Friday, August 9, 2024

Side Effects Of Covid

I was going to post that picture last night when I was talking about the peas I was cooking for supper but the picture-posting part of Blogger quit working for me after I posted the first picture of the boys. 

With just a little more effort, I could probably have gotten more "p's" in that sentence. 

I am still in love with that pot. I love the fact that it's white. Things look so pretty when they're cooking in it and it's a good size for us. The peas turned out beautifully as did the okra and tomatoes I cooked in one of my cast-iron pots. People say you're not supposed to cook tomatoes in cast iron because they're too acid and can destroy the seasoned finish of it but people say a lot of stupid things about the use and care of cast iron ware. As much as I love my Le Creuset, if I had to choose between it and my cast iron pots and skillets I would be like, "Au revoir, mes amours."

Thankfully, no one is asking me to make that choice. 

So it seems as if the Covid is taking a toll on Mr. Moon and me. I mean, I don't go crazy if I can't get out and do things. It sort of drives me crazy to look at my yard, especially the front yard, and see how badly it's trashed, how much work needs to be done to clean it up but I'm not losing any sleep over it. It's too damn hot to work outside anyway. But my husband is sort of going crazy. He tries to do things outside and then he suffers for it for hours and he frets and frets about not being able to get things done and he is truly not in a good place. We had a little talk about it a while ago and I told him how many of you had written in comments about it taking a very long time to get your own energy back after Covid. I think that made us both feel better. He said that he seriously feels like he might be dying because of this lack of energy and that has become a source of anxiety which is not good at all. And to add to all of that, he is having a very hard time sleeping so it's all a vicious cycle. He can't sleep, so he's even tireder, and then he frets some more which leads to more sleepless nights and...well. It's not good. The usual dynamics around here are that I am the one who gets anxious about irrational things and seeing him suffer the way he is hurts my heart so much. He hates it when I hover around him, trying to help, so I've had to learn (as has he when I'm the one suffering) that there's truly nothing a loving partner can do except to be there and love them. 

He did go over to Tom's today. Tom has a whole new plan about his living arrangements and I'm not even going to bother telling you about it because I have a strong feeling that it's not going to happen. For those of you who suggested that he move into one of his apartments in the duplex he owns in St. Augustine, I think that would be a good idea but they have steps that are too high for him to deal with. So. Not possible. 

I felt a bit more energetic today so I got dressed in town clothes and put in earrings and drove to Tallahassee where I picked up the dress I'd left to be altered which had been on my mind. And I went to Costco and I went to Publix and I came home. I wore a mask. Neither Glen nor I are doing much coughing or sneezing and I sincerely doubt we're still contagious but it's just rude to risk that, I think. 

I've done a load of laundry and put the clean sheets back on the bed because...Friday! And I even went outside for AT LEAST twenty minutes and picked up some sticks and tiny branches and hauled them to the burn pile and unloaded the cart onto it. I was not tempted in the least to pick up one more stick. But I do have a little more energy and for that, I am grateful. I am hoping that tomorrow I can make my peach preserves because I do not want those peaches to go to waste and it's really not that much work. 

I have not posted pictures of the cats lately and since I'm not exactly going outside on camera safaris, I guess the wildlife in my kitchen and hallway will have to do.

Here is Jack, sweetly reminding me that it is time, nay, PAST time for the afternoon snack of Temptations. 

And here is Maurice in the hallway. 

I swear to GOD this picture reminds me so much of the horrible, awful family portraits that we all had to pose for at either Sears or JC Pennys when I was young. Do you remember those? 
I got these off the Awkward Family Photos website.

Those dazed expressions captured by a "photographer" who was behind the camera saying, "Smile!" Maurice captured them perfectly and the lighting and her color only added to the similarity. 
Please don't tell her I said these mean things. She is my beautiful girl. We all know that. 

Was I really in Roseland a week ago? I find that almost impossible to imagine and yet, I know I was. I surely wish I had that sweet gorgeous jewel of a pool right now. That would feel like heaven. I am seriously going to do a little research about getting a pool put in here. It does not have to be big. It does not have to be deep. It does not have to be fancy. It just has to be filled with water that I can slip into any time I want. 


