see Maggie's boots. I wonder if they come in big foot sizes?

  4. Eighty degrees at the start of March! That is amazing. By the way I have decided not to report you to Jefferson County Police as I wouldn't be able to read "Bless Our Hearts" if you were locked up.

    1. You know, I had a friend who was locked up there once, quite a few years back. He was busted (as we say) for growing weed. It was the bad old days. Anyway, they were pretty loose at the Jefferson County Jail, I hear. I mean, he would rather not have been there but it could have been worse. Things have probably changed.

  5. well, it was 83 here early March? Come on! But.... your oaks are lovely...we here in coastal calif. are aoso blessed with they smell? And dear Maggie......but Brenda, she of the mermaid eye shadow......I would love to *see* her one day. Your day sounds interesting......all over the map!
    Susan M

    1. I've never been able to detect a scent from the spirea.
      Didn't Maggie look happy?
      I'm sure that if you fly to Tallahassee and go to Costco, Brenda would be happy to meet you!

  6. It was nice here today, high fifties. Tomorrow will be high twenties. Of course, tomorrow is my eye doctor appointment. Maybe it won't be sunny. How nice to see that bumblebee in your arugula.

    1. High fifties. Ha! People would be dressed in fur-lined boots here. Actually, and this is the truth- I saw someone wearing fur-lined boots yesterday WHEN IT WAS EIGHTY DEGREES!
      I am so happy whenever I see bees now.

  7. You have a church on your property? The Bridal Wreath Spirea is beautiful. I shall look that up and see if one will grow in my area. Maggie looks bright and shiny in all the colours.

    1. No. The church is on its own property but my property extends behind it. It's a weirdly shaped lot.
      Wouldn't it be nice for you to have your own spirea?
      Maggie is the girl of all the colors!

  8. Glitter rainbow combat boots? I want some of those!

    It is indeed a balm to the soul to be able to commune with nature. I love the bolting arugula! Why don't people grow it and the mustard just for the flowers?! Clearly the bugs love them.

    1. Glitter rainbow combat boots. I myself have not seen them but would like to.
      Pretty soon the wild mustards and other greens will be blooming profusely by the sides of the road. They, too, are beautiful in their own delicate way.

  9. The world could use a Magnolia June Magical Chocolate Factory Takeover about now. I'm here for it.

  10. It's so nice to see all of nature's beauty on your property and it is nice of you to share it. Our snow piles out front are getting smaller and smaller and I noticed a tiny spear of daffodil leaf peaking up in my garden. Our temperatures are up and down but a little warmer each week...
    Glad Maggie enjoyed Wacky Day!

    1. I would send all of you fresh camellias if I could! Wouldn't that be something?
      Brave little daffodils- they are springs valiant tiny soldiers.

  11. I see the same things as you do in that tree - veins in a central nervous system! You are so blessed with your beautiful wild flora! As for Miss Maggie's outfit - rock on young lady!

    1. It's hard not to see a vascular system there, isn't it? I think those trees are so majestic.
      I am hoping Maggie never stops rocking on.

  12. I like bare trees for that reason, you can see their bones.

    Maybe gone to seed is derogatory because we can't or won't eat them anymore.

    1. Definitely- you can see their bones.
      I don't know how "gone to seed" has gotten the definition it has. And "seedy" is also derogatory. Weird, huh?

  13. In the 70s today and sunny.Things here should start popping now. I think my spirea is mostly dead. Its branches started dying off this summer, don't know why.

  14. Trees as the vascular system of the planet! That is so profound. And can we please have a Magnolia June takeover? Please?

  15. Glitter Rainbow Combat Boots... Love it! We are surrounded by Miracles, I don't take them lightly either.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.