Tuesday, August 6, 2024

I Feel A Little Weary


This is pretty much the entire extent of what I accomplished today. 

That extremely messy surface is where I keep some gardening stuff and where Mr. Moon keeps his bird-feeding supplies and where I have my baby plant nursery and a few other random plants that I just haven't put anywhere else. I scrounged pots for my Roseland sea grapes and fish tail palms, filled them with seed starter which is what I had as to potting soil, watered them well, and now I just have to keep an eye on them and water them when they need it. I so hope that they grow. 

I just haven't had any energy today. I think I may have done too much the last few days what with packing and traveling and unpacking and doing laundry and hauling a few branches and all the things that I wasn't doing when I convalescing in Roseland. Also, my attitude today has been less than positive. As I told Mr. Moon this morning, I think that I have kept pretty good spirits through all this Covid and hurricane business but today was not the day for that. 
And I did not do shit. 

I caught up on blogs and worked on my jigsaw puzzle. 

Up until yesterday I had not touched that thing in a month except to move it into the library when Lon and Lis came. I am really very, very bad at jigsaw puzzles. My eyes don't see like that, my brain doesn't work like that. It's sort of like my inability to really see faces. I'm sure there's a connection but I enjoy working on them, nonetheless and it doesn't matter in the least how long it takes me to complete one and this one pleases me with the different patterns and colors and faces. I can sit listening to a podcast or an audio book for hours, slowly going through pieces, looking for what I need to finish one little part. 

Lloyd still does not have power. Here's the text message we got from Duke Energy today. 

Duke Energy: The estimated time for power to be on is currently 11:59PM on Aug 07 for 8945 OLD**. Approx 650 customers impacted. We will provide the cause of the outage once it is confirmed. Text STOP to prevent receiving all future outage notifications.

They'll provide the cause of the outage once it is confirmed? Does this mean they still don't know? Good Lord. Of course we have the generator but as I've said so many times I feel so guilty with our lights and AC (especially AC) and fans and refrigerators keeping our food cold and internet and TV, while everyone else in the neighborhood is sweating like crazy and having to deal with the darkness and food that's going bad and many of them have no water because they're on well water which requires an electric pump to get it out of the ground and into the house. We're on the municipal water system and never have to worry about that anyway. 
The only fly in this ointment besides my guilt is the fact that the generator runs on the gas in the tank that fuels our stove and the heater in the winter and we are down to about 16% right now which is too close to zero for my comfort. We've called the company to get a truck out here and please let that happen before we run out. 

First world problems, baby. First world problems. 

So what do we think about Tim Walz? Until today, I honestly had no idea who he was but after reading about him, I'm thinking that Kamala made a fine choice. He just seems like a good and thoughtful man who cares about people. Hank texted everyone today and said, "Is anyone else feeling cautiously optimistic about the presidential race?" And we all said we do. He supports free university for low-income kids, free lunches for school children, recreational marijuana and trans rights so yes, he sounds like my guy. Of course, as Hank pointed out, there is a lot more to him that that. 

Meanwhile, Trump seems to be unable to form a coherent sentence and I guess he thinks he's being quite clever by calling Kamala, Kambala, which I suppose is a racist thing and at this point, his quiver of ammunition seems pretty low on arrows. Oh wait. Walz failed a roadside sobriety test 28 years ago so maybe he's not fit to be the vice president. 
Excuse me? Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records and he IS fit to be president? 

Enough. Y'all have already heard from me once today. 

Here's the birthday picture that I finally got in the mail today from Levon. 

He really HAS grown this summer! 
I cannot believe we can't even see our grandchildren now. How long before you're not contagious from Covid? The internet seems to have many different opinions about this. Glen was going to go to the gym today until he remembered he has Covid. 


Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I think you did a good bit of many things today, I'm impressed, considering circumstances overall. Yes, hope you get the gas refilled....but as you say, first world problem. I too, am researching Kamala's VP choice and am feeling heartened to see a *normal* decent person with values I admire. I am cautiously optimistic! Get better soon to you both, and be safe and well
    Susan M

    1. Walz just does indeed seem so normal. Good normal.

  2. I can feel your exhaustion. Here in Ohio we actually monitor the wastewater in my small town and today they announced we are having a covid surge. No kidding. Half the people I know have had covid in the last two weeks. And I am pretty sure that half of those haven't stayed home.
    Meanwhile I never heard of this guy either. But everything I have heard today makes me like him more. He put free tampons in the girls high school bathrooms so they are calling him Tampon Tim. In underdeveloped nations girls cannot attend school because they don't have sanitary supplies. Is that what we want to turn into?

