Saturday, August 10, 2024

Practicing My MeeMaw Skills

 I fucked up today. I simply fucked up. I think though, that I may have learned a lesson. 

Those beautiful peaches were calling to me. A few of them had started getting some bad spots on them and I was not about to lose one of those gorgeous things to time and sloth. 
That's how I felt, anyway. That by not making preserves, I was being slothful and of course wasteful and losing a prime opportunity to restock the peach preserve part of the pantry. Here I go with the "p's" again. 
And honestly, making the preserves did not take that much work or energy. I blanched those gorgeous fruits and slipped the peels from them, pitted them and cut them into smallish pieces, mashed them up with sugar and lemon juice and set them on the stove to cook.

I simmered them without a lid for over an hour until the fruit was translucent and the liquid was thickening and then I filled the jars I'd washed and sterilized in the canner and sealed them up with their lids and rings and processed them for ten minutes in the boiling water. 
Not really that big of a chore. 
And look what I got!

Four quarts and two full pints. The little jar that's about a third full is holding what didn't fit into the other jars and I did not even bother processing it. I am calling it "The Tasting Jar."
And those preserves taste delicious. 

And all would have been fine if I had not decided to make a gumbo. I have no idea why I thought this would be a great idea. I mean, gumbo is generally a great idea but it is a labor intensive one-pot meal. Peppers, onions, and celery must be chopped. Shrimp must be peeled and the shells made into a stock. Sausage must be rendered a bit to avoid all the fat. And then of course, there is the roux which is oil and flour that must be stirred constantly over a medium flame until it is the color of an old penny which takes at least twenty minutes. The vegetables must then be sautéed in the roux and the stock strained and added along with cut-up okra and tomatoes. Garlic and spices must be added. And then it all needs to cook down for awhile until it's time to eat at which point you put in the shrimp. 
Oh. One needs rice, too. 
And after all of this chopping and rendering and roux-making is complete, your kitchen will, in fact, be a huge mess. 
So I was at the stage where I had the vegetables ready in a bowl, waiting their turn to cook, the stock simmering on one burner, the sausage cooking on another burner, and had just set my pot on a third burner to start the roux when Mr. Moon came into the kitchen thinking that he was going to make popcorn which we make on the stove in the incredible Whirley Pop Popcorn Maker and if you don't have one of those and you love popcorn, you need to get one. 
That, however, is neither here nor there. What happened is that when I realized that the man thought that he was going to interrupt my gumbo flow he had another think coming. 
My entire being flooded with the desire to scream or perhaps to just lie down on the kitchen floor and sob. Or perhaps scream, then collapse. 
I was so exhausted. 
I realized though, that there was nothing wrong with him wanting some popcorn. I was the one who had determined that tonight we needed gumbo after I spent half the day making peach preserves. Not him. He had nothing to do with that. He would have been happy with a peanut butter sandwich for supper. 
So I shooed him out of the kitchen and made his popcorn because it takes him half an hour and it takes me approximately seven minutes and he always gets butter all over the microwave when he melts it, etc., etc. 

Anyway, the gumbo is simmering on the stove so that is done and I have used up the okra that I got at the Winn Dixie on Monday which was my main goal, I guess, and now the kitchen smells so good that I'm pretty thrilled I made it. 
But Lord, I am tired. 
And I couldn't be happier with my peach preserves. 
I will tell you this, though- if I do not want to do a damn thing tomorrow, I will not do a damn thing. 
Not one damn thing. 


Maggie Face Timed me last night to show me her new hair-cut and the new red streak she has in her hair. Adorable, of course. I asked her how she liked her new teacher. She, too, had school orientation a few days ago. 
"She's lovely!" said Maggie. 
That child cracks me up. I'm pretty sure that when I was going into the third grade, I did not toss around adjectives like "lovely." 
"Well, you are lovely too," I told her. And she is. 
Pretty as a peach. And I do know a pretty peach when I see one. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Oh goodness, you did too much but it turned out all right and your kitchen probably smells delicious! Hope you DO rest tomorrow and you will have leftover gumbo to enjoy while you relax! ;)

  2. You are feeding the masses today! The peach preserves look delicious.

    1. The preserves are fit to eat. And the gumbo was excellent.

  3. Beautiful preserves. Lovely popcorn. Probably good gumbo, too, though it's been so long since I had any, I have no recollection of its taste.

