Sure. I write about my life and my family and what's going on with us but I like to imagine that what I'm mostly doing is writing essays. Little bitty tiny essays that might start out with the weather or the dogs and then end up being about something so much bigger.
Or sometimes, it goes the other way. I start out big and end up tiny.
But the truth is, when I sit down to write, I rarely have any idea what I'm going to say.
Stephen King, in his excellent book about writing (which is titled, remarkably, On Writing) says that it's the "men in the basement" who do all the work while we're sleeping or thinking about what to cook for dinner and then, when we sit down, all of their work spills out on the page.
Some days, those men in the basement have been down there sweatin' their manly asses off and those are the days when things just drop into my lap and I congratulate myself on having some sort of magic, some sort of juju to share.
Then there are other days when the men in the basement have obviously been lying in the hammock drinking beer and watching reruns of The Brady Bunch because there seems to be nothing in the hopper whatsoever and today, well, today is one of those days.
Blame the men in the basement and for god's sake, quit buying them beer and TURN OFF THAT DAMN TELEVISION!
I have neither personal stuff to talk about (or that I care to talk about) nor any great, grand things to say about the world or humankind.
I was thinking about doing a things-that-annoy-the-piss-out-of-me post but hell, with temperatures in the seventies, and the azaleas beginning to bloom, how much can you really get annoyed at?
Okay. Here's one thing: Packaging.
And that's enough about that.
And Lord knows I've already discussed spring enough and it's not even really spring yet so I need to save something for when it really is.
I would talk about the bar but there seems to be a Plan B going into effect and I don't want to discuss it quite yet because, well, it's not set in stone.
And so, since nothing is poking my brain or heart or soul enough right now to make me want to go into great poetic detail about it, I'll give you that photo above which is a picture of a type of clover that grows here all on its own which I think is actually called four-leafed pink sorrel. Little Harley came over this week and I introduced him to it because children love to eat the blossoms. My own kids did and called it "sour flower" because it has a slightly sour candy taste. Harley agreed that it was delicious and ate a handful. Sometimes I try to pull it up but sometimes I just let it go. They actually sell it down at the Native Nurseries so I guess it's a "legitimate" plant and besides, it's the only thing that'll grow under the magnolias.
Besides, it's pretty.
And here's an azalea from the front yard:
All the pink things seem to be blooming now. The white ones can't be far behind.
And now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll take off all my clothes and go roll in the nice warm dirt in the sun because it's supposed to start storming with hail by tomorrow and then be down in the thirties again by Monday and I'd like to soak up some Vitamin D and happiness before it all disappears again.
The men in the basement and I will be back soon. Until then, happy Friday, y'all.
If I'd known you were coming, I'd have baked a cake.
But here- try some of these sour flowers. Tasty, huh?
I loooove sour flowers. They always amazed me when I was little, and now I love sharing them with kids. I introduced Kian and Riley to them one time, and Kian was weirded out, but Riley seemed to like it them. hah
ReplyDeleteI love this. And it is so very, very true. Wonderful writing.
ReplyDeleteMaybe that's why I have nothing decent to say these days....I don't have a basement, therefore, no men in the basement.
ReplyDeleteIt all makes sense to me now!
Pretty flower, by the way. Pink is my favorite color.
Azaleas blooming in February! I'm living in the wrong state!
ReplyDeleteMy Dad has azaleas that color in his yard, makes me homesick! Also, jealous because all day today, it was 30 degrees, with cold wind and snow. :(
ReplyDeleteHoney- Yes. Children (who are slightly open to new experiences) love the sour flowers.
ReplyDeleteMary G.- Thank you for stopping by and thank you for what you said.
Rachel- Well I have no basement either. Maybe for me it's the men in the attic. (SHUT UP, GUYS! TURN THAT TV OFF AND GET TO WORK because I can't sleep!)
MOB- Is this just occurring to you?
Ginger- Mmmm. Well, we're supposed to get temps in the thirties in a few days. And they are getting snow in Alabama so you never know what's next for us.
Mama, I just caught up with your last four posts and damn, you are amazing. Your consistent insightfulness and how prolific you are... Your words just keep on coming, and I am so glad they do. You are the best thing I read.
ReplyDeleteMiss Maybelle- And my heart is filled with thoughs of you.
ReplyDeleteYea, the sour flowers were the highlight of our day. Well, it's a toss up between the flowers and the zuppa! Zuppa to the rescue!! That was a riot.
ReplyDeleteThat soup is divine. I've been getting hit with bad news the past few days and it's the perfect comfort food... and I also found another great way to eat it. On top of mashed potatoes. Oh Lordy, it is so yummy... and comforting.
Thank you thank you thank you.
xo pf
beautiful pics! i especially love the new header photo!
ReplyDeleteMs. Fleur- Supposedly, the sour flowers have vitamin C in them, which is a good thing. It was so fun to watch Harley pick and eat them. And try to get the dogs to eat them. Wait until we get chickens! They'll eat them!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm so glad you like the soup and if it has comforted you, it has died and gone to heaven because comfort is soup's purpose in life.
Ms. Bliss- thank-you!
To this day, I have to eat a sour flower from time to time or I feel like I'm missing out on something. As a kid, I associated them with the term "rabbit tobacco", but I'm pretty sure it's not actually the herb that carries that name.
ReplyDeleteOh, and if you eat too much of it, you get a belly ache.
i have often seen the sorrels at tallahassee nurseries with the basil and other herbs. i didn't know that they had cute little "sour flowers"! i will have to get one of those this year! do they have a purpose in cooking or are they just for munching?
ReplyDeleteDTG- Well, if you eat too much of ANYTHING you'll get a tummy ache.
ReplyDeleteLady Lemon- You can put the flowers in salads for a lovely color and spritely taste. Be careful about planting them though because THEY SPREAD.