Monday, March 29, 2021

 This morning August woke up first. It was barely getting light outside and he came and crawled in the bed with us and I held him to me and said, "It's not time to get up yet, baby. Let's sleep a little more."
"No," he said. "It is time."
"But I have to finish the dream I was having," I said.
"Okay," he said and he was very quiet and very still and I went back to sleep and then when it was a little bit lighter, Levon popped up and crawled in bed and said, "I want to snuggle!" and August said, "No. Mer is going to tell us her dream," but then Boppie woke up and Vergil came and collected the children and we both slept a little longer. 

Jessie had an appointment in Thomasville at ten and Vergil and Mr. Moon got started on some major, MAJOR garage clearing-out, which Levon insisted on participating in all day long. They worked from early to late, and have just left. August was my buddy for most of the day. We had such a good time. He was a good kid and even made Mr. Moon's and my bed for us. As you can see above. 
When I saw what he'd done I started to say, "Let me show you how..." and then there was going to be a lesson on smoothing out sheets and re-tucking them but I thought better of it and instead said, "That's wonderful! Thank you so much! What a beautiful job," and he beamed. 
His dad had made him a crown this morning out of a used-up Cheerios box and he wore it all day long. It had a rainbow on it. 

We went outside and picked things to make a little flower arrangement and he was all about that. We talked and talked and talked about many things, including Frida Kahlo and Mexican cooking. The boy is a talker and he's got a lot of ideas; his brain is a sponge and he soaks everything up. Here's a picture I took yesterday of him and his dad and his Boppy talking after the basketball game. 

And we read so many books today that finally I caved and said, "August, I think this is enough."
Not sure I ever thought I'd say that but we were on page 120 of a Richard Scarry book and that was only part of what we read. Levon joined us for some of the books after lunch but eventually he had to go back outside and see what the men were doing. He was so dirty when he left here that it might take a bath and two showers to get him clean tonight. The black dirt of Lloyd is going to find its way to Tallahassee. 

He's such a guy. 

When the work day was over, Boppy took the boys on a little four-wheeler ride which they loved. 

They putt-putted slowly around the yard a few times, August with one hand on the brace back there and one hand tightly gripping his grandfather's overall strap. 

I think that Boppy is exhausted and I am too. Been a lot of activity going on the past two days. FSU didn't win its game yesterday but I think everyone had a good time. One of the guys who came over is someone I've known forever and the other forever and a day. Both had had health problems, severe ones, and it was a joy to see them even if I didn't watch one minute of the game. 

I'm going to whip up some eggrolls here- one of Mr. Moon's favorite meals. I picked another cabbage from the garden and have some other stuff to go in them. 

And oh! A few of y'all asked me about the golden seal and where I get it. I'm afraid I'm not going to be real helpful there. I use the golden seal root powder and I've always bought mine from the local co-op. The same place Billy and May work. It's sold in bulk and when I buy it, I only get a very small amount. It costs a fortune but not when you buy a tiny bit. Here's the bag I have right now and that'll last me forever. 

I literally scoop the amount I need out of the bag on the end of a tiny cocktail fork. 
They keep it behind the counter at the co-op because it is so expensive and I guess people steal it. Also, some years ago it became a common belief that drinking a tea from it could aid in getting a clean piss test. This is not something I know anything about because thank god I've never had to be tested in that way. Also, because it's the most bitter shit on earth. It tastes nasty. I have only ever used it topically. And I must say that once when I was using it on a wound on my husband's foot, he had a horrible itchy reaction to it. He's the only person (or critter) I've ever known to have that reaction but I'd be amiss if I didn't mention that. My finger where I've been using it in conjunction with the Neosporin is about 90% free of redness and tenderness now. I'll probably slap a little more on there tonight and put a bandaid over it before I go to bed but I am pretty sure I'm out of the woods with the fear of dire bacteria. 

Last night with the kids sleeping in our room, Maurice would not set paw into the room, much less jump up on the bed, and Jack gladly took her place. It was so nice to feel his solid body against mine. As I was falling asleep, I was stroking his soft back and when I quit, he tapped me on the leg to tell me to continue. 
He's a normal cat. If there is such a thing. 

Once in awhile, normal is good. 

Love...Ms. (Not Really Normal) Moon


  1. wowza!!! i googled it and that's some good shit for the cost if it saves a trip to the dr and an rx cost!


    1. Well, please know that if after a few days the golden seal doesn't work for you, to get to the doctor. But it's sure worth a shot.

  2. Ms. Mary Moon, you are just quirky enough to seem perfectly normal!
    What a busy and lovely day you and the boys had!

    1. I suppose that "quirky" is a good enough word to describe me.

  3. what a full and exhausting 2 days you have had! Most of it joy filled, I believe. glad your fingers/wounds are improving..... and it's not Friday, but I think you both deserve a Martini!
    Susan M

    1. PS. I love that you thanked August for his bed-making rather than correcting his *technique*. So very *Mer* of you....... makes me love you even more
      Susan M

    2. A very full two days. But lots of goodness in there.
      And I just did not want to discourage August in any way from his desire to help by making the bed. He was so very sweet to do that.

  4. Such a delightful post, Children are magic! So is golden seal , have used it since the hippy days. My friend came from Australia and did not know how to hippy well, she removed the tip of her finger trying to chop kindling, Golden seal to the rescue!! The bleeding stopped, the tip still gone, but it healed well.

    1. Oh god! Well, another testimony to the healing power of golden seal! Love it. Now if it had grown the tip of that finger back...

  5. Those little boys are so different. What a joy to watch and read about their growing up.

    1. They are. And yet, they get along pretty well. Mostly. I think.

  6. Now that FSU is out, I am humbly asking for Mr. Moon to root for Gonzaga, as that is where Henry goes to school. He's also housemates/friends with one of their star players, Corey Kispert.

  7. Oh my heck those boys. Way too cute. Boppy's such an endearing grandpa. Love them long legged men. Ha! Vergil's crown making skills are on point. Yall are adorable. Te amo.

    1. Boppy is the best grandpa. He's just a jewel. Jessie sent me a picture of the boys today and August is still wearing his crown!

  8. August's cereal-box crown is awesome! And Levon is such a character, covered with the black dirt of Lloyd. They remind me so much of me and my brother when we were little -- running around barefoot and playing in Florida sand.

    1. Yep! And in the case of Lloyd, a hundred or so years of whatever the trains have left us in the way of the stuff that makes our feet black.

  9. Vergil is such a great dad. I'd be tired too after those two days.

  10. I miss my 2 little men when I see your guys. Thomson is 4 and Michael is 3 and they live over 2 hours away. COVID (and life) has kept our visits farther spaced out. Now that the weather is getting better and I am near to my 2nd dose, I'll have to pay a visit.
    Your guys look so happy!

    1. You must miss them just horribly. May you get a good, good visit soon!

  11. Little boy happiness has got to be a badly made bed and spending the day with a cereal box on your head. It doesn't get much better than that!

    1. And a lesson on Frida Kahlo! What five-year old boy wouldn't love that? Right? I think August just tolerates me sometimes. But he does it sweetly.

  12. They are lovely boys-growing up in a happy environment. page 120 of a Scarry book is a feat with all the details he puts in.

    1. Oh my god- so true. I was afraid that the Richard Scarry would be beneath August but I think he loved the simplicity of it. Plus, Scarry's humor is ridiculously fun.

  13. That is such an adorable picture of August in his crown. The nicest picture I have seen all week. I'm trying to work out why, but it is.


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