Monday, March 18, 2024

Is It Too Early To Go To Bed?

 It's been a weird day. 

I did not sleep much last night. I guess I was anxious about this morning's appointment. And just the whole kidney stone situation in general. My side started aching in the early morning hours, but not too bad. Just enough to remind me of why I was going to the doctor. 

I wasn't in the doctor's office long at all. When he came into the room, I said, "I bet you're sick and tired of me," and after he shook my hand he protested that no, no, of course he wasn't and then proceeded to tell me that my urine was pristine, with no blood in it so I believe that led him to think that my stone isn't really moving at all. I described my symptoms and he nodded sagely and then asked if perhaps it was just that my back was hurting and I told him that no, it was not, I remember exactly what this feels like and also that I'd had some nausea and he agreed that nausea very often accompanies a stone on the move. He asked me if I needed anything for pain and I told him that no, no, I'm not having THAT kind of pain and that is what I'm trying to avoid. He was ready to whip out that prescription pad and I do appreciate that even though I know that pain meds are over-prescribed or sometimes, alternately, under-prescribed. But I was being truthful. I am definitely not in that sort of pain. 
He offered the theory that perhaps a small piece had separated from the mother stone, shall we say, and I passed that. Frankly, I don't think so. But he could be right. He has a lot more experience and knowledge about all of this than I do.  

So he's sending me for a CT scan and they have to call me from the radiology place to set up an appointment and I hope it's soon. The doctor will call me with results. I don't want to think about this stuff anymore. 

I was texting with a friend today and she said something about how we never expected all the things that would come our way when we got older. I told her that I definitely agreed with that and I am NOT aging like a fine wine, but in fact, I am aging like a bottle of Ripple. 

Any of y'all remember Ripple? 

It was Fred Sanford's drink of choice. And how many of you remember Fred Sanford? 

I was planning on staying in town and doing my shopping and then meeting Glen for lunch and going to see a house Lily was looking at after that. I did my shopping and I had lunch with my husband but then I decided to come home. I was tired and operating on anxiety-brain which meant that I was not exactly sharp if you know what I mean. I probably shouldn't have even been driving. 

I did have a small high point today, though. Glen and I went to Chow Time and I finally tried the seafood soup they serve there which is basically a spicy broth with large, unpeeled head-on shrimps and tomatoes and peppers in it. 
Y'all- it was good. I think that my beloved hot and sour soup may have to take second place to this stuff. 

A little while ago Jessie and the boys came out to return the the things they borrowed for camping and it was great to see them. The first thing those boys did was to start talking about Pokemon. They, like Owen and Gibson before them, are completely convinced that something will flip in me and that I will suddenly understand their obsession with these creatures and want to learn all about them and boy, do they want to teach me. 
What is it about Pokemon? 
I listen and nod my head and try to change the subject. At one point, Levon had to run back out to the truck to get a book about them to show me his favorite Pokemon whom I think is called Mega MewDew X. 
Nope. I just looked it up. It's Mega MewTwo X. 
And I will remember that for approximately five minutes at which time my poor, overloaded brain will completely wipe it off the old hard drive. 

But I was glad to see them. They reported that they'd had a very good time camping and showed me their no-see'ums bug bites. I snapped a few pictures. 

Levon had a top that he was spinning. 

August was contorting his long, skinny, strong arms and he wanted me to take his picture from the side so that I could see that his feet were not on the ground but on the tiny ridge of the bottom of the kitchen island. This was a feat of agility and strength. As you can clearly see. 

He also insisted I take one from the back and he was quite pleased with how it turned out. 
Oh, my little boys. How I love them. 
Of course seeing them was the real highlight of the day. 

The tung blossoms are exploding and almost overnight the tung trees on the interstate are gracing us with their flower-clouds. I wonder how many people traveling that highway even notice? Not many, I'm sure. 

Here's a photo that I saw on Facebook this morning and had to save. 

That is Dog Island in the middle. Our house is in the wide part in the belly, so to speak, right on the bay. The island below is part of St. George Island, and across from them is Carrabelle, Tate's Hell, and East Point. 

That is Florida. Heaven and Hell in one photo. 

When I was in town today, stopped at a red light, I took this picture.

As my friend said when I sent her the photo, "I'm going to Del Taco but thanks for asking, Random Sign."
That made me laugh for sure. 

I kicked bamboo a little while ago. That shit is getting serious. 

Life in Lloyd.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Those boys are a total comedy act in themselves! The stuff they do! The endless quest to convert you into a pokemon fan.
    So you're still between with the stone, dangit. I guess they don't do lithotripsy lightly?

    1. I guess not and I am pretty glad of that. I really hate the idea of blasting a stone in my kidney but it's the better option in my opinion.