    1. It's got a very fine funky taste to it due to the roux I guess. And the shrimp and sausage. The vegetables all give it flavor too. It's so good.

  4. Oh dear Lord....I wish I had your ambition...and cooking skills. Then again, I'd probably weight 500 lbs. So, maybe that part wouldn't be a good idea. Hmmm. Those peach preserves looked heavenly. I only had gumbo once and it was also heavenly. I think I did throw around adjectives like 'lovely' when I was a kid...but, then again...I was gay! LOL! Don't they call that 'earmarks' or something? I'll have to check into that corn popper. Sounds great!
    Paranormal John

    1. Maggie's got a great vocabulary. Remember when she told me that her other grandmother is wiser than I am? I loved it!
      The corn popper is the best. Absolutely no burnt kernels and they almost all pop. I love it.

  5. What a marathon in the kitchen! The peach preserves are positively perfect!

    1. The peach preserves are probably proper good on a pancake.

  6. and the lesson you learned......was? ROFL! Peach preserves and gumbo on a day where you really *could* be resting more........ but...... you know that already! Your preserves are gorgeous! Rest already, OK?
    Susan M

  7. Oh, Mary. The evil Covid tricks you and makes you think you are feeling better and then it hits you again. It feels like hitting a wall. Well, the peaches are just beautiful. I have never made Gumbo but would love to. It does sound like a lot of work for someone who has not been sick. Like might as well make a turkey dinner? And her teacher is "lovely"? What person under 50 says that? Old soul there. I feel like all your grandchildren have traversed the universe before.

    1. Yep. I hit that wall yesterday. Today has been a day of rest, like god intended.
      Gumbo is a lot of work but I swear, it is worth it.
      Maggie is definitely an old soul.

  8. I got tired just hearing all you accomplished, Wow, and I'm sure it's all tasty and so worth the effort. Just recovering from The Rona and having the stamina to still do all that deserves a standing ovation as far as I'm concerned.

  9. Put your feet up and enjoy!

  10. Why are one-pot meals always so time consuming? I love the peach preserves and if I am ever lucky enough to live in a house with a peach tree in the yard I will definitely make some. Bought peaches won't do, they are expensve, hard as cricket balls and with very little taste.

    1. I have often wondered that about one-pot meals. It can take about an hour to prep everything for a good stir fry in the wok. And there are always just as many things to clean up.
      I wish I had more of those peaches.

  11. So this is how you handle your recovery from Covid and your general exhaustion. I’m tired just reading about it. But I wouldn’t say no to your peach preserves... or gumbo.

    1. I did not develop a taste for gumbo until I was in my mid-to-late sixties. I have no idea why. I just never ate it. Maybe I just like my gumbo.

  12. Well, as fuck-ups go, that's not too terrible. I thought you were going to say you screwed up the preserves or put sugar in the gumbo instead of salt or something like that. Pushing too hard only harms yourself. But take it easy tomorrow! You've earned it!

    1. Today has been easy-peasy.
      It would not be unlike me to put sugar in the gumbo or salt in the preserves. My mind is a slippery thing these days.

  13. I'm not sure what the fuck up was unless it was doing too much in the kitchen for one day because all your endeavors turned out perfect as usual...peach preserves, gumbo, and popcorn without melting down at Mr Moon. Sunday is the day to do nothing anyway. not because I'm religious, we both know I'm not, but because the habit was formed back when we had blue laws, back when it was illegal for anything to be open on Sunday and especially not liquor stores.

    1. That was indeed my fuck-up. I did not need to do both of those things in one day. But it worked out okay. I am pretty proud of myself that I didn't melt down when Glen came into the kitchen to make popcorn. It could easily have happened.
      Sundays are good days for resting. I agree.

  14. What was the fuck up? You did too much? Did you actually scream? Or was it just in your head?
    Take care woman. Sending hugs and sit down for awhile.

    1. I did not actually scream. Which is a sort of miracle. I don't think I had the energy.
      I sat down a lot today. Sending hugs back.

  15. I canned peaches once. It is not a pretty story. Your jars are beautiful!!! You are right, pretty as a peach!

    1. What happened to your canned peaches? I am curious.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.