Friday, March 5, 2021

Like As With An Exhaled Breath, I Feel Relieved

This was what Jack and I looked like last night in the bed. I took the picture to send to Mr. Moon who was in the bathtub. 
It's so exciting around here.
Anyway, Jack was so smushed up to my face that I thought he was trying to merge his soul with mine. Maurice slept with us the night before and he was probably reclaiming what he regards as his space and his human. He likes to cuddle up next to my head when I'm still reading which is somewhat annoying but when I go to turn the light out, he moves down by my legs and snuggles up there. He's a good cat to sleep with although his bulk makes it hard to pull the covers up as high as I'd like sometimes in the middle of the night. He weighs as much as a pit bull. 

I think the highlight of my day today was talking to a friend on the phone. We've never met in person but I feel a complete ease and connection with her. We talked about serious stuff but we laughed a lot too. I swear- I do not know what I'd do without women friends. Perhaps because of my tattered relationship with my mother, I have always craved relationships with women. I do not feel the need to be mothered as much as I feel the need to be able to share without feeling judged or disapproved of. Women do mother each other- that's the way it is. But it can be a give and a take, a back and a forth. In short, a joy. 

The weather has been beyond beautiful the past few days. I hung the sheets and clothes on the line again today. I'm listening to a Stephen King book, narrated by Will Patton as I go about my chores. The book is the best thing I've read by King in a long time- The Outsider. It could just be that Patton is the narrator. He could probably read Danielle Steel and make me think I'm listening to a great book. But it's a book that makes me feel like I am in the hands of a pro, someone who knows exactly what they are doing with a plot and the characters. I'm not even halfway through so I could end up having a vastly different opinion but for now, it's perfect for going through my days with a story in my ears. I know a lot of people have very little respect for King but the man can tell a story and oh, how I love a good one! 

I've baked a cake today for Rachel whose birthday is tomorrow. I've candied violets (a first for me) but I'm not sure they're going to even be worth putting on the cake even IF I can get them off the wax paper they're on, which is a BIG if. We shall see. 

It's truly been a day of not-much. Not much at all. And yet, I haven't minded. My thoughts have entertained me, the small things I've done have somehow satisfied me. I think it is a huge relief for me knowing that there are grown-ups in the White House who are taking care of things in a grown-up way. The fear that we all felt for four long, long years was ever-present and ever-palpable and it has been relieved. I am not saying that I am certain that the world is A-OK now but I am saying that the constant worry and stress of that worry has lightened so much. I doubt we even knew how much stress that put on all of us. In a way, it's just ridiculously great that the big news right now is Meghan and Harry's interview with Oprah. I really don't care about that specific situation at all AND I DON'T HAVE TO!

Okay. It's Friday. Clean sheets on the bed. Hopefully wasp-free. An icy cold martini at my side. A sweet husband who has finally come in the house from a day spent outside making earth boxes. A supper to make. Birds are still at the feeder, even as dusk falls. I can hear them cracking the seeds they're eating in their strong little beaks. The hens are making their settling-down noises in the hen house. I have hung the hummingbird feeder out, having heard that the tiny birds are back. I am excited to see if they come around. 

Here's a picture Lily sent around of Maggie in the garden with her basket of gathered green goodness. 

Our sweet baby goddess.

Happy Friday, y'all. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I’ve never had women friends like i have since we moved here ten years ago. I don’t know what i’d do without them. We’ve talked of moving and i’m not really sure i can leave them. We have children and grandchildren about eight hours away so, of course, i could move closer to them. But, the thought of leaving my friends .....
    We still haven’t seen a robin let alone hummingbirds. Maybe in April. We’ve only had two but they keep coming back.
    Enjoy those cold martinis!

  2. your day sounds divine in all aspects and I am so happy to see sweet pics and read your words. Women friends.....non judgemental .....are a life force. My day sort of sucked. My sweet dog (who has not one aggressive bone) chased and got into a face mauling spat with a coyote this had to try to nurse/doctor said one inch gash below his eye. My nurse hat got put on once again. It is not pretty and obviously painful...but I did what I could and I think *tincture of time* will heal. Then got a surprise call from pharmacist saying *can you be here at 9:30 tomorrow morning (Saturday)? I had a cancellation and I can give you your first Covid vaccine tomorrow. I will be there....but it was just too many major events for me for one day. I'm feeling like I just got spun in a wringer! Thanks for listening! And happy martini (as I pour my wine)
    Susan M

    1. PS covid vaccine turned out to be the new one dose Johnson and Johnson! I'm done! And dog feeling better today so today is looking up! Susan M

  3. Oh, dear, that was why I had to ban my cat from my bed. He lay his great weight across my feet and would never settle anywhere else. His will or mine. My feet could not take the pain, and he learned the price of not moving.
    I've had a couple of great women friends in my life. Precious.

  4. My goodness your granddaughter is a very beautiful child. And you and Jack looked pretty cute too!

  5. I LOVE YOUR FACE!!! I love you.
    You are correct, the women folk make the best company.

    1. AND Magnolia is growing too fast, somebody put the brakes on that child.

  6. I do love the company of women. They're fun and funny and know how to talk and they're caring. At least the ones in my life are. Irreplaceable.

  7. Hi Ms Moon
    Lovely picture of you and Jack in bed, I'm still trying to get my cat Stella to sit on the sofa with me.
    Best wishes
    Willy Wombat

  8. I had wondered what the thoughts about the Harry and Meghan interview were in your country. Are people interested? Do they like Meghan? I shall probably watch it when it is screened over here if only because it will be all over the media and I would then know what they are talking about!
    I feel that they decided they wanted a life away from the media scrutiny here and have now gone all out to court the media over there. I wish they would just shut up and get on with it, and stop upsetting our lovely Queen who has lived a long life of service to our country with no complaints.

    1. I doubt I'll watch much of it but I agree, for two people who wanted to live their lives privately they sure are courting the media aren't they. And yes, whatever they think of the rest of the royal family (I'm no royalist believe me), they should leave the Queen out of it, if only because of her total and absolute dedication to a job she never wanted in the first place!

    2. I feel the same way. If they're going to step back from royal duties then I don't see why they're going on television. They seem to want SOME celebrity, but only as long as they get to control it and it doesn't come with any work.

  9. Your pretty face peeking at us! Aren't you a beauty, Ms. Moon!

  10. My hubby saw two Canadian geese the other day so spring must be on the way. It was 53F yesterday and lovely and sunny. I'm feeling better and we took the dogs for a slow walk.

    It was lovely to see your face Ms. Moon.

  11. happiness is overrated, contentment is what we should strive for and you had it today. it is such a relief to have competent grown-ups in charge. of course the republicans are being as childish as ever. Minnie sleeps with me. she always starts off at my shoulder but ends up at my feet.

  12. I do not know that Stephen King book! I'll have to look into it. I haven't read any King in ages but I used to love his books.

    Love the picture of you and Jack. Olga has taken to sleeping slammed right up against me, so I know what you mean about the pleasant inconvenience of sleeping with pets.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.