I think I may be slightly allergic to confederate jasmine. It's not as bad as it looks, really. I should have worn long sleeves but it's gotten a lot warmer today and honestly, I'd rather break out in welts than sweat like a lion tamer with a cat phobia.
I did not finish today. But some progress was made.
I didn't get started until mid-afternoon because Mr. Moon and I met Mr. Williamson at the Rev for lunch in Monticello. It was such a treat! And our server today was far more focused than the one we had when I was there last week with Jessie and Lily and Levon. It's been a beautiful day, too, perfect for outside dining. After lunch, we went to Wag the Dog. Mr. Moon has been there but Lon never has which is strange in a way because Lis and I have been there together so often.
They had some nice things today but I only got these.
The colors were just too perfect. I put them on the counter to pay and said, "Well, there's some more beautiful yarn that I'll never do anything with." There are no labels attached but I can assure you that this yarn is something natural, fancy, and not available at Michael's.
And that is just about all I did today. Oh, sure, I did some other things as it is not my practice to sit and stare into the distance but nothing that was even close to being noteworthy.
Tomorrow I am getting up early for me, and going into town to babysit Levon for a few hours. I am looking forward to that. I miss those boys so much! Why do the children have to go to school? It really cuts into my time with them.
Perhaps I should volunteer to homeschool them.
I could teach them all to prune plants and weed a garden, clean a hen house, scrub bathrooms, do laundry, and give foot massages. That's enough, right?
Mr. Moon's ice cream maker has arrived!
When he brought it in just now he said, "Where are you going to keep this?"
"I don't know," I said. "But I'll figure it out."
"I don't know," I said. "But I'll figure it out."
I have a far higher belief in my spatial abilities than is warranted. Hell, even the newish pantry is completely filled up and god knows there is no room on a counter top.
Stay posted.
Love...Ms. Moon
When I first saw the top photo I thought it was a suckling pig ready for the rotisserie - not a human arm! Self harming is not an advisable way of dealing with one's "issues". I hope that Mr Moon's ice cream tastes good.
ReplyDeleteYou are right about self harm. I will try to avoid it in the future.
DeleteGood lord, woman. I think you're gonna enjoy some calamine.
ReplyDeleteIt didn't even itch that much, really.
DeleteYikes! That confederate jasmine fights back!
ReplyDeleteHomeschooling - now there's a thought. Hahahahahahahahaha! But what a great curriculum you'd have.
Chris from Boise
I think after day 2 we would have a graduation and they could go back to regular school.
DeleteI think the confederate Jasmine Won!
ReplyDeleteNot yet, baby!
DeleteThose are all things that children should learn to do. I've been getting ads on FB for gardening sleeves, long tubes that you pull on to protect your arms. I fail to see how these are any different from a long sleeved shirt. But they are very colorful.
ReplyDeleteI've been getting those ads too, Ellen. Which does not surprise me. But I'm with you- what's the difference between those and long sleeves? They are brightly colored and perhaps, they are made of a special protective substance.
Your pits are free to breathe!
DeleteThat plant needs to secede. What a jabber! You arm looks like it wants the confederates gone. Home school is a great idea. It is more of an un-schooling thing but it worked well for Erik and a handful of kids and moms when we got the boot from Montessori. We only did it for four years but that was the best time ever. The children were given precious time to absorb, little spnges for learning that they were. Rich community for Education- Two of the kids ended up at university auditing classes, sixth grade! They both went on to Oberlin and Yale.Erik decided that he wanted to go to high school , We found a good one- he went for two years and then went to college when he was in his third year. It all worked out for the best for the kids. Dennis fought it the whole way but now we can say TOLD YOU SO.
ReplyDeleteI have a lot of friends whose kids went to The Free School here which is a place where the kids get to pick the curriculum, whether or not they want to attend class, and so forth. There have been some very successful kids come out of that school.
ReplyDeleteIt's okay. Truly.
DeleteI think Mr Moon needs to tear out that confederate jasmine with s chain on his truck. Those welts are no joke. You can get infections. Please don't wait.