    1. MAGAs don't like the free menstrual products because they are placed in all bathrooms including boys and they see that as supportive of trans people. Insert eyeroll here.

    2. Miss Merry- I have heard that many cities are tracking covid that way. The government isn't tracking it anymore. It would be helpful if we had a little more information, wouldn't it? I mean, this isn't a strain that's deadly but still- mask-wearing might be more of a thing if we knew how many people around us have the virus.
      I LOVE Walz for the tampon thing. Just so sensible.

      Jill- And of course supporting trans kids is absolutely awesome in my eyes.

  3. Another good thing is that when Harris and Walz win, the governor of Minnesota will be an indigenous woman. I have decided it’s safe to crawl out from under the bed and watch a little news now.
    On the hurricane/generater front, our daughter saved her fridge contents and kept herself reasonably comfortable with fans in the aftermath of Beryl with a little portable generator. At her urging, the rest of the family now has them and we sprang for the solar panels for recharging if there’s no electrical source nearby. Not as all encompassing as yours, but a reasonable alternative.
    And finally, my husband quarantined for ten days when he had Covid several months ago, but I think it’s now officially five days. May you both continue to feel better. Margaret

    1. Yes! I love that too! Minnesota's first female governor AND first indigenous person.
      We used to have a small generator like the one you describe. We could run fans and the internet and refrigerators. But it was a pain with cords all over the place and it was so noisy. Not saying the one we have now isn't noisy, it is, but nothing like the small one was.
      I like the solar panel idea very much.

  4. You probably need to veg out now. Do jigsaw puzzles. Nothing more strenuous though. You're not well, just better than you were.

    1. I like that- not well, just better than I was. This is true.

  5. I'm glad you missed the worst of the storm- take things slow- I went back to work the day I could after the ol' COVID and it was exhausting! xxalainaxx

    1. I bet it was exhausting. I can't imagine doing a full day's work right now. Not that I could do what you do at my best.

  6. Ms Moon, rest is your best friend at this point. It will help you recover. Tim Walz is the best pick she could have made!

  7. I believe that you should follow your body's lead. If you are too pooped to do anything, set yer ass down!

    Did you hear the JD Vance also had a rally today in South Philly? He attracted 200 attendees. That made me happy.

    1. Trust me- my ass has been firmly set down for days now. Mostly.
      Who wants to go see JD Vance? Obviously not that many people.

  8. Your newly potted plants are looking really good. They are off to a great start. The more I learn about the Harris-Walz ticket the more I like them both.

  9. Thank you for finding time to stop by and leave some encouragement! I was so happy to hear KH's VP pick. I am so looking forward to November. Mailed in my ballot request last week.

    1. It feels like if Harris and Walz win, our world will be set to rights again, doesn't it?

  10. It is COVID for christsake! Take it easy you two...Even though you did not get slammed quite as hard as some in this room, it is still covid the strangest virus ever and it works in mysterious ways.
    I think I do love Mr. Walz- he looks like my Dad and says the same sort of common sense things my dad would say. No agenda just pure and simple no nonsense this is this and that is that. Brilliant choice for a winning ticket and a prize for the nation/world. I'm feelin' it, baby!

    1. I know. You're right. Neither Glen nor I is very good at taking it easy. I'm far better at it than Glen is though. I agree with you about the mysterious ways.
      Tim Walz makes me happy just looking at him. I'm feeling it too.

  11. 16% would be too low for my peace of mind too. I haven't heard anything about Kamala's choice, but if my blog friends like him that's good enough for me. I hope all your new cuttings thrive, I have lettuce seedlings in a mini greenhouse to keep the slugs from eating them and they are doing well.
    I think these days you can go out and visit with people after two days of negative testing. Maybe it's three. I still haven't had covid and have no wish to, so in our current flu season I am wearing a mask in supermarkets and on the buses.

    1. Tim Walz just seems like such a decent person and such a down-to-earth person. The things he's done in Minnesota are based on kindness and equality.
      Good luck with your lettuce seedlings! We'll be planting that in our fall garden in a few months. Way too hot here now.
      I've heard that you can test positive for covid for even two months after you have it so I don't know what to believe.

