Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Facebook Free

I just did it. I deleted my Facebook account. Done. Over. I feel so much freer. Damn. For me, Facebook was like dating some guy who everyone said was fun, fun, fun! but who in reality, for me, had no chemistry and who bored the living shit out of me.
I got on Facebook by accident, actually, and it turned out to be really nice for about ten minutes. That's how long it took an old friend to find me.
Then...well, hell.
I really find no appeal in being "poked." What is poked? Okay, I know what it was in Lonesome Dove and it involved a whore. Not a virtual one, either. I also don't get any enjoyment out of virtual drinks or gifts. I don't have a product to push, a CD to talk about, or a new book coming out. I don't need to post pictures of myself either drunk or sober on that social network and I really don't care to see other's pictures of themselves in situations that they really shouldn't be in.
I post all the pictures I want, right here at blessourhearts. I can do all the bitching and bragging and hoping and confessing and describing of my life and times here that I am compelled to do.
Plus, there's that "friend" thing. There were people on my friend list I didn't really even know. Like, maybe their names sounded familiar but did I know them? Were they my friends?
Yeah. Not really.
I actually have become sort of became mortal enemies with one of my "friends." I haven't told that story yet and I may or may not, but believe me- we are not friends. No way, no how.
Nah. Life is short. I have chicken shit to shovel. I have collard greens to cook. I have books to read and books to write. I have kids and a husband and a grandbaby on the way. I have floors that need sweeping. I have guitars to listen to that are weeping. I have poems to write and right now, this very second, I have jasmine to smell.
Hmmmm. Right here on my real porch. Sweet, spicy jasmine. Oh, how I wish you could smell it!
I'm not a teenager. I'm an old hippie lady and Facebook is not for me.
So don't go looking for me there.
If you want to find me, just come visit me here or else, drive over to Lloyd and stop in and we'll have a nice chat. Two friends, sitting on a roost, having a real face-to-face.
And there will be no poking! Okay? I mean it.
No poking, no pecking, no feather-pulling.
Just sweet conversation and the smell of jasmine.
Here I am. Really.
Facebook free and glad to be.

Addendum: My Space? Gone too. La-la-la!


  1. Just because Lonesome Dove is one of my all time favorites and that scene makes me smile...

  2. Good for you! I quit Facebook a few months ago also. Now if I could just quit my blog...

  3. Haahaa! That's funny about the no poking in Lloyd. Ha!

  4. Go you! I'm there with you - I think I'll delete my facebook and myspace. I hardly ever go on there and it's pretty pointless. It's mainly a bunch of classmates from highschool that I can't stand and don't really care to keep in touch with (I know that's awful, but true). I actually went through one day and made everyone invisible that I didn't care to see their statuses, so know I have like 3 people I see - lol! Whatev - these online 'social sites' are dumb. Blogger, however, that is some real deep stuff - so don't ever delete this!

  5. Whoa! I want to know who your pissed at! Anybody I know?

  6. PS
    What ARE you feeding those chicken? At this rate, I'm not sure you'll have to worry about the hawks... I believe Maynard could probably take one!

  7. Tiffany- Robert Duvall. Sigh.

    MOB- What took me so long? Now why would you want to quit the cozy world of the blog?

    Nicol- Well, we do poke, but only lovingly and in the privacy of our own homes.

    CMe- Uh, when they pry my cold dead hands off the keyboard.

    Petit Fleur- I told you about this. The "professional"? I'm feeding the chicks chick food. I think it has kryptonite in it.

  8. After my little angry-pregnant wifey episode there yesterday, I seriously considered it. Almost everyone I care about knows I'm here or has my email. I've been looking at it for an hour now. Wondering which to cut loose first. I need to check my drunken pics though. Wouldn't want to lose any of those beauties. Oh, and that pic of the dildo. Gotta keep that, too.

  9. Poor Laurie Girl. It was a helluva vision, though.

    I'm inspired. I think I, too will delete my facebook account. So far I've only been blocked my ex's new wife and stalked by her, too. Thanks for the kick in the pants!