Happy Friday, y'all. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I think Mr moon's tiredness and depression and irritation are in fact symptoms of recovery from COVID. Maybe he can cope better if he knows that? I know that after flu, once I realized that anger and depression were in fact not just emotions but also symptoms showing up, I found it easier to get through.
    That said, it's so difficult for a highly active man to be unable to do everything, no wonder he's bothered. His identity probably feels at stake here

    1. I think he is finally understanding that he simply cannot do all he wants to do and trying is only making things worse. Especially in this heat. And you are so right- his identity is very much at stake.

  2. I love the pictures of Jack and Maurice! They both look so "angelic" for cats! LOL
    I have never had Covid (I swear by the vaccines), so I cannot relate to what you have gone through with each bout of it! I just hope the two of you feel better very soon!

    1. I've had my vaccines too. I figure this would have been much worse if I hadn't.

  3. My daughter, who isn’t exactly young, but decades younger than you, had Covid about 18 months ago and, although it wasn’t a very bad case, dealt with the fatigue for months afterward; it still comes back to smite her now and again. Margaret

    1. It really does suck. And it really is real.

  4. Covid fatigue is hard. I hope you see the light at the end of the tunnel sooner rather than later. Jack and Maurice are looking good.

    1. Jack and Maurice are my crazy babies and of course I think they are beautiful.

  5. Awkward Family Photos? Oh I love them - so weird! As for a modest pool in your back yard - frankly I am surprised that you and Glen didn't do that years ago. Florida is so hot in the summer and your grandchildren would love it!

  6. Covid is not fun, not good. I've never had it, but the woman who bought my house has; my granddaughter has. Fatigue has plagued the poor woman. I hope the two of you are stronger every day. Good soup will help.

    1. All these stories about others who have suffered from fatigue for a long time really do make me feel better about things. I have made us a gumbo and I figure that'll help.

  7. It took the both of us a good while to recover fully from covid, and heightened depression and anxiety was definitely part of it for me--and a lot of it seemed tied to how incapable i felt of doing ANYTHING. I kept telling myself it would have been worse if I hadn't been vaccinated and boosted, but it sure didn't feel like it at the time.

    1. Same-same here, honey. All the same. And I feel like I'm never going to regain even the bare amount of being in shape that I had.

  8. I also am currently recovering from COVID. I've kept up with vaccines. This is my first time. So far not too bad but sinuses are very unhappy. I sympathize with what you and Mr are going through. On another notes, my mother, aunts, grandmother, all used iron skillets exclusively. Even boiled pasta in them. Scrub with detergent, they're fine. When she got some dementia, my mother put one in the dishwasher... It survived with only needing some spotty re-seasoning. I inherited my mother's, I use them all the time ( tho I do not put them in the dishwasher!)

    1. Our sinuses are finally better and that is good! I hope yours are better soon as well.
      I have often thought that if I did put a skillet in the dishwasher it wouldn't really hurt it that much. And this whole thing about not using soap- that's ridiculous.

  9. I’m about 10 years plus a day short, but hotdamn, you’re still here!! 😝 Reading your 10 years of blogs will take a long time for me to catch up with the Marvelous Moons and their chickens, and, well, Covid, too, is interfering, but I just want to tell you that I have moved myself, body and soul, to Tallahassee, .8 mile from Johnny and Melissa, but one of these days if/when we are all feeling chipper again, either I’m gonna go to Lloyd or you’re gonna drive to Tallahassee and pick me up to run errands with you!

    1. Lois! That's crazy! I guess we're going to finally meet! Welcome to North Florida.

  10. I haven't had Covid, yet anyway, but I think the others are correct, you have to give yourselves time to recover. The pot of peas, etc. looks so good! I think those are the peas my grandma used to grow and cook, so yummy. Oh my gosh, those old "studio" pictures, yes I remember.

    1. I bet those are the same kinds of peas your grandma grew and cooked. They are so good.
      Weren't those studio pictures the worst?

  11. It's just going to take time, I suspect. Would Mr. Moon benefit from going to a doctor to talk to him/her about the side effects? Maybe they could give him something to help him through this recovery phase.

    Tom is such a mystery.

    We have several family portraits from that time period -- fortunately none that terrible!