ReplyDeleteThe welts have disappeared. All is well. I really am thinking about yanking that damn thing out. The problem is- I'd still have to prune it all back. No way he could pull the roots of the original plants without taking the fence with them if I didn't.
DeleteI agree with Boud because your next exposure may be considerably worse. And I see the same piglet that YP sees. Too funny.
ReplyDeleteIf y'all say so...
DeleteThat confederate jasmine is vicious. Those are horrible welts on your arm. I would definitely pull it and find something that's less invasive and kinder to your skin, to plant.
ReplyDeleteYou're probably right.
DeleteThat's a very nasty reaction. If it was my arm I would have scratched it raw by now. You probably came into contact with some of the sap. Do you have a lightweight long sleeve shirt you could wear that wouldn't be too hot? Or perhaps elbow length pruning gloves?
ReplyDeleteYes, it has a milky sap that got all over me. I think it was more the poking of the little vines that made me break out. Well, the combination. I do have some lightweight long-sleeved shirts.
DeletePro Tip: Do not volunteer to homeschool. Grammas should be fun and wonderful. Teachers sometimes have to say, "That's enough now. You need to settle down and learn this math" or "Quit horsing around, it is time to pay attention". All the sorts of things that would never leave a grandma's lips. It changes things.
ReplyDeleteOh, in real life, I would NEVER volunteer to homeschool my grandkids. I am not cut out for that. Not only would everything you describe happen but I would be a terrible teacher.
DeletePS: Google 'garden sleeves'.
ReplyDeleteI get ads for them all the time.
DeleteI was going to suggest the new pantry! LOL! I'm sure you'll find a place for it.
ReplyDeleteLove the yarn! The colors are great.
By the way, I mentioned the book "Florida Ramble" to you in a comment some time ago. I found it online -- it looks like the whole thing is available:
If you're ever looking for Florida reading you might check it out. :)
Thanks, Steve! I went to that link. I definitely will check it out.
DeleteGlen says we can keep the ice cream machine in the bedroom. He's so cute.
That confederate jasmine surely is hateful. The works hard going and then red, fire welts added to the misery. Hope the ice cream soothes the soul.
ReplyDeleteI'll be making some tomorrow. Martinis AND homemade ice cream? Oh yeah.
DeleteJesus! Just looking at your arms makes me anxiety start to rise! As a longtime eczema and allergy sufferer that would be enough to send me to the doctor for prednisone. Seriously. I despise Confederate Jasmine. We had a huge hateful bush of it one time and I grew to dislike even the smell. It was too thick and cloying.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right about the scent of the jasmine. Trust me- it won't be blooming this year. Ha!
DeleteThe blue of that yarn looks like the sea in my dreams. I would not have resisted it either. And my grandmother used to say, Each child brings its own keep. She had 9 of them living, so I imagine she knew what she was talking about. I imagine each new kitchen appliance brings its own keep too. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteYes- those are Cozumel blues. And all of the Caribbean. I could not leave them there.
DeleteI had never heard that saying- Each child brings its own keep. I love it. Sort of related to the phrase- If you wait until you can afford children you will never have them.
Your arms looks nasty - I do hope it doesn't itch!!!!! And I'm with you on that yarn. I'd buy it for the colour alone, even if I did nothing with it!
ReplyDeleteI could take Hank's advice that he gave to Lily when she didn't know what to do with something she had gotten. "Hasn't our mother taught you anything? Hang it on the wall!"
DeleteI could indeed just hang it on the wall. The colors would delight me every time I looked at them.
I don't think I'm actually allergic to it. I think it was just a reaction that caused welts. I've had worse itching- trust me.
ReplyDeleteI had already thought about keeping the canister in the freezer full-time. I think I will do that! It's in there now and tomorrow I'm going to try and make something simple for a test run. Maybe plain old chocolate ice cream. Or even vanilla!
the colors of that yarn are gorgeous! No way you could have passed that up......regarless of what you do with it. And your arm....ugh. My arms look like that after yard work.....just trimming grasses or shrubs......... it is short lived (for me) just itchy as all dickens at the onset.
ReplyDeleteSusan M
I want that yarn.
ReplyDeleteHives are an allergy! I get them when I eat oranges or drink orange juice.