Monday, October 23, 2023

I Wish You Could Hear The Waves

 We've made it! Stopped at the what is now being called the Blue Pig, I see, although I will always and forever call it the Little Pig. Blue Pig has history though, as the store it now occupies was known as The Blue Store. 
We're big on tradition here in the south. 

Not going to write a whole lot because I want to make our shrimp supper but I will say that the house we've rented is...interesting. The very, very best thing about it is that it's on the west end of the island and is in (oh god, forgive me) a gated community called (mea culpa, mea culpa) The Planation. 
See above about tradition. 

But it is beautiful, with only houses and jungle and beach and a nicely maintained bike/walking path and if someone offered to give me one of these houses, I would take it and deal with the guilt later. 

This house is not one of the newer ones. It's seen some things, this house. And there are steps and stairs and more steps and stairs and Lord, getting everything moved up and in was an effort. 
But the view makes it all worth while. 

We went for a sunset walk. 

I haven't seen dolphins yet but I've seen pelicans. And crazy alien jelly fish. And the tiniest little baby fish I've ever seen that had washed up on the beach, and the way the setting sun casts light and shadows on the water. 

Mr. Moon took this one. 

Love from St. George Island, Florida. 

Ms. Moon


  1. Oh my, oh my, oh my! I can hear the waves. This is wonderful. Happy, happy anniversary. See you when you get back.

  2. We saw dolphins in the wild traveling to Ft. Sumpter. You could not be sad when they were around. Have fun!

  3. Fabulous! I am JEALOUS! lol. You two crazy kids have fun. And Happy Anniversary!

  4. That is a view to live and die for!

  5. What a beautiful getaway! I know you and the man will have a memorable week away!

  6. This sounds like a trip to remember! Happy days!

  7. WOW! Nothing more needs
    Susan M

  8. That sunset. Enjoy it all, my friend. Even the gated community!

  9. Yes I sure can hear the waves. Lovely.

  10. This place looks blissful with 360 degree views of the ocean and beach. You are one lucky girl. Happy anniversary, wishing you and Mr. Moon all the best.

  11. Oh, that looks lovely, Mary. What a nice way to celebrate your anniversary! I'm just catching up on your posts as I was away for a long weekend in Texas seeing my middle son and his family. They moved there this summer for work in the medical center there. It was great to celebrate my grandson's 8th birthday with him!

  12. oh, yeah, definitely jealous. I can almost hear it and smell it.

  13. This time, the NBA became the first major sports league with a trans referee. You can read about in my blog, very much for taking the time. Emily Shorette

  14. Your place does have amazing views! Poor little fish, and poor jellyfish. That's nature, I guess.

  15. 37paddington: such a gorgeous place! Release the guilt, my sister from another mother. Enjoy!

  16. I'm glad I'm catching up on Blog reads, taking me with you to the Beach vicariously is refreshing...


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