    2. Our PCP who is a real bug on vaccines (she even writes a twice-monthly.vaccine column for the local paper (Galveston is home to a large University of Texas medical center and we have lots of medical stuff in the paper) told my husband not to bother testing after his bout with Covid because it’s all so crazy. Margaret

  12. Walz is my governor and I really like him. I think he was a great pick.

  13. The more I learn about Tim Walz, the more I love him! I think he was a fantastic choice. It's wonderful to feel hopeful again, but I'm afraid to be too confident. I won't sleep easy again until (and if) we win this election. God, how nice would it be to see Dump defeated once and for all?! This will be his last chance to run and I, for one, look forward to the day I don't have to hear his name or see his ugly face ever again.

    Please take it easy on yourself, Mary. You've had Covid for goodness sakes! I wish I could swing by your house and drop off some goodies and maybe some homemade soup. :)

    1. I hear you on not ever seeing DT's face again although I would not mind the occasional article in the National Enquirer with a picture of him in prison.
      You are so sweet, Jennifer! I am plenty able to cook although I was a bit worried after a week of not doing that at all in Roseland.

  14. Walz seems to be the perfect choice for the ticket. For the first time in ages, I’m feeling cautiously optimistic, too. I’m actually now anxious to read the latest election news. So sorry for how you’ve been feeling. No surprise. But, speaking of surprise, I was shocked to read that you were doing anything constructive given you’re trying to recover from Covid and a very stressful return home. Be kind to yourself. It will all wait for you. Oh, I shouldn’t have said that. Nothing is waiting for your attention. Everything is in order. Denial helps!

    1. I think we are all falling in love with Walz. May that extend to many, many voters.
      I'm really not that sick. Just fatigued, mainly. But I know I'm getting better every day. I think I just overdid it for two days in a row. I'm settling back down. And yes, everything is in order. Absolutely. (You should see my yard.)

  15. Yes, I agree with the others - you need to take it easy and listen to your body. If it is tired, then just rest!
    I'm also happy with Kamala's choice. He seems pretty normal compared to the other side. ;)

  16. we too are on town water while our neighbors are on wells. and propane (or whatever they put in that tank) for water heater and heater. I'm very happy with Walz. I didn't know anything about him either but NPR was talking about him when I was in the car. Excellent choice. and Trump, DonOLD is just the same grievance baby he's always been. Kamabla, really? he's just an old bully.

    1. I think Trump is falling apart in front of our eyes.
      I like being on "city water" as I call it. It's dependable.

  17. It's so nice to see politicians who aren't spewing hatred and anger out when they're talking. What a difference!
    Hope you're feeling better sweetie. I'm glad you guys are okay and that Debby has passed, not before she messed with your fence though. Sending hugs.

    1. Yes! Tim Walz doesn't seem to be the hateful sort at all. Funny? Yes. Bring that on! But not that crazy cruelty that Republicans seem to be using as fuel these days.
      I am feeling better. And we'll get that tree off the fence one of these days.

  18. I agree about Tim Walz, and yes, I'm feeling optimistic too! It feels so great to have candidates with some positivity.

    Sorry you're still not feeling great. I'm not surprised, given all you've been up to. The NHS now just says, "try to stay away from other people, including those you live with, until you feel better." I think they've backed away from trying to recommend a specific time frame.

    1. Thanks for the link! I read the information there and honestly, am just about as confused as I was. I mean, I do feel better. But do I feel good?

  19. The thing about Tim Walz is that he is white and has white hair which he is clearly losing. To appeal to the public he should spray his skin orange and hire a hair technician to extend and thatch his hair before colouring it orange blonde. Seriously though, he seems like a great guy - somebody you could have a good conversation with and a few laughs. This is not something you could ever say of The Orange Turnip.

    1. I have to tell you that when I first started looking at pictures of Tim Walz, I was so reassured by his older, grandfatherly presence and then I realized I'm ten years older than he is.
      Oh well. I still am reassured.

  20. And now the Dumpy One is calling Tim Walz “Tampon Tim!” Because he made sure that school restrooms are stocked. He’s a convicted felon for fucks’ sake! And he’s grasping at straws? Well, it makes me happy as shit (as my Mama used to say) to see two normal GOOD people fighting against the Dumpy One to KEEP America great!!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.