  2. I forgot I was just trying to think which comedian used to talk about Ripple, then you supplied the answer, ty

    1. Fred Sanford. And as Hank pointed out, based on a BBC series called "Steptoe and Son."

  3. thought of you today and glad this appt. is over.....the CT will be a breeze and hopefully scheduled soon (call THEM if they don't call you pronto).... and then, you will know exactly what is happening....though your body is already speaking to you about this. Dog Island looks so small......I'm amazed! and....your grand boys.....what's not to love about those two .... do you snip the tung blossoms and bring them inside to enjoy? I read that they *do* have a fragrance.....I hope it's a pleasant one? I hope you sleep better tonight....phase 1 of stone intervention is done.....on to more...... sorry....but you are (I believe) on the right path. And it's not Friday but dammit, you deserve a Martini tonight!
    Susan M

    1. Dog Island is indeed a rather small island. One could walk around it all in one day although you'd be tired by the end.
      I don't bring tung blossoms in as they are supposedly highly toxic.

  4. How uplifting it must be when a member of the opposite sex tells you that your urine in pristine. I do not believe that any woman ever said that to me but it is a great chat up line. Living over here in Merrie Olde Englande, I have never heard of Fred Sanford.

    1. Fred Sanford was the lead character of a show called Sanford and Son that was actually a remake of the British sitcom Steptoe and Son. So there ya go. Except instead of a crotchety old white English guy, he's a crotchety old African American guy.

    2. The Trivia Master knows all! Actually, I knew that too but Hank beat me to it. Did you ever see Steptoe and Son?
      Yes. I can see you now at your local pub, approaching a woman with the charming ice-breaking question, "Hello! I bet your urine is pristine!"

    3. I would try that approach if I was not married. I used to love "Steptoe and Son". The comedy was slightly surreal just like the junk yard setting and the father and son team had a horse called Hercules

  5. I'm waiting for Levon to look into the camera again. He has quit doing that in his latter childhood. I remember Fred Sanford and Ripple. Boone's Farm was our favorite. I hope all this stone saga resolves soon.

    1. He does look into the camera sometimes. He was just concentrating on his top. Boone's Farm was the go-to for us, too.

  6. Oh, damn, I was hoping you would have more positive news about that kidney stone but you are still sort of in limbo waiting to see what's next. Hope you get the appt. soon and that the scan will answer all of the questions about that.
    Had my grandsons over tonight and I learned so much about things I did not know and they couldn't believe that someone as old as me did not know some of the things that they know!

    1. I think that little kids LOVE knowing more than their grandparents about things. It makes them feel brilliant.

  7. Instead of Ripple we drank Boones Farm Strawberry Wine....I think that was an easy way to tell the underage drinkers back in my day, we drank the sickining sweet stuff! lol.

    1. We mostly drank the apple flavor of Boone's Farm. God, it was awful.

  8. Like Leslie, I definitely remember getting drunk on Boone’s Farm. I definitely remember Fred and his invention champipple, I call my husband and so. Fred and Lamont because of all the stuff they accumulate. I do hope you’re feeling better very soon. Good for you bring proactive before ending up in the ER with morphine like my husband. He’s usually stoic but kidney stones are incredibly painful and uncomfortable. Hope the blast it away. More Rolling Stones and less of the kidney kind.

    1. That's what I did last time I had a stone- went to the ER and got morphine which is truly an amazing drug. But no, I DON'T WANT TO DO THAT AGAIN!
      Yes- more Rolling Stones, less kidney stones.

  9. I am in the wrong country for remembering Ripple. I never learned all the Pokemon characters either, though several gandsons tried to teach me over the years. It seems to be very much a boy thing, I don't know a single girl who is interested.

    1. I think there are thousands of Pokemon characters. I wonder why boys find those things so fascinating.

  10. Dog Island looks so fragile and vulnerable.
    Ripple oh yes. It was bad! Remember Boone's Farm? OW! But better than drinking Romilar cough syrup.
    I think that you are giving the Know it all doctor too much credit for knowing it all...I question them always. You know your body better than anyone.

    1. slow on the draw- Boones farm has been mentioned several times!

    2. Dog Island is fragile like all the barrier islands. And so important to the mainland for hurricane protection.
      I think I want the doctor to know everything- about kidneys and their stones, at least! But in this case, I'm pretty sure I'm right.
      My first experience with alcohol was Boone's Farm apple wine and Mateus. Classy!

  11. I think I might have accepted the doctor's prescription just in case, but that's me - a wimp! And I love your friend's response to that road sign!

    1. I have a stash of pain pills from the last stone I had a year ago. So I"ll be okay.

  12. I love imagining kicking bamboo. Better than kicking the bucket or even the tires. Those boys make life worthwhile. I loved Fred Sanford early on. Oddly, I never saw the label on a bottle of Ripple. It’s as classy as the “beverage” sounds. You lost me at ”unpeeled head-on shrimps.” Just call me prince. I sure remember the transition to Boone’s Farm Apple and Strawberry Hill!

