Thursday, October 5, 2023

In Which I Discuss Keith Richards' Hands Once Again

 Look those shiny red nails on my old knobby knuckled toes. Funny how my toe knuckles are getting all knobbed up just like my fingers. This is one more thing to put on the list of "Stuff I never even imagined would happen when I was young."
Luckily, for me, neither my toes or my fingers hurt too much which is good. I know that some people are in horrible pain with arthritis. So I can't complain and really don't. It's just an interesting phenomena for me. And compared to Keith Richards' hands- well. 

I've heard him say that they're not painful either but I've also heard reports of him having to soak his hands in hot water before he plays. I've noticed that in the last few years he isn't even wearing his skull ring. I doubt he can get it on or off and I'm having a similar problem with my engagement ring except that it's on and I can't seem to get it off and it needs cleaning badly. 

Man. If there were ever a first world problem, that would be it. Poor girl can't clean her diamonds. 

Lily and Jessie and I were going to go get pedicures today to give Lily a tiny bit of pampering. Lily and I did end up going but Jessie came down with another damn case of strep last night. It hit her like a ton of bricks. Suddenly she was feverish and had the throat razor blades. She got to the doctor this morning and she's on antibiotics now but she's sick as hell. Vergil will be getting home tonight, which is very good. This is just ridiculous. Her last bout with it was during the summer and we thought she'd rid herself of it for sure but it would appear not. And of course the boys will get it. 

But like I said, Lily and I did meet up. Lauren dropped off Lily at the nail place after Lily got a haircut because Lauren was taking Rachel to Jacksonville to catch a plane. Dang but Lauren is a very, very good woman. So Lily and I relaxed for a few minutes in the magical massaging nail bar chairs while lovely people tended to our feet, and then we went to an Indian restaurant for lunch and it was delicious, of course. 

Next up, we had to pick up one of Lily and Lauren's dogs at the vet. In this case, Ms. Pepper. Pepper was SO happy to get out of that office. She was all over Lily with kisses and dog hugs. Lily could barely get her seatbelt on. 

She finally got in the back seat and pressed the button to make the window go down. 
"Oh. I forgot to tell you. She knows how to open windows," said Lily. "But she won't jump out."
All righty then. Pepper is a smart doggo. 

I dropped Lily off at home and then went back to town and got a few things I needed. Tomorrow I'll be making cookies, roasting some peanuts, and making tartar sauce for Glen to take. He's taking some of his fish up there to cook for the fellows and asked me most politely if I'd make some of my gourmet tartar sauce. Of course I said yes. "Gourmet" is our little joke inspired by a Larry McMurtry character but honestly, I do make some fine tartar sauce. 

And now I'm home and look at how nicely the roof is coming along.

It is 6:15 and these guys are still working. I have a strong feeling that the new roof is going to lead to painting, replacing windows, and so on and so forth, just as putting out a new doily on a side table in the parlor can lead to tearing down walls to create a completely new floor plan. 
And so it goes. 
But for now, I am very happy to see this strong new roof. 

I am still very much thinking about the body image/eating topic and I swear I will be writing more about it soon. Probably when Mr. Moon is away and I have no need to get supper on the table by a certain time. So, golly! You have that to look forward to. 
Or not.

Off I go for now to make our supper. When I asked Mr. Moon to please tell me what he'd like for supper this morning, he looked like he was completely at a loss. And he was. He's got so much on his mind right now, trying to get ready to leave for Canada. Finally he said, "Hotdogs."
And hotdogs we are having. 

So yeah. I'm definitely eating all healthy and shit. 


I'll check back in tomorrow.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Every single time I just can't figure out what to cook, and I demand Gregg suggest something, he says, "Hotdogs." Haha!

    I know Glenn is going to have the most fabulous time in Canada. Your man stays on the go, doesn't he? :)

    And just look at sweetie Pepper!

    1. Glen generally says, "Clam spaghetti" or "Chili." We just had chili.
      He absolutely does keep moving.
      Pepper is such a good dog and her "sister" Chloe is too.

  2. thought MR Moon had already departed....but I was wrong. Hot dogs sounds good to me! Pedi w/ Lily as well! Sorry to hear about Jessie..... Since it's hotter than hades here today.......quick seared turkey burgers w/ mac & cheese and tomato/cuke's all I can muster.....but will be good. we do what we can..... and we will eat....... ugh. In this heat.....I almost lose my appetite.....but I can muster a few bites LOL
    Susan M

    1. PS your roof looks awesome!
      Susan M

    2. Ha! We had tomato cuke salad too! It's always good and very easy.
      I'm sorry it's so hot there. That's just crazy.

