Saturday, October 21, 2023


With the release of Hackney Diamonds the old boys have been doing press out the yang. They seem to be on a brutal schedule of interviews with everyone from Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show to Scott Simon on NPR. I just listened to that interview (it was with Keith) and it was terrific. They also played an invitation-only gig at a small club in NYC two nights ago which was packed wall-to-wall with celebrities. Of course. 

The Good Lady GaGa came on for "Sweet Sounds of Heaven" which they did for an encore. 
Now that was an invitation I would have accepted had it been offered. 
Sadly, and rather unbelievably, it was not. 

I love all the interviews except for the fact that as I said yesterday (I think) they get asked all the same questions over and over and over again. I don't think I've learned one damn thing that I didn't already know but I will say this- Keith has an incredibly good memory and can repeat, almost word-for-word things he described in his memoir, "Life." So I figure that on the whole, he's telling the truth, at least as he remembers it. 

But oh, just hearing that voice of his makes me happy. His low, growly laugh, his use of musical slang. I do believe he's as authentic as a man in his place could be. Although- who else is in Keith Richards' place? Not even Mick because he's in his own place, related but not the same. Scott Simon asked Keith if it's possible for anyone to imagine what it must be like to be Keith Richards and the man replied, "I have no idea what anyone's imagination is like," which I thought was a pretty honest answer.

I did have an emotional reaction watching Jimmy Fallon's interview with Keith on The Tonight Show. It's the second part of the interview, and a guitar is involved. It's an acoustic guitar, obviously made just for Keith. He explains in this clip how he plays with five strings, not six. He talked a great deal about that in his book, about how, when he discovered taking that extra string off, his playing was so changed and so expanded. Let's face it- the man has never done a thing like he was "supposed to do" his entire life. 

So here's the clip. 

There was just something so dear to me about watching him play the most iconic and recognizable beginning riffs in the history of the world, that he had written, that are absolutely a part of my DNA now, on an acoustic guitar. 
He is Keith Richards. There is no other one. 
And...of course I was completely impressed when he stood up from his chair with seeming ease still holding the guitar. 
And he's funny as hell. 

I do go on, don't I?
Well, la-di-dah.
I feel no need to defend my love for the man. As I have said many times, I didn't care a thing about Keith Richards until I read his memoir and after that, it was true love. He is a fascinating, incredibly intelligent, gracious man who has lived the most outrageous life while at the same time, remained married to his wife of forty years, is a devoted and loving father and grandfather whose kids seem to adore him and who got through all of the outrageousness because of that love, specifically, The Rolling Stones. Which is his end-all and be-all. 
Scott Simon asked him if the Stones ever think of just kicking back in the sun and retiring and he said, "We do kick back sometimes but I've got a band, man! I've got a band! This is what I do!"

Well. What a world it would be if we all had something we feel that way about. 

Believe it or not, I'm alone again. Mr. Moon has gone down to his friend's house in Eastpoint and they are watching an FSU football game and will get up early in the morning to go fish. 
This man. 
But here's the house he's rented us for our anniversary. 

Dolphins. I am going to see dolphins. I just know it. 

The only thing I have to really worry about right now is that this fucking kidney stone that I know I have on my right side has been griping me. I am hoping with all of my heart that it follows the same path as the last one (ha-ha!) and gives me warning before it really decides to go on the move into the ureter because I do not want to go through that again. So. I will watch my discomfort level, I will watch for blood in my urine. I will pay attention to gastric distress. I will take some heavy drugs with me to the beach. Not in order to party like a rock star but in case of an emergency. 

Talk to y'all tomorrow. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Gone again?? Hard to keep track of this guy! That looks like a great getaway house, it's going to be great.

    1. So true on keeping track of Glen. But, I always know at least whether he's on the sea or in the woods and usually what sea and what woods. This is not like when I was married the first time where I needed a tracking device to figure out where he was. Generally at 4 a.m.

  2. My husband and I once took an algebra class together(!!) with a fabulous professor.. she told us her husband was a cousin of Keith, and they went to a Christmas party at his house! Anyway.. she said she stayed the ‘smoking lounge’ with Keith throughout the whole party. All we could think was ‘what’s wrong with this picture??’ , as she was then on leave because she had a brain tumor and was waiting for the surgery…!😵😂 So that’s my story of so many degrees from Keith!😅 Glad you’re still enjoying them- they’re pretty amazing! - Rigmor

    1. Okay. You had me at "My husband and I once took an algebra class together..."
      I would think that that would be almost as astronomically unlikely as the teacher's husband being a cousin of Keith Richards. Not so many couples take algebra classes together unless, of course, they are in high school or college. Was that the case?
      And OF COURSE she spent the whole party in the smoking lounge with Keith. Brain tumor or no. I wonder if this was before or after he had his own brain surgery. Because of course he's had that too.
      I love this story! Thank you for relating it!

  3. great interview! Loved it big time! And your house on the beach........oh my. You will have such a wonderful time.......sigh.
    Susan M

    1. There's more to the interview and I enjoyed that too but the part where he played was what I loved most.
      I think we'll have a good time.

  4. Wow! That's some house. You will see dolphins, I'm sure, and have no kidney stone trouble.

    1. NO KIDNEY STONE TROUBLE! Okay. Dolphins-- definitely.

  5. What a glorious house and make the gods of all things renal smile upon you and keep the stones at bay (not THOSE stones, of course).

    1. If I knew of any kidney deities, I'd light a candle to them.

    2. Saint Marina is your girl. Patron Saint relating to nephrology.

  6. I love that house and you most certainly will see dolphins and spend a lot of time on that deck watching amazing sunsets. I don't think I have ever loved a singer or a band as much as you love The Stones and Keith Richards.

    1. Well- I never have either! I did go through a rather passionate affair with Bruce Springsteen.
      It's what Keith and the other guys represent to me, I think. It's a lot.

  7. That looks like a lovely place to celebrate and I hope you have no need of those emergency drugs.

  8. Geez - can’t they smash the stone with science? Damn timing is everything! Love,, L S

    1. Yes! They can smash the stone with science but the downside of that is the continuing pain from pissing out the tiny gravel that results. The last one that they lasered took me two damn weeks to entirely get rid of and that included an hour or so of torture every damn day.

  9. That house is absolutely beautiful. I'm really, really crossing everything I have in the hopes that that stone will leave you in peace!

  10. the Gulf in so blue down at your end. I'm envious of that. It was pretty clear on Friday at low tide with just the line of breakers being muddy. my neighbor Gary says the wind was blowing in the right direction.

    1. Have you ever been to Panama City or Cape San Blas? St. George is gorgeous but those two places are probably the most beautiful parts of the Gulf. Of course they are entirely built up and overgrown now.

  11. That house looks amazing; i am especially noticing the deck! That will be lovely for drinks shared in the evenings, I think. May your kidneys be kind to you.

    1. Yes! I think those decks will not be underutilized.

  12. I was conceived in Panama City which my parents, 5here during WWII did not remember very fondly. Of course, it was different then.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.