Tuesday, August 13, 2024

River Magic


All was going well this morning until our internet went out. Via my magical powers of divination (Centurylink.com), I was able to determine that the problem was area wide and that it should be restored at 6:00 this evening.
I am not holding my breath on that one.  

It was all okay though because at least we had our cell service and both of us had things we wanted to do outside before it got horrible hot rather than just the terrible hot it was. And then Mr. Moon got out his chain saw and trimmer and truck and proceeded to fill up the truck bed at least three times and most of the storm stuff is now on one of two burn piles and both have been smoldering all day.
I picked that basket of peas and peppers and two late-coming little eggplants and that was all I wanted to do. I believe that both my husband and I feel better today. 
After those chores, Glen definitely wanted to go to the river and I wanted to join him. We knew that since all the kids are back in school except for the homeschool families which are so large it takes an industrial-sized van to transport them, there was the possibility of a serene and peaceful visit and so there was. The homeschoolers
must have been studying the beatitudes or something at home because except for a group of very quiet teenagers, there no children to be seen. In fact, there was hardly anyone to be seen and the kids left soon after we got there. 

The usually crowded rope swing area was empty of people and the old cypress tree was able to get a breath of undisturbed air and stretch out her overused branches for a little while. 

Here’s what our little camp looked like.

And that was Mr. Moon on the dock.

I cannot tell you how peaceful it was. The water was still and flat with no children churning through it, only moving when a breeze rippled the surface into moving, glittering diamond patterns. The minnows and baby bream swam freely and probably joyfully. When we dove in, our entire bodies were cooled and soothed and we smiled at each other. 

I was perfectly at peace. We had stopped at Subway before we drove to the water and I sat and ate my sandwich so slowly that I sometimes forgot I was eating and believe it or not, I enjoyed it tremendously.
I could literally feel my body relaxing into that state of calm that nothing but water can bring forth. 

We drove home, feeling reborn again. That water even makes your skin feel new- softer and more sensitive to touch. 

And then Glen drove to town to help Hank and Rachel with a tire problem and he’s probably ready to go back to the river and jump in again. 

Ms. Candie came today and so we have a clean house which is so very nice. As she finished up I sat in the dining room and shelled peas and listened to a book on my phone. I usually watch TV as I shell peas because I don’t really even need to look at them as I work. My fingers know how to do it on their own. But- no internet, no TV. The six o’clock deadline has come and gone and the modem is still flashing blue/blue/blue. 

I’ve written this on my phone which really isn’t as hard to do as you’d think but you can blame my typo’s and so forth on that today, unlike every other day when it’s all entirely my own damn fault. 

Love…Ms. Moon


  1. With no kids around I imagine you had a go on the rope swing, calling out like Tarzan before dropping into the cool water. Then Mr Moon runs up, slightly annoyed, yelling, "Me Tarzan! You Jane!"

    1. You do have a very active imagination, Mr. P.

  2. You did this on your phone? Damn, I'm impressed.

  3. Such a wonderful day!

  4. With the exception of the outage, your day sounds perfect. The river swim sounds glorious and so refreshing. Getting rid of all the branches in your garden was a big job. Restoring order is always a great feeling.

    1. Well, there's still some clearing today and there is the big gaping hole in the fence...
      But the river is always there when we need to cool off.

  5. That does look peaceful. I always do my blog posting on a phone, can't see the problem, tbh.

    1. I guess if that's what you're used to, it's not as big a challenge. Obviously, you are VERY good at it.

  6. How lovely to have the Wacissa completely to yourselves. Interesting that your burn piles are smouldering in the heat. Here in Australia burning anything is banned when temperatures reach a certain point. Even barbecues are not allowed and workmen anywhere are not allowed to use tools that might throw a spark, such as angle grinders.

    1. The county I live in does not have a whole lot of rules about some things. It's pretty rural. But I can totally understand the "no burning" rule.

  7. after all of that hot stuff- and working in it, your day improved so much I actually want to move to Lloyd.(ha, , I would not even last one half hour)
    The photos , so serene and perfect- like in the olden days when there were fewer folks around. Dreamy!
    Kuddo for using your phone in this way!! You have good eyesight and patience to do that task! Star, for you!

    1. And I just learned that Boud always posts on her phone!
      Yes. The Wacissa without people is a miracle and a joy.

  8. Yay you for this phone post! I hope you get your internet back and continue feeling better.

  9. Your last line made me laugh out loud! It is cool here today. and it will be for the next three days at least. I can't believe that your kids are already back in school. We have another two weeks before that dreaded day arrives for William.

    1. PS I keep meaning to tell you. There has been an alligator sighting in Lake Erie, which is about an hour from here. A woman was there with her family and couldn't believe what she was seeing. She got videos and the local news picked it up. Then the National News. And then it went world wide.

    2. Oh my Lord. Do you suppose the gator will make it through the winter? I wonder how in the world it got into Lake Erie.

    3. The theory is that it was someone's pet and they released it. It's between 4 and 5 foot long.

  10. What a beautiful day you had! I love reading your posts. The photos are wonderful. And your veggies look great too.

    1. Oh, thank you, Daniela! I am so glad you're here.

  11. Fancy having that beautiful place all to yourselves!! Some days are just diamonds aren't they!

  12. The river scene looks idyllic. Are there critters? I’m glad you’re both getting better.

    1. Yes. There are critters. Lots of beautiful birds- egrets and herons, and also alligators. And fishes too, of course.

    2. And alligators were what I was thinking about! I’ll stay home.

  13. It looks as if serenity can be had here when the crowds have dispersed.

    1. Absolutely. Even when it's crowded, it can be a solace.

  14. you've reminded me of how much I miss my river days. the Colorado River does run through town but the banks are steep and there's no access to the brown water. it's a two or three hour drive to the hill country for clear water rivers with access to the water. the coast is closer, only an hour away. different water but just as soothing in its way.

    I don't think I'll ever see the end of my tree debris. I think I'm going to start burning it at the back of the property here instead of hauling it all over to the burn pile in the shop yard.

    1. You are so right about the ocean. It has always been a comfort and a joy to me. I know you miss your rivers. I wish you could spend more time on them.
      A new burn pile sounds sensible.

  15. I wonder if you or Mr. Moon took a turn on the rope swing! Looks like such a relaxing place to have to yourselves!

    1. Nope. I have never and will never use a rope swing to get into the water. I've never seen Glen do it either.

  16. Actually, that's a pretty long post for a phone! I'm not sure I'd be able to type that much on a little phone keyboard. Not without losing my marbles.

    That looks like the most peaceful day possible on the Wacissa. I wish I could have tagged along!

    1. I wish you could have. I know you would love it AND appreciate it.

  17. That river has magical properties, i do believe that. I can almost feel the refreshing cold of the water, the way you talk about it.


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