  3. Just what Lily needed. Nothing like a bit of pampering with mum.
    Hotdogs cooked and eaten with love are the healthiest of foods.

    1. These hotdogs were pretty tasty. And quite healthy, I'm sure, just as the tater tots were that we ate with them!
      Ooh boy.

  4. One of the women here quizzed everyone about their painted nails yesterday, and then appeared today with beautiful nails. She'd culled the remarks for the best results! Have a great time, Mr. Moon.

  5. What a nice thing for you and Lily. I am sorry Jessie is so sick. I hope you and Mr. Moon enjoy the hotdogs.

    1. I loved being with Lily. She is excellent company. I'm sorry Jessie's sick too. I hate it when my babies are sick.
      We did enjoy the hotdogs.

  6. You know, this just popped in my mind. There was a time when our house was hit by repeating strep. The doctor said to replace toothbrushes after treatment, that the victims were reinfecting themselves. It worked.

    1. They've done that, Debby! Over and over. They've really tried.

  7. So sorry about the endless strep. About gnarly old hands and feet, gosh, mine too. They're all over the place, toes arguing over where to be, curling under, fingers leaning about. But nothing hurts. So there's that.

    1. Oh god. I hear you on the toes. That happened to me a few days ago and I was like, "What the hell, toes? Now you too?" And there are a few things I can't do with my hands anymore like touch my thumb to my little finger on my left hand without help from the right hand. Which I never need to do so- so what?

  8. Does one of Jessie's boys get strep a fair bit? They could be reinfecting each other. Just a thought. When Katie was little she kept getting a staph infection in her groin all the time; she also picked her nose and wouldn't keep her hands out of her pants. I decided to treat her nose instead of her groin, the doctor poo pooed my idea but it worked like a charm.

    1. No one's had strep for a few months. I think that perhaps Jessie's auto-immune disorder medication may make her more vulnerable.
      I wonder how many times in the history of the universe a mother has figured out the answer to a problem when the doctor couldn't. Probably billions.

  9. Just a thought, do they all share the same tube of toothpaste? Toothbrushes can harbor the bacteria and possibly transmit via the paste? Perhaps there needs to be a very strict rule of no sharing of anyhting thta touches the mouth for a few months or even a year. Notasting from the same glass or spoon, no using the same hand towel or facewasher, at least until the cause is found.
    Your new roof is looking really nice and I wouldn't be at all surprised if it led to other "fixings".
    Nothing wrong with hotdogs for dinner, every other meal you eat is chock full of healthy veggies. I'll be heating a frozen pizza.

    1. I think the boys have their own toothpaste. I'll check on that.
      I think the roof looks nice too!
      I love frozen pizza. I really do.

  10. "anything that" stupid fingers I have

  11. As soon as I saw the picture of your fabulous new roof I thought, oh no now they'll want to paint and do this then when I read what you wrote, I figured it just happens to everyone when they get something big and new for their house. The urge to keep going...
    I'm sure they're sick of advice but gargling twice a day with even plain water will cut the risk of recurrence. There, done.

    1. This house has needed exterior painting since long before we bought it twenty years ago so...
      I'll pass on the gargling suggestion. Thanks!

    2. Add a little mouthwash to the gargle water.

  12. Christ! Keith Richards's hands look so lumpy and old. To play guitar you really need nimble hands. I guess he has had to battle through a lot of discomfort. As for the Mexican roofers, they continue to show how they can graft but on an old house like yours the newness doesn't look quite right. The tin needs a year or two of weathering.

    1. I think that Keith would probably figure out how to play guitar if his fingers were cut off.
      The new roof does look a bit odd but what can you do? It'll look more natural in a year or so as you said.

  13. Happy Friday, Mary! Clean sheets and a martini day! Enjoy your weekend!

  14. the last knuckle before the fingernail of the index finger on my right hand is all knobby. not as bad as Keith's but for basically the same reason (besides arthritis that is), constant pressure on the knuckle from cutting stencils for over 40 years.

    poor Jessie. I've only had strep once and that was more than enough.

    1. It's my left hand that has the the same knuckle on the same finger that's all swollen. And the little finger on that hand is crooked as hell now. I think I do a lot of the physical part of tasks with my left hand while the right hand does the more delicate stuff.
      Yeah. Strep is an A-one bitch.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.