Friday, July 15, 2022

Hate To Say Good-bye

Another departure eve, this time a Friday, and because I am an overly emotional and semi-depressive person, I spent most of the day in sadness, quiet and quick to becoming snitty towards my husband because he is the person I am fairly sure will not judge me too much despite the fact that I have taken my weirdness out on him. 

Jessie and Vergil and the boys are all back in their mountain home tonight. Vergil’s aunt is visiting and his mother is making a supper for all of them. We were invited but I wanted to come back to the cabin and get everything that I can packed up as we are obligated to check out of here tomorrow at 10:00. I have my suitcase packed with all of the dresses I did not wear, the kitchen mostly packed except for a few things we’ll be eating for supper and things that will go into the cooler tomorrow to take home. It is raining which is lovely, and although it is preternaturally peaceful and quiet here without the boys and their parents and I miss the laughing, the busy-ness of the making of our supper, and the happy hour atmosphere, it’s not so bad with just my husband. I have what is quite possibly the tenth load of laundry in the dryer. The amount of towels alone that this family has gone through is ridiculous. But it’s a lovely laundry room although I have discovered that in order to keep the dryer door closed, it is imperative to prop the step ladder against it. Once I figured that out- no problem.
This has really been a sweet house and I would be happy to own it, surrounded as it is by all of the North Carolina greenery which has to be seen to be believed. All of the wood paneling and wooden doors and cabinets make for a sturdy and beautiful place. It is rather far from Black Mountain Proper and the roads to and from are winding and switch-backing and I am always grateful that I am not driving. But that is the reason it’s so peaceful here and there is always a trade-off in this life. 

It took most of the morning for Jessie to pack up their things and load their car. The boys and I did a little “art,” coloring and drawing pictures and I folded towels and clothes. August and Levon spent some more time in the hot tub.  And then we drove to Black Mountain and had pizza and then to Montreat, which is a very waspy but lovely community with a liberal Christian college in it, I think, as well as being a conference center, and where Billy Graham had a home in which he took his last breath, and also a playground and a creek that runs through it where we waded. Rock sculptures were made and races were run with various sticks and leaves thrown into the water to see which one would reach the finish line (a tiny tumble of a waterfall) first. 

I was quiet the whole time, doing a bit of dissociation as I do when I facing something painful. And it's all so ridiculous! The Weatherfords will be home in a few weeks and I'll be able to get my hands on them whenever I want but I'm just who I am. And- we'll see them tomorrow at breakfast after we pack up and check out of this darling cabin. When we hugged them all good-bye, I told the boys that I have enjoyed being with them so much and when it came time to hug Jessie, I just couldn't say anything. 
God. I am so crazy sometimes. 

I am not a mountain girl by any means. My favorite part of the landscape is the creeks and the green while the steep drop-offs and curvy roads scare me to pieces. But I am aware of the beauty here and I appreciate it. 

It has been wonderful few days and I am so grateful that we could come. It has been a lovely adventure and a joy to be with our daughter, her husband, and their darling boys. 
The kee-yds. 

We'll be spending the night tomorrow in Augusta, Georgia, a place I've never been before and that will be another adventure. 

Thanks for coming along, y'all. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. That went fast. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much you're sorry it's ending. Enjoy Augusta too. And your trip home. Friday martinis?

  2. I have missed much of the week, this year. My religious reading of blogs beginning at 7 pm didn't happen, as fast as your week went by.
    Atlanta is gi-normous. Good job Mr. M is driving! See you on the flip side, as we used to say on the CB.

  3. Travel safely and enjoy. You will have some wonderful memories.

  4. Oh dear Mary. I cry when I have to say goodbye too. Sending hugs and love to you.

  5. so sorry this joyful time seems to be coming to an end so quickly.......but you have loved, hugged........and will do so again soon. Safe travels home.......
    Susan m

  6. 37paddington:
    I’ve been reading all week, and loving your togetherness, and now I’m a little gobsmacked that it went so fast. Of course you will miss them, but it sounds as if the house held you all lovingly and laughingly and busily and joyfully and may the memories of that tide you over till your mountain babies return to the flatlands. I know you and your longtime love will hold each other tenderly in the meantime.

  7. It's always the way, you get there, you do stuff and suddenly you're on the way home again! But the memories you made will be with you forever and when the boys get home again and come visiting you'll be able to sit around with purple elephants and say "remember when we did..?" and the boys will add their version of memories to yours. That will never go away.

  8. You've had a lovely week for sure. Enjoy the road trip home.

  9. That went quick! You packed a lot of fun and laughs in to carry you until you see them again which won't be long. Hope you have safe travels home. It always feels great to be back in your own bed!

  10. what a wonderful visit- have a safe drive back! xxalainaxx

  11. They'll be back home in Florida before you realize it (but I get where you're coming from)!

  12. It sounds like a wonderful time was had by all! I totally understand sadness on departures. They’ll be enjoying pancakes and bacon at your house very soon. I’m no sure Maurice and Jack have missed you.

    1. Scratch that no in the last sentence. Not sure how that got there!

  13. Leaving already! Such a short visit, or so it seems. But your chickens will be so happy to see you.

  14. Time is so relative, right? This week sped by and the next several will drag out. But how wonderful that you got to spend a week in that beautiful place.


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