    1. We have discussed the idea of him going by his doctor's office and maybe he will or maybe he won't.
      Tom is a mystery although I think that we have come to understand that he's never going to do what we think is the sensible thing to do. So that's predictable.
      There were family pictures from my family that I threw out. Just get rid of that shit.

  12. I'm not the get-up-and-go-all-day type, so I can't begin to imagine how hard it is for Mr Moon to rest and I'm sorry he can't sleep well. Things that need doing in the garden can wait a few more days until his energy comes back.

    1. The hard thing is, I think it's going to take more than a few more days.

  13. The longest-lasting side effect of covid for me was lack of ability to taste anything. Everything had to have a kilo of salt and half a kilo of chili pepper before I could actually taste it. Weird huh! And those pictures!!!! Haven't we all got them?

    1. We haven't had any change in our ability to taste. I guess that's good.
      Oh god, those pictures.

  14. Although Maurice looks beautiful, the color does resemble the vintage ones you chose. And you know they had 8x10s of those embarrassments on the wall! That’s a photogenically prepossessing and pulchritudinous pot of peas-plus. I had my turn at Covid 2 years ago. The after-effects lasted about 3 weeks and I was simply constantly exhausted although sleep didn’t come easy. My sister-in-law and brother-in-law have been prescribed Paxlovid when they’ve had Covid and they swear by it.

    1. Sometimes the pictures were far bigger than 8 by 10. Just horrifying things. Eye-poppingly putrid photos!
      This after-Covid stuff just sucks. I keep wondering what would happen if we just gave into it completely and truly rested for a few days.
      I asked my doctor about Paxlovid (that sounds like a commercial, doesn't it?) and I was told that due to the medications I'm on, it was not advised.

    2. But there is an alternative that my husband had as neither of us can take paxlovid because of other medications. Getting it was a real hassle as there was virtually none in all of the county. It took our wonderful PCP* calling a supermarket pharmacy at 8:00 on a Friday night before we got it.
      *A young woman we love. I had a routine appointment yesterday and we spent most of it talking politics as we finally have cause to hope again. Margaret

  15. Covid was part of the reason I decided to retire when I did. I had covid in October and even in January it was hard for me to make it through a day of work, no less four. I'm much less tired now thankfully.
    I hope Glen will be gentle with himself. Does he nap? That would help.
    Take care you two.

    1. You give me hope that at some point, we will have more energy.
      Glen does nap in his chair but he tries not to because he is afraid he won't sleep at night.

  16. I second what Boud said - my son (who is 45) had that exact same fatigue and depression when he was recovering from Covid. We were both surprised at how long it took for him to feel better but he did.
    As far as yard work and chores, don't you have some people in your area that would be so happy to earn some money that you could hire to get those jobs done for you? Then you could check them off of your anxiety/worry list and just relax while also helping others earn some extra cash!

    1. There probably are some guys around here who'd like the work but we're not tuned in to that. Glen did have a crew he used on his rental property in town but their prices tripled and he is less apt to call them.

  17. As so many have said, it IS difficult for anyone, let alone someone as active as Mr Moon to even temporarily accept that he just cannot *do* right now.....and even without having had Covid myself, I *get* the vicious cycle that this frustration surely does not speed up the recovery process... I wish you both continued recovery
    Susan M

    1. PS That is about the most beautiful pot of peas I've ever seen!
      Susan M

    2. Thanks, Susan. I appreciate those words. We really should try just resting for a few days and see what happens.

  18. Sadly, fatigue is one of the worst after effects of Covid, I speak from experience. Hard as it is, Mr Moon needs to take it easy, I know I have said it before but it really is true. Do try to take it easy. I'm with Steve on Tom, man is a mystery.

    1. Glen is such a stubborn man. His daddy was the same. No job he wouldn't take on, no matter what.
      Tom is not quite right as we say around here.

    2. Maybe it would help if Mr Moon considered that resting is his current job and that he will do it no matter what

  19. Those old Photos are hilarious in retrospect, aren't they? *LMAO* Your Peas look beautiful and tasty. The Rona I've only had once and the recovery was lengthy, takes the Body a while to recoup. Those Cats... such personality expressed when they're in front of the Lens.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.