Sunday, February 20, 2022

No Title

First off, let me apologize for not answering comments for the past two days. Life has been too full and too busy for me to sit down and do that. But you know that I do very much cherish your comments and in answering them, I feel as if I am letting you know that. 

Sometimes, though, as I say- life gets in the way. 

And so it has been. 

Last night was just the sweetest. The food was down-home terrific, the boys were snuggle-bugs for their delighted grandfather, it was a spur-of-the-moment get together  that became a joyful occasion. 

Today has been a different sort of day in which I needed to help with a situation. This is a deeply personal situation for someone beloved and all will be well because it just will be

So. I am home now with my darling, good man. 
And I am beyond thankful for the family I live in. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. just sending love to you.......just....that.......
    Susan M

  2. I bet your ice cream didn't last long with those boys - big and small - around!

  3. I hope the situation is resolved in a good way.

  4. Thoughts for you and the beloved person who is on your mind.

  5. Sending hugs to all concerned.

  6. Warm wishes, good wishes, best wishes. All will be well.

    1. Thank you. And yes, I think all will be well but it's going to take some time.

  7. Hope all turns out well. Sending Love!

  8. I sincerely hope that all WILL be well.

    1. We are doing whatever we can to make that happen.

  9. Sending love and hopes that the " situation" will turn out for the best.

  10. Good for them that they have you in their life to help ease the situation.

    1. Well, you know- we do what we can. And there's very little I can actually do but be there.

  11. I know we can't always choose happiness but the part of the song that I like so much was when we worry, we make it double. Like Mark Twain said, "I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened." That's me. I spend an enormous amount of energy worrying about things that haven't happened or may never happen. I want to be prepared for the possibility of bad things that may happen but I find it's depleting all of mental energies. I want to let go of the worries. I think that the idea of letting go of worries is a very old human idea, going back thousands of years.

    Depression and anxiety are not new problems, they have always been around I'm sure and in fact, are probably a defensive mechanism but like anything that there is too much of, are a bad thing when taken to extremes.

    I'm reading an interesting book right now about brain development and developmental arrest. It makes sense to me. We go through all the stages but some of us get stuck at a certain stage due to trauma I think. The doctor who wrote the book though, Gabor Mate, believes that we can move past where we got stuck, something which gives me hope.

    Sending love and hugs Mary.

    1. I agree with everything you said. And the song is a beautiful reminder that we do have some control over how we react to things.
      If Dr. Mate tells you how to move past that trauma, I should read that book. Thank you, Pixie.

  12. Well, I'm sorry about your situation, whatever it is! My thoughts are with you!

  13. It's mysterious but I respect your right not to tell all at this juncture. Fingers crossed "someone beloved" gets through this.

    1. They will. But it is not going to be easy, I fear.

  14. I, too, am very much a sufferer of the Chicken Little Syndrome. I always think the sky is falling. Always.
    Love back to you.

  15. Lord, woman, I am amazed you answer all the comments! My blog only gets a few and I don't have time to reply to each one anymore. This working-for-a-living thing really cramps my style. And you are every bit as busy doing all you do at home. Love and kisses from 20 or 30 below, Kate


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.