Sunday, April 26, 2009

Coming Home, Catching Up

I am back from the magical land of Gator Bone and back in the magical land of Lloyd where Mr. Moon and our neighbor are working on the Coop Mahal. The chicks are halfway grown and looking fine and all seems well with the world here.

I had the most marvelous of weekends. Lis and I spent some time in her garden, which is pictured above. We'd gone into town and bought a few plants and Lon put them in for her. They are the sweetest couple, married almost thirty years and they've been loving and living and making music together for all that time and they garden and they eat the food they grow and they can make you feel more welcome and loved than anyone I've ever met. It is always such an honor to be with them in their home.
It's always a joy to arrive and a sorrow to leave.

We listened to some of the tracks of the CD they're working on of Lis's songs and this, this, THIS is going to be an amazing CD. I went with them on Friday night to a little benefit gig they did, playing for a volunteer dinner for the Council on Aging in St. Augustine and I heard one fellow say, "Her voice!" I said, "Yes, doesn't she sing like an angel?" And he agreed that she did. And besides that, her songs are amazing. Just trust me on this one.

So we sat in the garden and we went to town and we ate the best meals you can imagine and we did indeed have a few martinis and, well, it was all a dream. The best part for me was that I could truly and fully feel the whole experience. I didn't have any anxiety, I didn't worry about stuff, I simply loved every minute of my time there and I slept so well in their guest room where Lis had put flowers beside the bed and dragonfly lights around the room and put new sheets on the bed. I felt like a queen.
Lon even let me go online on his giant new beautiful Mac where he keeps all his recording programs and the three of us had so much fun last night, using it to take pictures of us and then I posted two of them and put that recipe for sweet potato cake up. I think it's a new favorite. The recipe may not be perfect- I made it up and I don't really measure and it's all a close approximation but if you use that recipe and don't like the results, I'll give you your money back. I promise.

So here I am and all is well and I have rehearsal this afternoon. There was a phone message to bring the high heels I'm going to be wearing because they need to make sure I can get up the stairs of the new set safely and I am sure there was much discussion that went something like this: "Mary is such a klutz. I don't know about this..."
And so forth.
Well, we shall see.
Can you imagine me in those shoes? No, you cannot and no one else can either. But guess what? I'm doing a lot of things I never thought I'd do and it's turning out that it's okay. No. It's not just okay, it's liberating as hell and I feel damn good.

I'll get back to my story, I suppose, tomorrow. There's a lot more to tell. I'll try not to carry it on into the next century.
And maybe when it's done, I'll put on those high heels and do a little witchy dance all over the grave of my old, scared self.
Yeah. I think I will.


  1. Those pointy toes look just right for an arse booting, alright :)

    Your weekend sounds lovely!

  2. Sighing over that garden, what a lovely place to spend time, and a lovely time you had indeed!
    Wow, those shoes, what can I say, those are fantabulous!!

  3. Welcome home Ms. Moon.

    I like the Russian strappy spikes!

  4. Try not to hurt anyone with those ass-kicking shoes!
    Glad you had a great time, the whole trip sounded heavenly.

  5. Jo- You are totally right. I am a different woman when I wear them. And I think that woman's name is Natasha.

    Tiffany- Sitting in that garden is being at peace. Wearing those shoes is being practice!

    Ms. Fleur- I will gladly lend them to you if you feel the need for such shoes.

    Rachel- Thank-you! I think the only person I might hurt in those shoes

  6. Natasha, darlink!

    I have to agree about the hurting. I'm round toed kinda gal myself - imagine how freaky people would find it if your FEET were that shape? yet people love the shoes. I don't really get it.

    No, you made me think of my friend who was treated appallingly by the then 'master' of our National Maternity Hospital. We were driving by and shuddering, and I suggested he deserved a public ass booting, and in her South African accent she said, 'ooo, I would buya special pair of pointy boots just for that event!'

    Made me laugh. The women of Ireland queueing up to boot him in the ass. This man remarried, to a Dutch woman, who got pregnant, and I heard she went home to have a home birth!!

  7. "do a little witchy dance"

    As soon as I saw that picture, I said to myself, "witchy shoes!"

    I'm glad you're home and had such a great time! I had a very good weekend, but I left my phone charger at work and spent yesterday out of contact. Which is not a bad place to be once in a while.

  8. Ms. Jo- Great story! How could a woman so smart marry such a man? Hmmm.

    DTG- Yes. They are witch shoes and as such, seem to have a magical spell about them which makes them far less uncomfortable than you would think.

  9. "do a little witchy dance all over the grave of my old, scared self"

    Yes, indeed. I love the thought of this.

  10. i don't think those shoes are witchy at all...i just think that they're hot! but i guess most of that is the fact that they cover up feet, and the other part of that is mostly i'm a fag with a shoe fetish. mostly.

    daddy b

  11. Daddy B- They are sort of hot, aren't they?


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.