    1. My grands do indeed make life worth living. And a lot more fun, too.
      Unpeeled and head-on shrimp make the tastiest broth of all. And being an old Florida girl, I do mind peeling or deheading. Beheading?
      Ah yes, the sweet Kool Taste of the Boone's Farm wines. And with a kick!

  13. The other day I was talking to an "old" friend about Merv Griffin and Mike Douglas. And how we would watch their shows w/our moms. We were very exciting young people. Hope your kidney stone is taken care of soon! I cannot believe how big those boys are getting; I remember when they were born, for god's sake.

    1. I used to watch "All My Children" with my mother. I think it was the only soap either of us ever watched.
      Yes. Children grow up TOO fast.

    2. In 1963, Mike Douglas was live. One of the newsmen, Bud Dancy interrupted the show to say President Kennedy was shot.

  14. Where am I going? looks like the country is headed for hell. I don't know about you, but I'm trying my best to get out of that handbasket. Let them go there all by themselves.

    August is either Spiderman or a new breed of tailless monkey. Time will tell. Both of those boys are beautiful though.

    One last thing...I have become acquainted with a new term. It is called Bohemian Maximalist. Look it up and you will find that you, Mary Moon, are one of the grandmothers of that movement.

    1. I think August is a tailless monkey. Looking at his arms and legs, I would say a spider monkey.
      Oh my god! I looked up Bohemian Maximalist and my decor doesn't even register on that scale! But I sort of love it.

  15. unpeeled head on shrimp in the soup? ugh, no thanks. reminds me of the time when we were young just starting the studio and doing the brand new renaissance fair and there was a couple down from up north, Montana maybe. anyway everyone took them under their wings and the last weekend they fixed dinner for everyone as a thank you, some sort of shrimp dish which I can't remember exactly but they didn't know you had to peel the shrimp. kinda crunchy.

    1. But Ellen- unpeeled and head on is the most flavorful shrimp! And it does not bother me at all to peel it at the table and pinch their little heads off. I think it is a very Asian thing to do to leave the heads and peel on. Nothing wasted.
      Some people do eat shrimp shells. I am not one of them.

  16. In Ohio we have our own collection of bizarre road signs. One strange example is a double decker sign near Dayton. On the top sign it says, "Obey Jesus or Hell." Then it lists a Hebrews chapter and verse that I guess we're supposed to go look up or have memorized. So many layers of odd, but I can't help thinking that Hebrews is an old testament book that has no references to Jesus. The next line on that sign lists (in all caps) the words, "abortionists, fornicators, liars, hypocrites, and drunkards."

    The sign IMMEDIATELY underneath the above billboard advertises for a gun show with free parking. The curious tag line reads, "Always on target." It always leaves wondering if would Jesus really be digging a sign advertising guns. You know that whole swords into plowshares thing. Then the word bold hypocrites from the sign above...

    A never ending cycle of confusion and unpleasant thoughts about the yahoos that put these two signs up as companion signs on the same darn billboard poles.

    So I'm with your friend. I'm going to Del Taco.

    1. "Obey Jesus or Hell"? That's not even grammatical as I don't think that Hell is capable of giving instructions.
      Funny that all of the things the sign lists as evil (I guess), fit pretty neatly as a description of Donald Trump. He doesn't drink though. I bet he's paid for his share of abortions.
      Hey! Jesus loves guns! Just ask the NRA! I'm sure they're like his favorite thing!
      The signs in central Florida are just horrible and all in that vein. Ugh. Let's ALL go to Del Taco.

  17. Ha! I love your friend's Del Taco quip. And also the photo of dog island. And August's dexterity!

    It's good you went to the doctor even if he's not convinced the stone is on the move. At least he knows you're not after pain meds. We'll see what the scan shows, I guess!

    I remember Fred Sanford making jokes about Ripple but I didn't know what it was until years and years later! I've never tasted it. I wonder what it tastes like?

    1. Yes. I felt so virtuous refusing pain meds. This is so when I need them I can ask for them and won't be thought of as an addict. By him, anyway. Because if this stone really does make a move I'll be begging for morphine. Trust me.
      I don't think I've ever had Ripple either.

  18. I remember Fred Sandford but not Ripple. The US is a shitshow right now. I hope it gets better, maybe some antibiotics? Or a flood? We already had the pandemic:) I am joking.

    Take care Mary and hope you feel better soon.

    1. Thanks, sweetie. I've felt pretty good today.
      Yeah. I keep thinking the planet is going to do something soon to purge us.

  19. RE; Ripple, remember MD2020, aka "Mad Dog" Yikes, that was some horrible stuff!!

    1. I do remember MD 2020. I never drank any. That stuff was for real "juicers". Remember that word for winos?


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.