  10. Wow, it looks like you are single handedly beginning a Facebook emancipation movement!

    Yea, I figured it was that one, but well, it seemed so unlikely that she would "friend" herself to you. sheesh!

    Oh, btw, the little black furry cat was here today. She is limping on a back foot. She wouldn't let me near enough to check it out.

  11. Hahahahaha

    O Ms. Moon. I sincerely find so much joy in reading your words, especially posts like this one. You are not afraid to tell it like it is, and you inspire me to do the same in my own life.

    Who needs facebook anyways? If I didn't have 50 photo albums that are my only storage for hundreds of digital photos, I would have deleted my account long ago...but alas. They sucked me in with their picture machines.

    If I lived anywhere near you, as in any surrounding states, wild horses couldn't keep me away from your front porch. Some day Ms. Moon. It is a dream of mine to meet you.

  12. funny - i just deleted my damn Twitter account last night, too. Great minds, Ms. Moon. Great minds.

  13. Ms. Trouble- Yes, must hold on to those priceless moments. I agree.

    Windy Days- Your ex's new wife sounds like she needs to get a life.

    Ms. Fleur- Black kitty is not looking good. But as Mr. Moon says, "Free chow, but no free vet bills." We're cruel.

    AJ- That makes me really happy because I know you make those dreams come true!

    BlackEyedP- It's a movement!

  14. I have a facebook account mainly to talk to a few people I don't feel like calling every once in a while. I like the little instant message feature thing...
    But other than that it's a waste of time and there are a few people on there that I had hoped never to speak to ever again...ugh.
    Jeremiah and I deleted our myspace accounts a year ago after we fought about them too much. And I've never twittered.

  15. I want to sit on the proch and smell jasmine too ;)

  16. I want to smell the jasmine!!!! it sounds lovely!

    I can't get off facebook...I admit and embrace my fascination...however I don't poke or offer virtual drinks I use it to keep in touch with some far away friends....but I too have friends who I don't really know...what is up with that?

  17. Oh, I would love to sit on your porch and smell the Jasmine!! But I am kinda across the country.

    I never did myspace, but did fall prey to Facebook not too long ago. It has in some ways been nice, I caught up with some people who I thought would forever be ghosts from my past, whom I actually *wanted* to catch up with, so that was nice. But I agree, I hate all the stupid applications, and mostly I just ignore all the stupid virtual drinks and pokes and whatnot. And I have even come to the point where I am able to just ignore those friend invites from people who seriously never were, nor are my 'friends'. And I don't feel one bit guilty about it.

    But good for you, Ms. Moon!

  18. Great picture to post usage today!

  19. I joined facebook because a friend told me how great it is.
    You said it perfectly....."it was fun for about 10 minutes".

    I have a 'friend' who says she went to high school with me (like I could remember), and all she does is play with her 'virtual' pet.
    Like what are you supposed to say to that?

    I find it Boring! and stupid!

  20. Erin- Yeah. Twitter. Where's the journalism in that?

    Court- Well come on.

    Ms. Bliss- I don't know what's up with that? It's weird, isn't it? Enjoy your fascination. It's fine with me. And I'm saving you a seat on the porch.

    DTG- Don't you think?

    Zelzee- Here's what I say to that: Eeeuuuggh.

  21. Wishing I could smell the jasmine, too. :)

  22. I have neither of those things either. And on very rare occasions when I remember my unsername I do the twitter thing but not so much. What is why I have a blog. And I LOVE it. Wish I had some chicken shit to shovel, though.

  23. Ginger- Room for you, too!

    Kori- Yay! Chicken shit! Realer than real.

  24. I think I am the only person who has never had one. Oh well. Love you.

  25. Don't worry Lily, I haven't either.

    Forgot to mention. Very serendipitous... I actually sewed a leather pouch for Harley the night before this post. I never do stuff like that usually, but we are having a little ceremony to celebrate his emergence from "toddler-hood" to boyhood.


  26. Lily- That's because you're smarter than we are.

    Ms. Fleur- Well, he's definitely ready. He is not a toddler anymore, but instead, a beautiful, beautiful boy.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.